Ji Sung’s Dark Legal Drama Defendant Premieres This Monday on SBS
This Monday is the premiere of new SBS Mon-Tues drama Defendant, taking over for the huge hit that was Romantic Doctor, Teacher Kim. It will be interesting to see how the ratings are for Defendant right off the bat, with KBS in midway airing of sageuk Hwarang and MBC finishing up the final week of the low rated Night Light. On one hand Defendant seems really dark and depressing, on the other hand it’s likely an underdog gets vindication type of justice seeking story that Korean audiences tend to lap up.
The drama posters are suitably dark, with my favorite being the one where Ji Sung‘s prosecutor turned defendant finds himself sitting in a dim cell staring at the lone streak of light from the window above. I’m going to check out the first episode to see if the second screenwriter of City Hunter is back from a five year hiatus with something worth watching up her sleeve. The long preview linked below looks really riveting but it may not be for everyone, those seeking lighthearted fare on Mon-Tues may have only Hwarang to nibble on for the near future.
Long preview for Defendant:
I’ll try watching this drama because the genre is one of my favorite genres. The story is full of humanity element so I think I’ll enjoy it much. Uhm ki joon is another factor I need this. It’s been long time since the last time I saw him in drama. The last I want to know how much Yuri improving her acting ability… Curious.
JI Sung will kill it. Yuri is the only one that is underwhelming. That scene of them together should be fraught with tension and intensity but I’m getting nothing from her……otherwise it looks awesome. JI Sung is always awesome in intense roles.
I will watch this drama because 2 things my fav. genres and Ji Sung. JS is an amazing actor who can get really into his character and becomes the character. Is an ability not every actor poses.
Please be decent Yuri please please please
why cant ji sung get a good leading actress
what are you saying? HJE is way more decent enough for JS and definitely to his caliber.Not all actress can match Ji Sung but she does.