
Ji Sung’s Dark Legal Drama Defendant Premieres This Monday on SBS — 6 Comments

  1. I’ll try watching this drama because the genre is one of my favorite genres. The story is full of humanity element so I think I’ll enjoy it much. Uhm ki joon is another factor I need this. It’s been long time since the last time I saw him in drama. The last I want to know how much Yuri improving her acting ability… Curious.

  2. JI Sung will kill it. Yuri is the only one that is underwhelming. That scene of them together should be fraught with tension and intensity but I’m getting nothing from her……otherwise it looks awesome. JI Sung is always awesome in intense roles.

  3. I will watch this drama because 2 things my fav. genres and Ji Sung. JS is an amazing actor who can get really into his character and becomes the character. Is an ability not every actor poses.

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