
Defendant Continues SBS Mon-Tues Dominance as Episode 7 Hits 20.9% Ratings — 17 Comments

  1. Hooray! Wow! Wow!
    Ji Sung deserves to have the public attention cos he is a jewel in the sea: your jewel shine in the vast vast sea.

    And finally Ji Sung must also take care of himself.
    We want to enjoy more of his acting for many, many years to come!

  2. Ji Sung deserves it and much more… He is the best Kdrama actor for me. So glad that he was able to ride again after the Entertainer debacle.

  3. Ockoala. What the hell are you on about ? Secret never beat heirs in ratings.

    It didn’t have a higher peak or average ratings than heirs.

    Heirs beat in both peak and average ratings…I know everyone didn’t like Heirs but Heirs broke 25% whil3 secret couldn’t break 20

    • Chill…

      Secret beat Heirs when they aired at the same time. If this isn’t the best way to compete, I don’t know what is. Heirs’ ratings took off significantly only after Secret ended, bolstered also by the fact that Pretty Man which succeeded Secret and MBC’s Medical Top Team which started same time as Heirs, were both duds.

      • But that is a biased way of judging a show ratings.

        One show was in the peak of its time slot and the other was just starting and finding it’s audience .

        I hated heirs and it is I my top 5 worst kdramas ever. So please think I’m biased

      • There is hardly a perfect way of judging a show’s ratings. There are things like the strength of its competition and different starting points.

        Since Secret had a only headstart of 4 eps, I won’t say that the story was at its height when Heirs entered into the fray. More importantly, Secret was actually well beaten by The Master’s Sun which was The show at the peak of its time slot before it ended and was succeeded by Heirs. This would be a better example of a not so fair way of judging the competition because Secret just started and Master’s Sun was in the final 4 eps. Thus, Heirs and Secret fighting along each other for 12 eps or 6 weeks is a good enough period for comparison.

        I, too think Heirs is right there among the worst kdramas but Secret or not, the ratings was a success. I am just pointing out the facts here.

    • What she meant is secret actually had higher ratings than heir durings its run but it ended on November after secret ended Heir started getting higher ratings and then surpassed 20%. They were both competing on the same timeslot Secret actually beat heirs .

    • from the 1st to 12th episodes of heirs the rating of secret love was always higher. Secret Love has 4 episodes before heirs, heirs break 20% after secret love ended

  4. Ji Sung is absolutely amazing!! This drama is getting better and better, I love that its not just Ji Sung who is trying to put the puzzel together but us, the audience as well. Oh let’s not for get Kim Min-seok!! This is going to break him out as an actor to watch out for!

  5. Ms. Koala, your dislike of certain dramas is definitely showing here but not everyone is of the same opinion as you on Moon Lovers.

  6. Didn’t KMHM do good? Or was it avg. ratings…..idk but that was a good drama career wise for him.

    Anyway congrats ~ he’s too good.

  7. Congratulations to Ji Sung ! So happy for you! Every of your silent tears streaming down your face and your crying and wailing scenes are heart wrenching! It hurts so much watching those scenes. Ji Sung you are an excellent actor! Fighting JS Fighting!!!

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