
Suzy Goes Conservative School Girl at Fan Meeting for Solo Album — 20 Comments

  1. Lol. I thought exactly the same thing when I saw the picture.

    As a Catholic School Girl myself I heard the faint voice of a Sistar telling me to tie up my hair and tuck in my shirt neatly.

    For a couple that many thought wouldn’t last they are sure going strong. I find it odd there are still delusional fans out there who thinks this relationship is a hoax for some random made up reasons. I hope they get married and have kids.

    Future heartbreakers in the making those kids.

    • Sorry to break your heart, those kids will undergo plastic surgery again as both their parents have done, seen their old photos, they cant hide what they look like before, lololol.

      • Wow…those kids aren’t born yet and you’re already bashing? That’s vindictive to a new degree.

        And you obviously haven’t seen their pre debut pictures if you’re pushing that narrative.

    • Her album released on 17/01/24 and Gaon album chart for january she sold 11,020 not bad since missA last Comeback 2015 they sold 10,570.

      • @IceCream n @tri3, thank you for the info..base on the number I can say sz album fail too( the different number sz n seohyun ), I thought sz sold her album like 100k or more, because they way sz fans praising her like she’s the mighty god. In reality seohyun’s album has more sale more than sz.

  2. I dont like this trend that seems going for korean celebs. They all go so skinny now, losing all the fat, cheeks look so dried up. On some, their heads look bigger than their bodies.

    • If it’s her first time going solo and doing all the promotional work alone, it’s probably harder on her but she’ll be alright.

      also, i totally forgot she was going out with Lee Min Ho!

  3. “shellacked with too much light BB cream”…so that is what causes that. I dislike the too light plastic look that I see from both the men and women in K-Drama and K-Pop. This is also especially true as their make-up artists haven’t perfected the blending at the neck so it looks almost like a mask at times. Suzy isn’t as bad as others I’ve seen, but this is an uninspired look.

  4. suzyyy,,omoooooo,,,she is the best,, daebak,,, her comeback got allkill,, the album sales is top chart too,, next drama will hit daebak,, even with that dress she is still gorgeous.. daebak suzy,, fighting!!!

  5. I think the look is good, to create a balance with the cover and scenes on her new solo, since on the solo the way she dresses and the scenario, gives the vibe of an advertisement for a bordel and their services ( my personal and honest opinion and perception) .

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