
Jeon Ji Hyun Pretty Even in Denim Potato Sack Dress for New Sneaker CF — 16 Comments

    • I THInk she dieted too much after having her baby.. she looks so good and healthy on mlfts, and she looks too thin and tired on lotbs, I hope she’s now well rested and gain some weight so she won’t be gaunt looking…put on some chubby cheeks..

  1. I watched her movie, Assassination and she was sooo good on it. Waiting for her to comeback to Chungmuro. After all, she was the Box Office Queen. Her last drama, LOTBS also did pretty well, 17.6% ave ratings.

  2. I really love the dress and shoes. Koala, is there any way you can find out what brand both the shoes and clotes are? I love to get one…..

    • Yeah!! I HOPE she choose a project with substance.. even if its not an action flick.. I like quiet , melancholic films for her next project pls…

  3. as always her legs are the ugliest like legs of a man. Nice well shaped legs for a Star is a plus plus x- factor. just compare hers to Charlize Theron, JJH legs is a big joke!

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