
Yamapi Plays Matchmaker for Kame and Fumino in First Teasers for I Am Your Destiny — 12 Comments

  1. yamapi looks so cute as matchmaker..
    between this drama and crisis (oguri shun & nishijima hidetoshi combo) coming, I am soo happy

  2. Yamapi was so funny and great in Nobuta wo Produce and since he always had serious character… I miss a funny Yamapi !

    It’s normal they are like they were in wax in the teaser ?

  3. it must be because it’s been ages since I saw Kame in anything b’cause damm that boy looks different from how I remembered he used to be. Did he put on weight or is it because of age or did he do something to his face?

  4. I can’t help but to notice the seiyuu was Fukuyama Jun’s voice. Instead of watching the video I’m enjoying his voice instead.

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