
Kim Sun Ah Picks Gong Yoo as Her Male Ideal Among Her Most Famous Costars — 16 Comments

  1. Of course she’d pick Gong Yoo. He is single and had a really successful year and he is the most relevant out of them right now. There is a newly revived Gong Yoo craze going on, so it’s the safest and the most obvious answer. She hit the jackpot too this year so good for her.

    • she didn’t choose Gong yoo because of his popularity now , they already worked together twice & had good chemistry & were good friends & appeared in many shows together
      So please stop hating on Gong yoo

      • I agree. I watched their photo shoot, they were really close. She looked different back then but GY still looks the same.

  2. Since Woman of Dignity I’ve seen a slew of articles about Kim Hee-sun but nothing about Kim Sun-ah. I was beginning to think she was on the blacklist or something. Thanks for the article & the glam photos. I wish someone would do an interview with her about her dazzling villainess role in WoD.

  3. Lee Dong Wook for me .. but when it comes to success and popularity it’s Goo Yoo .. Lee Dong Wook is so good looking

  4. I think ideal type is not merely about appearances. She’ve worked with them so she must’ve​ known their personalities also and maybe that’s why she chosed Gong Yoo even he’s not the most good looking guy among them

  5. My number one, im still hoping for a series a rom com with her and gong yo they have great chemistry with she on duty love love that movie. She is so sexy . But kim samsoon body i also like and of course love her with all her leading men she have all chemjstry with them only few actress can do .

  6. I’m a Kim Sun Ah ? Gong Yoo shipper ever since the S Diary! that I’ve watched on 2009(when I was in Highschool 16yrs old), thats 9yrs ago but the movie was produced 2004(not sure) and now I’m 26 and I’m still waiting for them to be a real life couple. ?? Oppa & Unnie! Sarangheyo

  7. God knows how I love Gong Yoo but Kim Sun Ah’s chemistry with Cha Seung Won was so good. When asked to compare Hyun Bin, who played opposite of her in “My Name Is Kim Sam Soon, and Ha Jung Woo, the villain in “She’s on Duty,” the actress chose Hyun Bin and stated that Ha Jung Woo was “trying to kill” her in the movie they did together! However, her “City Hall” co-star, Cha Seung Won, beat out both Hyun Bin and Lee Dong Wook in the end! I would marry Cha Seung Won, but I would want to be in a relationship with Gong Yoo.”

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