
Mannequin-esque Drama Posters for Black Knight Pile on the Baroque Style — 33 Comments

  1. This drama I only excited for Kim Rae Won only.. Kim Rae Won will make this drama success! Prison,Doctors now as Black Knight…

  2. Is it big budget drama for KBS this year? They even shoot in Slovenia.. The Poster look great, but does the storyline & actors acting ability so great? I believe in Kim Rae Won acting…

  3. I’d give it a chance. I look forward to what it has to give. Looks mysterious & intriguing. Good luck, Black Knight!Kim Rae Won & co lead cast…all the best!

  4. I believe in Kim Rae Won of course!!! The drama will be success because of him.. He’s the Black Knight after all.. So far his drama always get high rating no matter who the actress!!! He’s the master in acting!!!

      • Not all but his previous drama doctors got more than 20% last year. Then his other dramas got rating wise.

        But i do hope this drama will do well. Even i found his co-star isnt a rating killer. But well, hopefully the story wont be draggy here and there.

  5. I’m gunning for Seo Ji Hye over the female lead who always has a one note expression throughout her dramas. If only she were the lead….. and she’s awesome in badass characters.

    • I love Seo Jihye also, but did she mess with her pretty face? I feel like she did something and I can’t pin it. She is so pretty, she wouldn’t need anymore work.

  6. That back hug poster reminded me of A Thousand Days Promise with Soo Ae. Hopefully this drama will be more light hearted but knowing this writer….

    • And reminded me of shin se kyung drama with song seung hun “when a man loves” as well. No wonder because it has same director/producer LoL

    • These posters are terrible. If they gave out ratings in terms of poster presentations this one gets 0. Did they blow all their budget on the Slovenia shots?

  7. I love the cinematography of the first two trailers. I fell in love with Slovenia. Now KRW is working it as usual but from the poster alone, SSK has the same expression. I find her pretty but her acting has no depth. I hope she will pleasantly surprise me as I was looking forward to watching this

  8. I love Kim Rae Won so much so I’m gonna watch this for sure and try my best to ignore SSK…….she’ll probably be okay in the historical bits though she’s good at that

    • She is good in sageuk actually. K-netz even tell her to do more sageuks instead because she is better at them. Period dramas are actually a quite difficult genre to pull off. Shin Se Kyung’s voice tone is soothing and mature. People like to hate on SSK only because people think she doesn’t have enough chemistry with her co-stars. And of course the fact that she dated with a SHINee member, that maddens all the idol fans.

    • usually people with wooden acting shines more in historical dramas, because women back then are more reserved. its a way to conceal acting flaws, i suppose.

      and nah i doubt ppl dislike ssk’s acting just because she dated one shinee member years ago lmao. she’s just not that good.

  9. SSK’s expression in the first pic is just wow…I’m most worried about the writing and her acting.

    I feel like she could develop into a good actress if she gave it her all no matter the role, story setting or who her costar is but she’s just too inconsistent and shows she’s not ready for a leading female role yet. Kdramas seem to have exceptionally low standards these days though so she keeps getting cast.

    Anyway I hope she rises up to the occasion and gives us viewers a good performance. Please SSK, I really believe you have it in you. Also I hope once again this is an entertaining drama and not an underwhelming drama or an unfolding train wreck so typical of 2017 kdrama roster.

  10. Shin Se Kyung caught my interest in Fashion King. I gave her credit for having been chosen as a lead actress in the dramas she was/is in. Good luck & all the best with the Black Knight, Kim Rae Won, SSK.

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