
Popular Drama Costars Mark Chao and Yang Mi Shine in Red for H&M’s New Lunar New Year Collection — 20 Comments

    • yeah… isn’t it great that the Higher Power is watching over us? I am so thankful to Ms Koala for cleaning up there 🙂 We need more critical thinkers, we can disagree, but we do not need repeating babbles… lol…

      • Yeah, ’anon’ was completely delulu. I thought I was too harsh but actually, I’m just a realistic commenter and critical thinker (sometimes I go overboard, but not as bad as ’anon’) 🙂

      • Ms Koala has been removing nonsense comments from @Anon & @Anonymous. Most recent removal is today from Lee Se Young’s article. Thank you!!

  1. nice looking clothes but my trouble with H&M is its material quality, it is ok if I only want to wear it for one or two occasions as long as I don’t wash the outfit… hahaha…

  2. I pray that they will team up for another drama sooon; but ok if they take time to find great script – I will wait for this reunion.

  3. Awww when perfect couple unite they have best chemistry together and sure they can act . More colaboration more dramas more and more

  4. Did you see their interviews? They are still adorable and have so much chemistry
    I’m praying they will work together in another drama soon
    And I need whatever YM is wearing here

  5. They are my number one priority couple in any movie or drama. Pray, they would pair off again in anything especially another drama. Their chemistry is very much alive ..

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