
Song Joong Ki Considering Period K-drama Asadal as Comeback Project — 70 Comments

  1. Kim Jin Won PD-NIM will be directed this. I swear I’m in heaven right now if that’s happen…. It’s Kim Jin Won PD Nim who work with him in Nice Guy…. It will be a dream reunion…. Just like reunion Lee Jun Ki with Kim Jin Min. Both are world class PD…. The quality will lies on the rest of the cast and THE WITERS! Please writer, give the script justice since you are working with a brilliant PD! I will be watching this even if SOng Joong Ki reject this project. I get through Just between Lovers because of Kim Jin Won. He is that talent…

  2. goddamnit…why it has to be period… I hate period drama sorry just my taste. anyhow all the best for song jong ki even I probably won’t be watching.

  3. I am soo ready for this drama.i hope song joon ki does this. the writers wrote queen seonduk and one of them also wrote jewel in the palace too plus director Kim jin won and boom you have at least a well made drama.

    • Probably Shin Sekyung. She was in all three of the PD’s works – Queen Seondeok, Deep Rooted Tree and Six Flying Dragons. Plus she’s one of the few leading actresses that is free right now.

      • Can it be Moon Chae Won? She’s exceptional in period dramas and Kim Jin Won’s directing style works well with her acting style. KJW and MCW is actually the reunion I want to see happen.

      • SSK were good on those dramas. I think the PD really know how to work with her acting ability and facial expression.
        So, IF the leading lady is SSK, I think it will be ok at least

      • @Jushi; Yess to Moon Chae Won! Ah if only, she is so unlucky picking drama since Innocent Man….

        Please don’t be Shin Se Kyung Lol

      • SSK is ok in sageuks… chances are high that she will get an offer as she just finishes a drama and currently waiting for next suitable project… Has Kim Ji Won ever acted in sageuks? not sure if her angular face & modern look will fit sageuk style…

  4. Moon chae Won+PD+Historical drama is a great combination.But when you put SJK in the picture.All I can think of is the now sunken ship ChaeKi and Song Song shippers.I can imagine the chaos.Even though the guy is married..these people dont know when to stop.

    I hope SJK finds a good co star to work with.But MCW suffered enough damage due to being associated with him professionally.

    • 2021. Coming here to express my love for both SJK and MCW as individual actors. At the same time NOT WANTING them to work together ever again. I don’t like the fact that people ship again now just because SJK got divorced.

  5. @missjib Actually she’s been unlucky after Good Doctor, not Innocent Man & no I don’t think it’ll be a good idea to reunite with Song Joong Ki, but yes to reuniting Kim Jin Won PD again one day, he is such a good PD.

    • @Evangeline I agree.The PD and historical drama is good for Moon Chae Won.But working with Song Joong Ki is a big fat NO!!!Just think about WW3 if that happen .between the sunken Chaeki ship and Song Song shippers.I can imagine the chaos.MCW has suffered more than enough damage just for being associated to this guy professionally.

    • Song Joongki’s previous co-star was Song Hye Kyo. I think his next co-star will be another S-lister… Kim Tae-hee, Son Ye-jin, Han Hyo-joo, Park Shin-hye etc.

      • To be fair shk was also hated on so it was both sides it just songsong shippers are more popopular so they seem more nasty

  6. moon chae won and song joon ki will be good but do you all think moon chae won will accept if given the offer, I don’t think so.

  7. Moon Chae Won already suffered enough because of SongSong shippers so no way. I feel like SSK is going to get an offer because she’s worked with them before and knetz have no problem with her when she is in sageuks. Also, this would be their Ogamdo reunion. I’m sure she will receive extra hate though, especially from i-fans and SongSong shippers..

    • SongSong shipping sounds so cringy already. Give it a rest. They are already married.

      SJK has to come back though. It’s been awhile. I would have thought he already retired from acting.

      • KissFm, calling something cringy just because you don’t like it..ughh it’s
        SO RUDE..delulu crazy immature fans are everywhere. Every kpop band, every actor/actress has delulu fans unfortunately…but you can’t blame an entire group because of those stupids…what you’re doing is so rude, you know that right?

        Also SJK didn’t retire. He had a movie in 2017 (battleship island) and he got married. the guy is enjoying his newlywed life and he picks his projects carefully because he doesn’t want to harm his successful career..

      • How rude is that? It is cringy. You must be taking this shipping too personally I guess.

    • Lmao @ this exaggeration. MCW aint suffer nothing because her ship with SJK was almost forgotten by the time DOTS came out. Where are the evidence of her suffering that you speak of at the hands of SongSong shippers? Don’t pull these lies out of your ass and parading them as facts. And don’t act like obsessed and deluded Chaeki shippers didn’t have their fair share of nasty behaviour towards SHK. They used to give SHK so much shit for being paired with SJK, calling her an old woman unworthy of SJK, the third party that broke their precious imaginary ship.

      • @Lil THIS!!!!!!!! Ever since SHK casted on dots, stupid delulu chaeki/MCW /SJK/antiSHK fans-idiots called song hye kyo nasty words like ”serial dater, thirsty for men, old woman, auntie vs..”. they wrote these nasty words on shk’s instagram!! since sjk and mcw didn’t have social media accounts they didn’t experience this bullsh+t!! Also this stupid ‘war’ happened among stupid toxic i-fans. Korean media and korean fans didn’t give a sh!t about this stupid war.

        FUN FACT!! korean celebs esp korean actors/actresses don’t care about i-fans really..they aren’t aware of their stupid fights/opinions..they just don’t care..they don’t know anything about your existence.

      • @kdramalover – I don’t care about your argument with @Lily re the different delulu ships. BUT your FUN FACT is sooooo wrong. Which K-celeb don’t want to hold fan meetings in China and Japan, huh? They want i-fans and they want to earn foreign money. I hope you are a Korean saying this… but if you are an i-fan, you are totally pathetic trying to put all i-fans down who are watching K-dramas

      • @candycane ughh seriously… what I mean by i-fans I mean the western fans..I’m excluding fans from Asia.. Do you really think k-media, k-idols, k-actors care about your shipping/kpop fights on twitter/forums/translating blogs ? guys get angry for nothing..and I’m talking about acting celebs!!!
        FOR ACTORS/ACTRESSES what matters most is koreans and asian fans..sorry but that’s the truth..If korean public opinion is against them k-actors careers are finished..most of the korean actors only speak Korean and because of this they can only act in korean order to be popular in china or japan and make money there, they have to act in a good kdrama for their image..did you ever see an unpopular korean actor holding big fanmeetings and making good money outside of korea?

        also because of political issues, k-celebs can’t take china and japan granted for.

        ps: don’t be rude! don’t call other people bad names! just like in real life you have to be respectful here too..

      • @kdramaloveron I do think the intense shipping fights/stuff from ifans is mostly from the non-Korean asian fans though.Kdrama+Kpop+Kentertainment is still a niche in Europe+Africa+America.I mean you are not wrong when you say it would be delusional to think k-actors/idols read comments from soompi, dramabeans, koala, netizenbuzz,allkpop,onehallyu etc..but you see those shipping fights are usually on instagram,facebook, twitter etc not on western blogs..and from the comments I read on these social media..they are usually originating from South East Asia.Maybe this is me generalising but thats just my observation.

      • @kdramalover – what’s this “ps: don’t be rude!….”? Are you talking to yourself here? You are the one saying “stupid delulu… fans-idiots….” Please re-read your own comment, or have you already forgotten what you have written?? I think you are the one being disrespectful… hahaha… I am only calling a ship “delulu”… what a joke! Talking about FUN FACT… the FUN FACT is “you cannot even define i-fans correctly” what a joke!! LOLOL…

      • @candycane don’t backtrack and try to put words on my called sjk-shk shippers delulu. just because you don’t like sjk-shk or shk that doesn’t mean you guys can belittle their fans by calling them cringy, delulu,rabid have to respect it..

        I’m saying ”delulu/stupid fans” to oppafanatics-antis..bcuz they are not normal..they hate the woman so much bcuz she got their oppa..they make stupid rumors like they know her personally. I’m talking about this stupidity..

      • every group/society/country has bad people and good can’t generalise it. you guys said mcw suffered so much..but the reality is, this stupid ship fight happened between delulu ifans..kmedia and korean fans didn’t even know this stupidity. the places where delulu ifans can get most close to kstars are instagram&twitter..but mcw closed her instagram during 2016march/april so she cut off those delulu fans contact to her….so no she didn’t get any harm.. but shk still had her instagram and delulu fans continued to attacked her for 2 years (2015-2017)..

        ever since shk casted on dots delulu shippers attacked her and went to her instagram, called her bad names..and shk fans defended her not songsong fans. yeah there were people who shipped songsong during 2015june-2016march. but they were not really committed to it bcuz songsong didn’t show to press their closeness during that time. after 2016 baeksang their shippers increased and SOME of them become delulu. look my english is not good but I hope you understand my point on this topic.

        (I’m talking about -delulu ifans- not the normal i-fans)

      • look..i get it you don’t like sjk-shk couple..and i like sjk-shk couple..but please don’t call an entire group delulu/cringy bcuz of some bad don’t have a right to belittle someone/something. please respect each other..our arguing is so pointless..bcuz kcelebs don’t read here..there has never been an article on korean media about this chaeki-songsong fight stupidity..koreans aren’t even aware of this stupid fight…as you can see we’re arguing for nothing..have a nice day

    • @kissfm wow you guys are just…i dont know maybe i don’t understand bcuz my english is not good..look someone (i forgot their user names) called ALL sjk-shk fans are delulu/crazy.. yeah there are lunatics who claim their bias but there are also normal people who likes to just cheer for their bias….what is wrong with cheering for someone? if that’s wrong then all the kpop fans are delulu bcuz they’re also cheering for their group. I’m perfectly aware that im just a fan..meaning i don’t have any rights over them, it’s their life, they can do whatever they want, they can be with whoever they want. it does not concern me. all of you are acting like fans who cheers for couples are

      so yeah sorry if I don’t like it when someone says to me ”you are a fan of this couple that means you’re crazy”

    • kissfm please read my comment on below @lily’s post. seriously y’all are acting like it’s a shame/crime to like a real couple.

      • Lol It’s not a crime for sure. Shameful, well it’s for you to determine your feelings. Cringy? hahaha definitely..

  8. Please please please let this happen! He is so incredibly in Sageuk and has never even had a starring role doing it! His brief turn in Tree with Deep Roots is still one of my all time favorite acting performances. If this drama is any good at all, this could be epic!

    • If Park Shin Hye is coming back to dramaland, even though I rather seeing her doing movies, I would love to see her paring with SJK on this! I would like to see Shin Hye challenging herself, going out of her comfort zone, and do a Sageuk drama!

      • I think it won’t be Park Shin Hye… Since She is busy with variety show? Hope Kim Jin Won has the authority to cast someone he think is worthy, and not TVN….

  9. There will be no reason for side drama from the fangirls, since both are taken! Let them amusing us with their acting! Pure Art time, with no burden, for the artists and drama lovers!

  10. lol mcw suffer in what way, did it affect her career, if u are referring to her closing of her ig, most of celebrities will have those annoying comments on any of der post, she is not the only one, since its clear some arent fans of shk so u dont know the comments she is getting whenever she post a pic with sjk promoting the drama, but instead of stopping she post more,

    • ???.I told y’all.Just mention their ship and they will come swarming in like bees.Whoever is going to co-star with SJK in a romance project from now on should brace themselves.These guys are rabid.

      • @RubyRed lols I read they want Jun Ji Hyun as his next costar cuz she’s married so pairing them up would be the safest hahaha heck I wanna see him romance all the beautiful actresses Han Hyo Joo, Park Shin Hye, Son Ye Jin etc etc !! lols

      • He is already married, so there is no longer Shipper War I guess.. So whoever his leading lady is, she should be fine. And MCW – SJK chemistry was really memorable among Nice Guy fans so I don’t blame them from shipping SJK – MCW so hard when it’s airing.

  11. ughhh my head!!! to those who calls some fan groups ‘Cringy, Rabid, Delulu’;
    as a fan I think my actor/actress bias should do whatever is necessary for his/her character regardless their marital status. Because they are playing a character..and their job is acting..they got paid for they should do their job properly and deserve their money.. I know there are lots of fans who thinks like you can see you can’t call an entire fan group bad names.. there are bad/immature fans in every group..stop stereotyping!! it

  12. I finally get it… all the shippers are actually from western fans. I got puzzled why these shipping businesses are so serious among ifans. I’m coming from ASEAN I thought shipping was just for fun. I hope people stop these shipping wars cuz I found it very childish and cringey at the same time..geez

    • @RubyRed says they are from South East Asia… What do you mean by “western” anyways? Caucasian? White? Black? how about Asians living in North America – are they western fans or non-Korean Asian fans? Gosh… I was born in Rome, Southern Europe if you define it… you gals are confusing me really badly here….

      • oh well… whateva cannot really be taken lightly as wherever… this can become quite territorial as you can read it. Someone can take this personally, even though this whole shipping thing is so Cringy… lol…

      • U are taking all things too seriously, that is the problem, just take a pill chill girl or do something meaningful to your life.

      • I don’t think there is any problem taking things seriously… This is the proper way of learning. You think you “finally get it”, but you are wrong. Shippers are from South East Asia – the place you are from. Living with wrong information is not meaningful in life for me.

    • Western Fans? I don’t think so. I thought they are from ASEAN regions. All the fights are coming from there. But I just want to make it clear. I don’t mean all fans but mainly the young ones.

  13. It’s a great project from the sounds of it. I think he’ll accept it. Was kind of hoping to see his wife in something before him, but I’ll take him too lol

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