
SBS Drama Switch Premieres at Ratings Lead But Overall Viewership Declines — 21 Comments

  1. Not watching any drama at the moment because the plotlines sound bored to death, not because there’re lowly rated. Rating does not make sense anymore Like my golden life, I stopped watching after episode 5, I don’t get the hype. But I guess, I ‘m the minority.

  2. I like My Adjusshi the most, what a sad & interesting story! Let me help you Lee Ji An!
    My 2nd best 2018, My Husband Oh Jak Doo makes me happy again! Let me be your wife,Oh Jak Doo!

  3. This is the first time in years that there’s nothing appealing to me. Adultery? Nope. No romance(My Ajusshi)? Nope. And is there even romance in Switch? Not enough in the previews to grab my attention anyways.
    Yeah…not a whole lot out there interesting for me right now.

    • I think you hit the nail on the head. Where are all the romantic comedies? I was looking forward to Clean With Passion for Now, but it probably won’t air for some time.

  4. Personally, I’m actually enjoying quite a few currently airing dramas, I’m glad there’s more variety now. I don’t even care whether plots are recycled or full of cliches, if the drama is charming and entertaining, i’m sitting back and enjoying it.

    Stopped caring about ratings long ago since koreans are more disenchanted with prime-time kdramas and/or more of them are watching online and the interest in a show isn’t always accurately reflected in the TV only ratings. I don’t have access to numbers or studies on viewership trends being done so I can only theorize.

  5. Maybe it’s because of too many airing drama at the moment. With so many recycle plot, which make people getting tired. But I’m glad there is a show who is still give a shit trying to create a good drama.

  6. Second or third the recommendation for My Ajusshi. It’s got everything from corporate intrigues, spy-thriller, imperfect hero and heroine, family dynamics, and even a hint of an unconventional romance. It’s not your typical kdrama, but it is very well made with a rich story at the core.

  7. Didn’t think I’d like My Ahjussi at first, but it’s becoming a firm favorite. The writing’s great so far, and some scenes really do tug at your heartstrings.

    The Queen of Mystery is fun to watch. Some scenes I feel are unnecessary or unnecessarily long, but I love both leads and the mystery/sleuthing aspects of it.

    I’ve given Switch a try because of Han Yeri. A few of the supporting actors’ acting is a bit lacking, but I’m going to wait for next week and see if the plot gets more interesting.

  8. Live is my #1 KDrama fix then in no favourite order – Welcome to Waikiki; Mysterious Personal Shopper; Evergreen; My husband Oh Jak Do; Marry Me; Havent started Switch; Pretty Noon who buys Me Food and My Ahjussi as I need a few episodes aired before I start. I know quite a few on the go but with work and family my hobby is actually watching K dramas. ❤️

    • This is mostly what I’m watching too and I’m enjoying them all. My Ahjussi and Hotel Waikiki are my current favorites.

      • Isn’t Hotel Waikiki just the best tonic ever? I haven’t laughed so hard in all the 2 years of watching KDramas I almost piss myself at the scene set ups. Clever scriptwriters + Great story lines per episode- original and quirky + Talented cast who’s characters are just so plain dopey but adorable. I’m so happy they extended to 20 episodes. Never a dull moment- ever! I’m hoping for a spin off like a feature length movie where they’re all partnered up and they do a house swap in Waikiki Hawaii and what antics they get up to whilst away.

  9. Start watching Switch yesterday. It’s a fun drama. I like the flow of the storyline. Great acting by both lead especially their face expression. Too stressful with work so I really need a fun drama to watch hopeful for more funny moment in the coming episode.

    • Agree With you I can say Jang Geun Suk is back as he is really good in acting and his roles in Switch is perfect for him. All the casts are really good in their roles cant wait for next episode

  10. My Ahjusshi is so great ! The female lead is so different of the other female characters in drama, some changes in drama tropes are welcomed !

    Switch is fun but far-fetched.

    Live is great too. Great casting and the stories are really interesting.

    For now, I think cable channels have the most interesting stories.

  11. I started Switch because at the moment I really need legal drama. I love history usually.. not much interested in melo or romantic sweet as honey (too much bleargh XD) drama. I found it really really intersting and some scene were really funny. Both lead are perfect in their mimic! I will watch this with big interest

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