
Lee Jong Seok and Kim Ji Won Still in Discussions for Netflix K-drama See You Again — 80 Comments

  1. So they haven’t confirmed it yet??
    I want my girl kim ji won to act in those dramas with both LJS and SJK. Can she act both? I just miss her so much.

  2. If it wasn’t for that ‘writer of Oh My Venus’ part I would actually be looking forward to this drama. As it is, I think LJS and KJW are good enough actors and can have the kind of chemistry that might make up for a weak script to some (note: some) degree, but I feel like Asadal is going to be better and want KJW to confirm that too.

    And I don’t get the talk about how she’s too “modern looking” for sageuk – she has no apparent unnatural tweaks to her face and frankly, if actors with very obvious plastic surgery can be in sageuks (with looks that have been clearly enhanced by procedures that didn’t exist before the twentieth century), I don’t get why her face is a problem. I mean, I read a review of Titanic from 1997 that said Leonardo Dicaprio was too “modern looking” for a movie set in that era and we all know how much of a non-problem his face turned out to be for that movie lol.

    • I don’t think Kim Jiwon’s appearance looks too modern. She looked great in Joseon Detective 3 even though it’s a fusion sageuk film. She appeared elegant in lady hanboks and she didn’t look out of place. However, she was underused in that film because her character wasn’t really developped well. So I hope she could showcase more of her period drama acting in Asdal.

  3. @Daisey, who knows what the holdup is? My guess is that they could be demanding to see more of the script, since “pre-produced” in kdramas does not seem to = having a completed script before filming starts. Or maybe money issues? KJW especially is due for a pay rise in drama fees after Fight My Way turned out to be such a sleeper hit (which nobody expected tbh, since it went up against the more hyped My Sassy Girl and was kind of a last minute thing for Park Seo Joon after Hwarang performed so underwhelmingly).

    I think Netflix would at least demand a completed script though. I hope!

    • I heard that in these dramas whether pre-produced or not, actors get only the first four-episodes of the script. They can only decide to sign in or not, based on four episodes. That’s why sometimes the dramas storyline work out well till the end, sometimes it does not.

      • with that writer, I don’t have much confidence that the storyline will work out well… maybe that’s the hesitancy of the actors as well?

      • @candycane, my thoughts exactly, that’s why I wondered if the actors had demanded to see more of the script for this pre-produced drama instead of just signing on with four episodes.

  4. After the brilliant that is “My Ajusshi”…. I have a very high standard when they promote it as “healing romance” drama. It’s going to be a hard parameter to be compared with.

    • “healing romance” is kinda cliche term nowadays…. but when I read the character is a “stubborn romantic that never fails to accomplish what he sets out to do” sounds like more of a “Stalker” to me… lol… where is the healing part?

      • Lol. “Healing” is probably the word to sell dramas these days. May be the healing coming from her romancing the same guy who hurt her in the fist place? You know the thing like…”Only the one who hurt me could heal me”… Haha. Tbh, I don’t have faith in this writer. Let’s see if they can change my mind once they give better description of the healing part.

  5. I find neither of them that great at acting although they can lead a drama on their own. They both kind of need a strong co-actor. But this time, it’s the writer that’s more worrisome. Oh My Venus was so bad that I think I still can’t watch So Ji Sub and Shin Mina without thinking of that mess drama, especially the final scene where So Ji Sub has a less than enthusiastic expression when his wife is pregnant and has gained her weight. Also, Netflix is not doing any favors to K-drama market. They have to learn that K-drama fandom expects subs at least within a day of two and if they start translating and showing that drama weeks later, the hype has already fizzled down. A few years back, Viki was still good but now that site is shit, just like Dramafever which was pretty bad even before. Knowing KJW’s delusional stans, they’d definitely wanted to see her with SJK lol.

    • Oh My Venus turned really stupid in the middle, I would not be surprised if the actors are balking because they have misgivings about the writing and making demands accordingly.

      But I don’t see what’s wrong about KJW’s stans liking the idea of her working with SJK, as long as they’re only talking on the professional level and not delusionally expecting him to leave Song Hye Kyo for her or something unlike certain idol stans lol. You yourself say LJS/KJW need strong co-actors, and SJK is pretty undoubtedly a strong one – if she takes Asadal, it shouldn’t be an issue. I mean, she’s hands down a better actress than Shin Se Kyung and SSK was considered good in Six Flying Dragons.

      • Talking about SJK himself.His biggest hits have also been with strong co-stars and strong production teams(writer+director combo).Werewolf boy-Park Bo Young.Innocent Man-Moon Chae Won.Descendants of the Sun-Song Hye Hyo.When he work with actress like Han Ye Seul in “Penny Pinchers” or Clara in “Five Senses of Eros”..the results weren’t stellar.Having said that, ive seen him in Sunkyunkwan Scandal and Deep Rooted Tree too so I think he has potential to hard carry a drama on his own too.

        Also its either Song Song shippers are insecure and dont like the idea of SJK being in close proximity with a woman who is not SHK?. Or KJW fans are hella delusional to think his marriage would be in disarray just because he is acting with their bias??.He wouldnt do such a stupid thing because it would be career and reputation suicide.The netizens would eat him alive and the media circus would be nothing we have ever seen if he did something like ending his marriage and dating Kim Ji Won.

        Its sad how the post is flooded with Asadal while this is about “See You Again” sigh.

      • True, she could take Asadal. I’m just wondering since I know that SJK is good in Sageuk after watching Sungkyungwan Scandal and Tree With Deep Roots but I’m not sure if KJW can pull of a sageuk role. The movie Detective K showed a glimpse but I’ll have to first see her before I can tell she’d do well. Also, I don’t think SHK will ever be jealous like some people here are claiming because KJW is young and all that….

      • Like many people have mentioned, this team doesn’t do romance-centric dramas so it’s definitely not going to be some Kim Eun Sook-style OTP pairing.

        Unless Kim Ji Won’s diction/pronuncuation suddenly turns weird, I think she’ll do just fine in sageuk, she sounded good speaking in the army formal style in Descendants so at least the technical part should not be too difficult.

        Also too many people are behaving as if Song Hye Kyo herself isn’t an actress with a 20 year career lol. She knows how dramas work!

    • @prettyautumn While I agree that LJS and KJW both need strong acting skill and charismatic co-stars to shine.The same can be said with SJK though.He has mega star power to create drama buzz with his name alone.However, in terms of acting skill, all his biggest hits had strong production team(writer and PD combo)+good co-stars(“innocent man” had moon chae won, “werewolf boy” had park bo young, and “descendant of the sun” had song hye kyo).His parts in Sunkyunkwan Scandal and Deep Rooted tree were great but again he was part of a cast ensemble with good actors.

      Where he had to act with co stars with weaker acting skill and charisma like Han Ye Seul in “Penny Pinchers” or Clara in “Five Senses of Eros” the result was not as stellar.In other words, he has yet to hard carry a drama.

  6. I like kim ji won but sjk should get pairing with A-lister actress since his first drama after married this will failure or hit. I don’t trust tvn they can’t even get 10% rating. With cast a-lister at least they can save weak script. Hyun bin get pairing with park shin hye and jisung with ha ji min. They should get better actress to save this disaster drama.

    • tvN is cable TV channel. Can you please do more research before saying this “10% rating” crap? I wish a cable drama will achieve 10%, but an over 5% rating is considering good. Remember it is CABLE = PAY TV.

    • and oh… are you new? If you say SJK needs to pair up with an A-lister actress, you are implying he cannot command rating… his fans will bash you… Do you really mean it? I think KJW is a good actress. What A-lister actress do you suggest? huh?? just curious…

    • lol hilarious.What Song Joong Ki needs is not “A-list actress” but a solid directing, script and HIS acting skills to deliver a hit now.This is a historical drama not a romantic comedy or melodrama.The way it is now..all the top writers, directors and actors are flocking to TVN and JtBC.Him getting an offer to work with TVN is a privilege.Just look at the Baeksang Awards.

      Beside the Ji Sung you mentioned had an idol co-star last year(Defendant) and produce one of 2017s highest rating dramas.Gong Yoo work with Kim Go Eun who is at the same level as Kim Ji Won and produce Goblin success.Also no “A-list actress”(like in his wife’s category) will sign on to a heavy malecentric drama like this Asadal is looking.KJW is the closest he can get to quality co-star although she is not “A-list” yet.The other ones in his age group(Han Hyo Joo, Park Min Young, Moon Chae Won etc) are all signed to lead new movies or dramas.

      • I don’t care about A-list actor or actress… All I could care is Song Jong Ki pair with someone who can act. Kim Go Eun >>> Kim Ji Won any day in terms of acting skill. I will be very glad if KGE take the role. I have no idea why Kim Jin Won PD nim choose Kim Ji Won as a leading lady. She has limitation. But Maybe he saw something in her. I don’t know. We will see. But I hope she will decline ?
        Song Jong Ki was always lucky though PD nim often choose talent acctress opposite him and give their all.

      • @missjb – I don’t get how someone who defends Suzy’s acting can calling Kim Ji Won of all people as having “limitation”. Or is it only shitty idol-actresses who are worthy of defence?

        Also I love Kim Go Eun but her sageuk acting in her movie got shitted on a lot. She’s a good actress and a real chameleon in her modern dramas to the point where she seems like different people in Monster vs Coin Locker Girl but sageuk acting might not be her forte and from what I’ve seen, it’s actually something Kim Ji Won can do well.

      • @missjb: It’s not like Kim Jinwon PD had high standards for female leads anyway. He chose Shin Sekyung for his last two dramas. Frankly speaking I think wooden female leads are actually suited for historical dramas. Just look at Shin Sekyung and Jin Seyeon.

      • @missjb – you say Kim Ji Won has “limitation” as an actress and shouldn’t take the Asadal role but at the same time, in other posts you defend the acting of Suzy of all people?

        That’s like complaining about a top-quality well cooked meal in a high end restaurant and then praising a stale McDonald’s burger being slightly less stale than the last time you ate a McDonald’s burger.

      • @Royal We: I think you can defend Kim Jiwon without shitting on other actresses. Are you perhaps one of those Kim Jiwon fans who constantly shit on Park Shinhye and Song Hyekyo on Twitter?

      • @Gin, Royal We isn’t like that. Royal We has quite neutral to positive and objective views and I agree with some and disagree with other things but generally, Royal We is respectful and has insightful views.

      • Song Joong KI is okay with Saeguk Drama remember sungkyungkwan scandal and FYO Tree with Deep Root (if some of you watch that drama then you’ll know what I’m talking about). Tree with deep root is a hit but one reason of it too is most of the cast are well-known actors and actress like Jang Hyuk Han Su Kyu, Cho Jin Woong and a lot more. There’s no problem with SJK doing historical drama as long as the scripts are good. SJK can deliver whoever actress will be pair to him.

      • @Gin – I’m not even on twitter and I’ve never shit on Park Shin Hye or Song Hye Kyo, you can see my opinions on actresses in posts in their tag here.

        I even said more than once that I love Kim Go Eun and think she’s unique among the current gen of k-actresses so shoo out of here if you’re trying to twist my words when all I was trying to do was point out the hypocrisy of someone defending terrible acting while shitting on good acting. I stand by my words btw.

      • @Gin I don’t do SNS for kdrama stuff so I’m definitely not on twitter.

        I don’t get how my pointing out the hypocrisy of @missjb who frequently defends bad actresses but is talking down on a good one here, leads you to think I must be talking crap about Park Shin Hye and Song Hye Kyo outside of here. Don’t project your issues on me.

      • @prettyautumn thanks for the vote of confidence btw.

        I know we disagree on some things, especially on this actress, but I try to be reasonable and appreciate civil disagreement.

    • lovewadaw- I don’t know if you’re a fan or a foe but since I see you a lot on his articles I would say you’re maybe a fan just a very confused one.

      If you’re familiar with the writers of Aseudal, you’ll know it’s gonna be focusing much on political and social issues with little/no romance at all. Hence the ‘A-list’ actress that you mentioned would have a bit of apprehension working on a drama that’s gonna be very malecentric. As for the rating, fear not as the writers and pd are known to deliver and SJK himself, despite what you believe from reading some rabid fangirls comments on Nate, still has a lot more mature fans left waiting for his comeback.

      So if KJW takes the role, kudos to her and no it won’t ‘destroy’ my memory of DOTS (why would it when she had very limited screen time with SJK) and his gorgeous wife is not gonna be jealous either (this statement itself is laughable). Pairing with a ‘A-lister’ is not what he needs but a good piece of script where he can showcase his acting skill and he needs to act his butt off and work hard if he wants to remain at the top, just like everybody else.

      • I want sjk get pairing with someone like kim tae hee or jun ji hyun.let hope this drama not going like pretty noona buy me food so much hype but rating so-so

      • @lovewadaw- Pretty noona who buys me food latest episode got a 8% plus rating which is considered high for a cable tv (it’s similar to achieving 20% plus in the main 3 if that makes it easier for you to understand) so despite the occasional flak it’s getting, the series is considered a hit.

        If you want someone like JJH/KTH to be his lead then wait for another project, mind you acting with a A-list actress doesn’t guarantee immediate success. As a fan, I care very little about the status of his leading lady, hell he could act with a puppy and I will still watch it, maybe that’s just me. And no one’s is hyping anything up as he’s yet to confirm for the drama per Blossom.

    • You are expecting too much if you want someone like SHK level to be his co-star. Unless the drama is female centric like Queen Seondeok and he play someone like Bidam. KJW is trendy, she can bring the hype.

    • Lol sjk doesn’t need any Alist actress. He himself is enough to bring the hype and ratings . All he needs is solid script and good pd, rest will follow and even an average rating of 5% on cable TV is a success in korea. Please do your research before blabbering anything.

    • Apart from Goblin, the tvN dramas which surpass 10% all did because of an outstanding script. Prison Playbook, Signal and the 2 reply series all managed to cross that benchmark without relying on a star cast. And based on the track record of the production team, I don’t think the drama will be disastrous.

  7. Gong Yoo in Goblin? He has Lee Dong Wook and Yoo In Ah plus the Kim Eun Suk the writer. He has all the A-listers to back him up.

      • Yes she is a good actress but she was literally a newbie when she was cast for Goblin. They were talking about popularity that could pull rating.

      • Kim Go Eun already has a number of leading film roles credits before Goblin, even way before CITT. She is already a Chungmuro’s darling by then. So, in no way was she a newbie. But KGE was horrible in Goblin that I could not believe that she is a movie actress. Putting aside the lackluster writing of female characters by KES, she translated Eun Tak into somekind of a retarded high schooler instead of an adorable preppy sunshine girl. She is wayyyy overrated.

      • Her movies are all flop after Eungyo though. CIIT and Goblin saved her career tbh. She’s at the same stage as Jiwon now.

      • KGE was a darling in Chungmuro but was a newbie darling. She didn’t have that many movies yet.

        Goblin was overrated. I still don’t understand why there was too much buzz about that drama. But hey it’s a Gong Yoo and Lee Dong Wook tandem.

      • @Leah – Kim Go Eun worked primarily in indie movies before Cheese in the Trap, she wasn’t going for those mainstream blockbusters anyway and had to be talked into taking the Cheese in the Trap role.

        And her only two dramas till date have been strong successes in the last two years, that’s more than you can say for some It Girls who still continue to be spoken of here like they are top stars despite all their acting projects of the last five years turning out to be flops or underwhelming in ratings performance.

  8. For now, I think I will pass this drama. The writter was bad in Oh My Venus. So Ji Sub and Shin Min Ah had a great chemistry but the story was boring and nearly stupid.

    For the casting, I really liked Kim Ji Won in What’s Up, she was fresh and cute. But her last drama didn’t convince me…

    For Lee Jong Seok, it seems this time he’s not a genius or doesn’t have a special power… It’s a good start.

  9. I dunno the whole synopsis reads….. ummm I’ll wait until they confirm if they’re going to sign on but for me the storyline is not original and I’m not too fussed about this drama. Okay good actors but sucky story. I’ve convinced myself and written it. It’s just not compelling enough. LJS character’s as a writer…zzzz. Make him a ditzy waiter instead. However I want to see KJW in a kick ass horror/thriller not fluffy rom com. ?

  10. You didn’t even know how kim ji won fans bash shk acting in dots. They say kjw acting better than her lol.shk is veteran actress and have huge fan in china. because stubborn kim eun sook made her character boring and so blah same with park shin hye. Poor shk,kim go eun and psh their character overshadowed with second female lead. Kjw only shine in second female lead but when being female lead lacking charisma and star power. Even if asadal failure sjk continue take differ role follow yo ah in path.

    • That was so unnecessary…
      The thing about Kim Eunsook’s dramas is that even though the second female lead might have better and more likeable characters to play, they will never surpass the popularity of the female leads.
      Kim Goeun > Yoo Inna, Song Hyekyo > Kim Jiwon, Park Shinhye > Kim Jiwon/Krystal, Ha Jiwon > Kim Sarang… and so on.

    • Also doubt SJK will follow YAI path…. He’s comfortable as a Hallyu superstar. And he needs time to accompany his family. He’ll probably end up taking one drama every few years. Unlike YAI who will continue to stay in chungmuro.

      • THis Hallyu Superstar that some are talking about SJK makes me cringe. He was not even able to get a job for sometime. His promo people have been flirting with the media hoping to get positive responses.

        The thing is with SJK, he is surrounded with too much hype. Look what happened to Battleship. Though they said it was because of a different controversy but…. I believe it was due to him that people turned sour on the movie.

      • @Kshowlive: All I’m trying to say is that SJK is unlikely to get critical acclaim in chungmuro like YAI, since he seems to be comfortable walking the path of a CF star/ it-boy.
        I think its too much of a stretch to say he can’t get a job. He got that zombie drama offer but turned it down. I’m sure he got other offers as well.
        Also, why is Battleship Island’s failure (?) due to him? I’m not doubting you btw, just asking because I didn’t follow the movie’s progress.

      • @Kshowlive- LOL. He filmed DOTS right after he was out of military. He was literally everywhere in 2016 after DOTS, filmed a movie, got offered to lead 2 dramas in span of 4 months and I have not even touched his cf filming yet.’He was not able to get a job?’ Sureee, LOL.

        The Hallyu Superstar thing/It boy of the season, he has mentioned many times, he don’t want that but a long lasting career and I’m sure he knows what he has to do for that. But thank you for hyping him up by saying BI (the movie with a renewed director, veteran actors) failed solely cause of SJK. I’m a long time fan and even I’m not cocky enough to say that he had much influence in the rating of the movie playing a 3rd lead beside veteran actor Hwang Jung Min (the lead) and Ryoo Seung-Wan. Guess who’s hyping him up?

        It very obvious you don’t like him and that’s completely fine but don’t go around making ridiculous claims without proper facts. Cheers.

      • @Yanny- SJK has mentioned many times that popularity/Hallyu status is not what he wants but a long lasting career. If He wanted just popularity, he would have remained cosplaying as the nation’s husband/boyfriend, acting in rom-coms, raking up in cfs money and wouldn’t even have thought of getting married. So it’s too early to write him of just yet.

        BI flopped due to the controversy (screen monopolization by CJ Ent) and too much expectation. Basically CJ bought 80% of the screens limiting the number of screens for other movies especially for smaller productions. Hence it angered a lot of production companies and movie makers/investors. And of course the expectation surrounding the movie (directed by Ryoo Seung Wan-Veteran, the 5 lead actors and the high budget)so when the movie came out and it wasn’t up to the mark, the audience got disappointed. The movie was considered a flop domestically only due to the high budget and how it couldn’t reach the number of admissions it needed to break even.

        So like the commentator mentioned it had nothing to do with SJK or the revelation of his relationship status at that time.

      • @kshowlive well your comment about sjk hallyu status makes me more cringe. its completely fine if you don’t like sjk but making this no sensible comment about his career and his last movie is downright stupid. Even his hater can’t deny about his status post dots and how much it skyrocket his popularity.

    • Can you stop mentioning SHK here? This post has nothing to do with her. You’re just making her and her fans look bad.

  11. I see lots of delusions in these comments. As if Song Hye Kyo is going to be threatened by SJK merely working with KJW lol.

    • ?? yes totally, this article doesn’t even have anything to do with the Song-Song couple. Some people are just so insecure even when they are married, sigh ??‍♀️

      • Kim ji won fans need to stop talking shit about shk and park shin hye to make your unnie better actress.

      • @lovewadaw – I don’t know what nonsense you are talking about here. I am not a fan of all these actresses, I just know that they are all good actresses. Who is my unnie actress? ? You don’t even know me. I have no intention to argue with you over any s___head comments you are quoting here, I don’t talk to delulu fans nor read their airhead comments. I think your usage of swear words is pitiful and unnecessary. Do more research before replying to me again idiot!

      • @lovewadaw – I happen to like all three of the actresses you mention so it’s strange or maybe not so strange that the new breakout is the one who’s getting negative comments.

        Plenty of people have talked shit about Park Shin Hye right here ever since Heirs but the ones who talk the most shit about her on kdrama sites are nearly always crappy idol-actor fans who are mad that she’s popular in Korea and her acting is well-received. I mean, all the “Krystal is better than PSH and I only watched Heirs for Krystal!” etc comments…. I doubt KJW fans made those.

    • @Royal We- Yes thank you! It’s utterly ridiculous and mind boggling for me that people could actually think anything like that. They know nothing about SHK/SJK if you think something like this will happen and this is not coming from SS shippers like how some were saying.

      But honestly all these hu-ha just for the drama that neither of them have confirmed. *SMH*

  12. Well some people is against me. It’s just my opinion. Who knows if Kim Ji Won is getting better in asadal. I wil eat my words. But I’m still really hope the female lead wil be someone else. It’s not about romance. If they want the female lead is also important to the story, they should hire a good acctress instead of rely on names. And Kim Go Eun >>> >>>>> Suzy in terms of acting skill…

    • Yes me too i want better female lead than kim ji won so they can’t talk shit about song hye kyo and park shin hye.

      • I don’t see KGE coming back this year for drama. Her “Byeonsan”movie is coming out in July but I think she’s all set to confirm for new upcoming movie “Music Album” (working title) reuniting her with her Eungyo director.

      • Better KGE stays in Chungmuro because she was mediocre in Goblin and that drama did her no favors as an actress even if it brought her popularity.

  13. i don’t know the plot and storyline from asadal or see you again, but i think kim ji won is good actress too, and i sure she can build good chemistry with lee joo seok or song joong ki,like she did with park seo joon,jin goo,and kim won bin ( i like this couple rather with kim tan couple lol), so it up to the story.

  14. @kshowlive
    ????you are delusional to think sjk was jobless. Do some research he was offered Netflix drama kingdom from signal writer,Who is being considered as one of the best writer in kdramaland. And writer of asadal are critically and commercially successful so your point of being him having no drama offer is idiotic. Battleship was flop due to many controversy not because of sjk. Can you explain how was he responsible? ? and also movie starred other two huge stars. It was just not him alone.

  15. She can stole limelight from second lead or antagonist role or just stick with kim eun sook drama where she can shine. I’m worried this drama will be failed.lee byung hun and hyun bin drama even get better casting and storyline

  16. Wow I don’t remember Kim Ji Won ever having this much salty talk about her before Descendants/Fight My Way so I call bs on all the “KJW fans talked shit about PSH after Heirs in 2013” talk. Where was all this talk? And I don’t mean dramabeans comments.

    PSH did get called a “bad actress” a lot by ifans after Heirs because people can’t separate a weak character from an actress’s abilities but interestingly, it wasn’t any fans of KJW who attacked her for years afterwards, it was self-admitted fans of certain idol-actresses whose acting was criticised – you know who they are. They got mad about PSH getting more praise for her acting than idol unnier and it led to years of “how dare you criticise my idol for shitty acting when Park Shin Hye blah blah blah…”… Now you got some people trying to pin that bs on Kim Ji Won’s fans when she barely had any fans in 2013!

    All I have to say is, look at your own faves and your own fandoms first. Anyway this drama is cancelled since both actors rejected it, so maybe drop the “she can’t act” faux concern and realise you don’t have a leg to stand on if you are an idol-actor stan coming for KJW’s acting abilities of all things.

    • Kim ji won meh actress if song joong ki accept drama with her i wish it will be failure so kim ji won fan who badmouth about song hye kyo in dots and park shin hye in heir getting eating their word.

  17. I don’t think song joong ki want repeated some error like he did in the battleship island. Dots has strong image until now tvn will destroy his career if they still wanted make kim ji won reunion. I think better for them casting new actres so viewer can’t make comparisons dots and sandal. Even the writer is six flying dragon everyone still remember queen of seondok is plagiarism. If asadal make distortion from true story he will being roasted by knetz again like they did with his last movie. And I’m watching heirs drama and I now there is some fan war between psh and kjw. And psh prove her self she can make better acting role even make hit with doctors.

  18. I wonder what happened to Asadal and if Kim Ji Won did accept the offer… I see lots of people wishing negative things on her or talking bad about her because of some alleged twitter/tumblr feud (and btw I have to agree that the people who shit hardest on Park Shin Hye were IDOL fans lol, look at netizenbuzz or any kdrama site around that time for proof). Y’all are full of bs, stay salty over her getting these offers opposite your oppars.

    (seriously what is wrong with this place, there’s hardly a new breakout actress who hasn’t been shit on for some dumb reason like’not big enough’/’not A list’ by some idiot with poor language skills, look at the comments above or about Jung In Sun or Chae Soo Bin).

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