
Park Shin Hye Wraps Little House in the Woods and Spotted Filming in Spain for K-drama Memories of Alhambra — 13 Comments

  1. Im just hopping tht MOA isn’t simply a longggg spain tourism cf… praying hard tht SJJ will come out with sth new yet LOGICAL enough. I know it supposed to be a fantasy drama but W is too absurd on sooo many levels with a lot of WTH-moments. Stucked at ep7 and nvr come back again.

    • Hoping for PSH and HB sake that their characters will at least be different and have depth instead of their usual broody chaebol and wide eyed innocent high schooler. I know both have had better performances but it’s too unfortunate that they got so typecast to these stereotypes and it’s getting hard to shake that off unless they do movies. Tvn is different though so.. and they took their time to accept this drama so it must have that something, that got two sought out actors accepting this drama, right? I hope for their sake… better to just keep getting success in Chungmuro, where HB was doing so well lately. Oh, and it would be preferable if they had no wide eyed first kiss scenes or high schooler scenes because PSH really needs to move on from that. And no arrogant chaebol scenes either cause HB needs to move on from that. Kdramas have plenty of actresses who do those wide eyed kiss awkward scenes and some very hyped up actors have acted similar roles too but PSH gets the most flack for hers and HB gets called has-been for being a variation of Kim Joo Won. It is what it is and they must consider this when taking roles..

      • Park Shin Hye hasn’t played a ‘wide eyed innocent high schooler’ in five years. Try finding a more original criticism. I’m bored.

      • She said tht her goal is to make one movie every yr in her last Elle’s iv. Obviously, she knows tht movie scene is a much better place to improve her acting. The thing is, if she takes a movie after MOA at the end of the yr, she’ll feel extremely exhausted to the point she’ll take a one yr off from work (just like in the case of doctors-heart blackened) and that will be the down side of it. The flacks she got for crying and kissing are honestly overrated. Ifans are saying all she did in second half of doctors was crying (they filtered out all action,surgery,romance, revenge acts she did), yet they didnt say anything about lsk crying like a baby too in 2nd half. She did cry in pinocchio but if you look back, ljs cried much more than her. Why then she is the only one being dragged for crying? What a twisted way of saying she acted the same in every single drama just because she cried. If people watch flower boys next door, pinocchio and doctors back to back, they could clearly seen the way she acted were different (provided they aren’t blind or deaf). Dokmi is just quite yet emotional. She barely cried. Inha is hyperactive and talkative reporter till the end. Those who said she’s weak, for god sake, she is the one who fight against her own mother despite the dilemma of being her daughter. Hye jung is just simply a matured woman trying to get justice for her grandma’s medical accident. She gives what she gets. Taking no bs at all. She isnt loud like inha. She did cry when thinking about her grandma but she also went all out fighting against seo woo’s father. If she is the teary weak one, she’ll just do nothing and simply wallow in self pity like KES made her did in heirs. THAT IS THE ONLY TEARY WEAK CHARACTER THAT EVERYONE PUT TOO MUCH VALUE ON. overrated af. They are saying her overrated yet they are the one who contributed to her overratedness with their attention (even for the hate). You’ll see all hell break loose when she cried in MOA. Automatically, they’ll say, “even after more than a decade in industry, all she played is a teary weak character”. They were so lenient on other mediocre actors and actress yet acting like a phd-holder in film and drama critics when it comes to her. She’s not tht great but she do has her good points too.

  2. Exciting!!!?And Can PSH real brother- the one from the group Tree Bicycle make a cameo appearance too. He’s got such an awesome singing voice. I didn’t see LHITW because I thought PSH and SJS would be under one roof not living individually. However keen as for MOA though.

  3. I always enjoyed Shin Hye in varieties like Little House in the Forest. It shows so many sides of her that is so admirable and she surprises me everytime – the dexterity of her hands and strength. Her being a good cook is already known to her fans but doing macrame, chopping woods, cabinetry…just wow! She also isn’t afraid to show her face devoid of make-up. I always enjoyed PSH drama so I got no worry there. Seeing HB and the awesome architectures and sites of Spain are an added bonus.

    • From what was shown on her variety show, I think she’s a lady who is not afraid of food….as she herself said, ” she has no conscience about food “. We saw her always munching on something on the show, even when preparing her meals! As we saw, she exercises like an athlete….should see her jumping rope, was impressed of her skill.

  4. Little House in the Forest was worth the 10 hours of my time watching it. The show was charming, the scenery were beautiful, it gave me food for my thoughts….it was something quiet. Fun to know more about the 2 actors, to see their natural beauties as well. Na PD have chosen the best subjects for his experiment and I think they also gained from it esp. Park Shin Hye. Loved the last episode when they showed Shinhye feeding the “crows”….hahaha , very clever editing….the crew of the show! Hoping Na PD to invite PSH on another variety show. Can not wait for MOA…it sure has low key media attention, most of the photos are from fans. Guess the production is not starting the publicity until they get the finished product. It’s like a movie production the way we don’t see a lot of BTS.

  5. I enjoyed and highly recommend LHITF. I find both Subject A And B (in the variety) very honest and natural about their feelings and actions. Their cookings looks easy yet so yummy. Even with the limited resources I can see they really enjoyed their time and tasks.

  6. The little house on the forest worth to watch , learning about simple way to enjoy self and little things in life that many do not know how, because it is been take by technologies and fast pacing lifestyle.It show the simple and natural Park Shin Hye trying to genuinely enjoy life as it comes. Time for reflection . Really enjoy it. Both subjects were great being themselves !

    I am very positive about her upcoming drama MOA.

  7. Counting down the date for PSH upcoming drama with Hyun Bin and Chanyeol, nothing else you can ask for. I been watching most of all PSH dramas and her movies even her variety show and I really can see the differences in her acting and lot of improvement.

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