
Song Hye Kyo Elegant in New Sulhwasoo Fall 2018 Skincare CF — 30 Comments

    • Don’t worry about SHK becoming a CF model..she didn’t even accept that many CFs to begin with. And just in case you don’t know..she’s currently preparing for her drama shooting with PBG. 🙂

      • But her drama with park bo gum doesn’t look like promising. Smell flop already.

      • @loveunconditional sorry if I’m wrong but the way you write does remind me of a certain someone. Funny coz I haven’t been seeing her username these days. Lol.

        Btw I was just answering your question. Whether the drama is gonna be a success or a has nothing to do with you calling her a CF star.

      • Yeah… Some people actively send bitter comments in every article about her.. But they do know her activity very well right?
        Excited for her new drama.. Hopefully it will be another great drama like her previous work.

      • @loveunconditional Oh so you know about her drama. Why do you act as if she is not going back to acting then? Go focus on your faves and stop making dumb comments.

    • You should worry about yourself and your fav. Don’t bother to waste your time on others who are not even important to you. Just because you changed your username doesn’t mean nobody will recognise you. You are same person who spread hate comments about sjk and shk.

    • You better change your username because it doesnt suit you…loveunconditional but you are full of bitterness..chill girl..:)

  1. Such a beautiful woman she is… and great actress too.. Eagerly waiting for her new drama Boyfriend with pak bo gum..

  2. Song hye kyo is very unique and mysterious as an actress.I don’t know why but I always waiting for her new drama or film when I am just a normal korean drama fan.Her new drama choice makes me curious,can’t wait!

  3. We can starting fight of boyfriend drama was flop. Good luck koala get more traffic and money. I cheers you.???????

  4. She is certainly pretty but there has been been some Photoshop as there is not one single wrinkle on her. I am in that age group and sorry to say even with the most extreme skincare procedures there would be some wrinkles even little laughter lines. I don’t think she has had a full facelift so Iphotoshop it is. That said her more mature look suits her. The only drama that I have enjoyed from her is the wind that blows thought that was great.good luck to her.

  5. If you look on rubyred comment she always talk about song Joong Ki and park bo gum in every koala article. Its rubyred always mention sjk and pbg he has obsession with them not me.lols

    • Heol.@loveunconditional ahjumma.Get it together please??.You are the one stalking me.I didnt even say anything yet and you are dragging my username here.Ok I will satisfy you by commenting.It seem you have a severe case of verbal/written diarrhoea.I suggest you go offline and invest in your real life relationships.This trolling is not good for you.

      Me obsessed with Song Joong Ki and PBG? what rubbish! I happened to watch some of their works because they worked with people I like and I think they are alright as actors.They are also so popular so you dont need to dig to find info on them.Its all out for everyone to see.

      You are the one who is so obsessed with hating Song Hye Kyo and bringing her down anywhere even when the articles are not about her.

  6. @Loveunconditional can you put all your energy into learning proper grammar instead of hating on SHK bc she’s flawless lol

  7. The filter put over CFs shouldn’t be forgotten. Yes she aged well but if you look at shots in RL, outside of photoshop industry, she looks older. Which is not an insult but fine. It would be weird if she would look like a 20 year old when she is close to be 40.

  8. Girl has aged but she has aged/she is aging beautifully.She looks her age 37(38).Same with Jun Ji Hyun and Kim Tae Hee.You can notice this when their skin is not airbrushed.Their skin has wrinkles and their skin is slowly loosing its elasticity.Y’all media need to stop boxing these women into this “eternal youthfulness” and celebrate them as the classic beautiful mature women that they are.People fangirl over their male age peers like Jo In Sung, Lee Dong Wook, Hyun Bin and others and calling them hot ahjussis.I dont see these men being boxed into being flower boys or whatever or trying to claim that they are younger than they are.They are classic handsome mature men who are celebrated as such.I wish it would be the same for the women too.

  9. I will keep on praying that her new drama will be successful and will give her a best actress award. She is still beautiful despite of aged and being married. God Bless Song Hye Kyo… I will support you and sobg joong ki no matter what!!! Forever song-song couple fan

  10. Song Hyekyo looks younger bare faced/light makeup and dress in updated style but look her age when styled dated. Her looks is very flexible tho which is great. She can look young or mature defend on styling.

  11. I love her, from her looks to her work to her overall public image. But I do think she has aged quite a bit, maybe not with the skin but the subtle facial and bone structure changes that come with the natural process of aging. She is still stunning though, just not as “wow” as she was in her younger years.

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