
2018 Seoul Awards Star-studded with Big Winners to My Ahjusshi, Mr. Sunshine, and Along with the Gods — 52 Comments

    • And Lee Seon Kyun should have won over LBH, in my opinion. I wonder if giving the acting wins to LBH and YYS was in any way compensating for the fact that Mr. Sunshine did not even get nominated for best picture.

      • I totally agree with both of you. I didn’t watch Mr sunshine but Lee Byun Hun don’t attract my attention even a bit although everybody say he is fantastic.

  1. And again Lee Seon Kyun was snubbed ???. I am just so pissed off that I just don’t bother anymore. How the hell did LBH won best actor when he successfully made a dull character even more lifeless? ??? The only thing that I am happy about us My Ajusshi won Best Drama.

      • Don’t lie. Weibo had other comments like don’t force us to watch him, can’t tolerate his private life, he looks like KTR’s dad, and the ending was spoilt the drama.


  2. The outrage for My Mister in every award ceremony post is kind of funny. Do you really expect it to take all the awards from Best Drama to Best New Actor? Award ceremonies are usually divided between a few high rated dramas.

  3. I don’t understand why Lee Byun Hyun keep winning Best Actor for his performance in Mr Sunshine. His performance was the weakest amongst actors in best performing dramas this year. But I understand that getting awards is more on about lobbying for it. He probably have influence backing him or might be chuck of the marketing budget probably goes to this award, afterall most awards are mainly marketing ploy.

  4. LBH deserves every award and even more will come to his way. Say whatever want to say, but he was fantastic in Mr. Sunshine and also His character. Koreans praise him, critics choose/praise his acting, baeksang will give him award too. This is not your faves popularity awards were fans vote, this is acting awards. Haters can choke)))

    • It’s obvious his performance is very well-received in Korea. I was surprised by the loud cheers when his name was mentioned and when he came out to receive his award; considering he isn’t “oppa” age anymore.

  5. Kim Sung Ryung looking beautiful and stylish as ever. I’m always amazed at how great she looks being over 50. She’s my ahjumma crush 😀

  6. I’m happy with the winners.

    There were a lot of good dramas this year and if they were good it was thanks to a great team work : PD, writer, actors and all the staff. So they all deserved an award but it’s not possible, they have to divide them for each dramas. So if a drama I liked won a award in a some category, I’m happy 🙂

  7. My congratulations go to Yoo Yeon Suk and Heo Joon Ho(He did well in Come and Hug Me).I really pity Jung Kyung Ho though.They really ignored him in all the award ceremonies after Prison Playbook and Life on Mars?

    • @rubyRed agree with you JKH was fantastic in both dramas. I loved LIFE ON MARS ‘s cast. Lee Sun kyun is great too. The winners are good actors , nothing to say about this , but sometimes giving recognition to others actors would be great too. LBH always winning is boring. Is Leonardo Di Caprio winning every year ?

      • I see that some people digs with LBH boring, stoic one-dimentional performance and to compare with actors on dramas that also performed well, his is the weakest. But seeing he is still winning when he was not at his best, LBH must have holding some influence in the industry and seeing his involvement in a nasty controversy didn’t affect his chances.

  8. I liked this awards list better and Kim Ah Joong’s dress was rather pretty sorry Im not in the mood to go all out with the description and why. Again; influential reckoning; money and a lot of industry nous does go a long way. And to the commentator that wrote ‘haters go choke’ take a leaf out of your own self help book and show us…cos that was quite harsh to advise the least. LBH for the record won because he has the contacts; like big league contacts!

  9. I’m not a fan of LBH at all, have never watch him in anything before Mr. Sunshine. He’s also not that good looking in my opinion. Having said that, I feel a need to defend him. I think his acting is solid in Mr. Sunshine. I suspect that many of you are international audience like me (I live in US), so I think it’s important for us to realize that this award was given by the Koreans for the Koreans. Just to give you a perspective of how much Mr. Sunshine and the character of Eugene Choi touches the heart of the Koreans; my Korean immigrant colleagues who never discuss drama with me the last 10 years actually came to me multiple times to convince me to watch Mr. Sunshine coz that’s how much it touches all of them.

    So let’s try to understand it from their perspective and appreciate that Mr. Sunshine and Eugene Choi do deserve the awards they are winning in Korea.

    • As for me, I can understand some people like his performance as it’s the usual one-dimentional interpretation. So if you compare his performance among lead actors of top performing dramas in 2018, LBH performance was one of the weakests.

      • Usual 1 dimensional? you freaking kidding me? DId you actaully watched mr.sunshine?

        Idol fans can be so stupid some time

      • There’s nth usual about the character Eugene Choi in Mr. Sunshine. 1 dimensional? you freaking kidding me?

        you’re just brainless haters.

        Im not even from korea, and im touched like hell, and i found alot of people shared the same view

      • Idol fans? Me? lol

        Have you watch other dramas? Or at least the top rated ones?

        Mr Sunshine is far superior that many of the dramas in terms of production value. That is expected of course as they spent tons of money for that & something you can’t compare with live shoot productions. But seriously, performances of other lead actors in other dramas are far superior than Lee Byun Hyun performance.

        But you can continue to praise LBH all you want, if that makes you happy.

  10. Funny how Koreans are singing LBH praises yet wasn’t it a few months back a petition was being rallied to remove Mr Sunshine off screen due to historical inaccuracies? Then when we dare criticise his win we are instantly called ‘haters’. Acting is subjective and if you are going to throw shade and have a tantrum because some of us have voiced an opinion as to why and we have been very diplomatic in our response I guess you really don’t have a leg to stand on. I’m going to get flak over this but international fans are pivotal to the existence of Korean dramas and their actors and we do have a lot of clout and to say we don’t is quite fool hardy. If you beg to differ then imagine the thousands of us worldwide removed from the mix and what would happen then? K actors would be world famous only in Korea and what a boring existence that would be.

  11. Some time I don’t get the Best New Actor/Actress award…. the winners are actors and actresses that have been in the industry for a good number of years….
    Also very surprised IU didn’t win something, her performance was very very good and i’m not just saying that because its IU.

    • Actually you lack substance and can’t see the point of what has been raised in the commentary on this post and the countless others before that. Those with an ounce of intelligence would look at this objectively but oh no got to have one or two who offer no constructive feedback but instead have a lot of hot air to blow. These awards whether you like it or not are RIGGED from the start so no use denying it. I would have more respect if the judging panel was transparent and made up of industry greats then the awards will not be open to criticism because we would know who the judges on the panel are kinda what they do in Cannes. And lastly I’m heartily sick of being labelled a ‘hater’ by so called LBH defenders here. Your tune is getting repetitive like a broken record so time to trade up or trade out.

      • Lol, why do you feel called a hater? Do you feel like that? I almost watched all the dramas of this award and especially from the actors and their acting all good, objective in your opinion is not objective according to others, One or two people who do not like him out there will not affect him, there are still many foreign fans and he is already well known abroad, And the petition is only a few where there are those who agree and there are also those who disagree, not just in this drama there are some in other historical dramas, But in fact People prefer this drama??

      • Oh now you’re psycho analysing me? I’m referring in general to the reference of anyone with a difference of opinion being labelled a hater on this forum which you aptly refer to. I’ve never been inclined to ever feel like that cos I’m a better person and have healthy self esteem which you must be lacking in. You can’t validate a claim and name call so I guess that’s the only means you have justified. None of us ‘hate’ on LBH we disagree with his win. Two different components which you should learn to differentiate between and another thing please don’t generalise that people love/like this drama if they did it would have smacked 20% easily. It didn’t so rest easy. Getting 18.12% the highest is good but not good enough to be considered great.

  12. Yeah that’s true, 10 people don’t appreciate it 100 people give applause to him, share and rating prove that, Focus on your goal, don’t pay too much attention on any comments from other people And the award he got was proof of it, and people who have envious hearts who don’t like it ?

    • “Focus on your goal”? Who are you talking to? That cheater has already gotten his many awards. Do you think he will pay any attention to any comments here? What do you get by defending for him? Why can’t others voice their opinions on who they enjoy watching? Just let others comment instead of calling out names. There is no need for you to post 3 times under @Xvier_1 and 4 times under @kansas for saying the same thing. Delulu!

  13. LBH is an excellent actor and for all those who criticize him, watch the drama, before giving an opinion.
    I saw all the dramas this year..and i can assure you that Mr. Sunshine is the best drama of the year, every actor in that drama is excellent and that is why they are winning.

    “The character of LBH, Eugene Choi, will be remembered by many people”

    They should not judge their acting without having seen the drama…. Please!

    • I have seen both My Ajusshi and Mr. Sunshine and I stand by my opinion that LSK had a more difficult character to bring to life, and yet he did it so fantastically. He was the clear winner in my book. My Ajusshi also has better and tighter writing; Mr. Sunshine’s middle episodes meander with lots of filler scenes.

      How about you? Have you seen both dramas?

      • If I give my opinion it is because I have seen the two dramas. Both drama deserve to be nominated and the both actors deserve to be nominated, but they acting of LBH was superior and that is why he is winning.

        Eugene Choi is a character with a life full of suffering and resentment in his heart, but despite everything with a firm step, he always chose the right path. LBH expressed all the feeling of this character in a brilliant way and deserve all the prizes will continue to win.

    • Just because I said that there are other actors who performed better than LBH, you accused me of not seeing the drama. You probably haven’t seen the other dramas and performances of other actors.

  14. Lol people have different interpretation of what good acting is, so idk why some people are insisting that their opinion is the correct one.

  15. First off Son Ye Jin looks so good. She is like a snow queen or snow fairy or something like that. This is a great example to have some decolatage and still look classy and chic.

    I’m also very happy that Joo Ji Hun is recognised. I love his face and think he is talented but remember he was shunned due to a scandal of sorts (but nothing that harmed another person, drug use or something?) and felt bad. It is great that he is back:)

    Yoo Yeun Seuk’s performance was very good and as far as I’m concerned everyone in that cast gave award worth performances except LBH.

    I’m actually a fan of LBH and supported him in the last incident (I thought being a married horny old goat hitting on young girls is a character flaw but he was not really hurting anyone apart from his wife and that is between them, and I actually applauded that he didn’t give in to blackmail and reported it).
    And I have seen almost all of his films, I really liked his performance in “Keys to the Heart”. He has played repressed characters before (I highly recommend A Bittersweet Life – though it is a bit violent) and very well too. I don’t think him handsome he never stars in my fantasies or anything but I think him an excellent actor (in TV or cinema) who never dissapointed me before (for people who would like to watch an excellent old film and a brilliant performance I recommend Bungee Jumping of Their Own the film which made me a fan of LBH)

    In the light of all of the above he was the only acting weak link in Mr. Sunshine. There was something wrong with him, usually an actor’s aesthetic touch ups do not bother me if the performance is good but I could see his uneven lip collagen and it was very distracting since his performance was just not that good. There was something off about it and it does not have anything to do with the character. His performance was so weak that I actually recognised his uneven collagen going for a few episodes before evening. I love the series, cried rivers during but his performance was not good.

  16. I just saw this tweet and its interesting to know that My Mister actors didn’t even crack Top 10, while several “overrated actors” (according to the people here) like Lee Byunghun, Park Seojoon and Jung Haein made it. Which is probably why they won those awards, and not because the ceremony was “rigged” or whatever. Acting of course is subjective but its really unfair for people to throw accusations just because your fave actor didn’t made it.

    • what kind of crappy survey in twitter are you quoting here with a survey of 200 people? LOL… I have more facebook friends than a mere number of 200. I don’t see any unfairness of people voicing out their opinion on fave actor. BTW, is there any fairness in K-ent award shows?

      • It’s not a twitter survey lol. The person merely translated the article whereby Sports Chosun surveyed 200 people who work in the film/tv industry. Of course 200 is not comprehensive but you can roughly gauge the opinions of the critics. Kim Namjoo is 1st and she won both Baeksang and Seoul Awards for Best Actress.

        Of course people can voice out if they feel their fave actor should win. But calling the award ceremony rigged and invalid is really unfair to the award winners.

      • I think most people felt LSK deserves to win something with his performance in My Ahjussi. Most discussion is on the best actor award, not the best actress. Of course, as you said, acting is subjective.

  17. I wrote that the awards are rigged; I implied it and stand by it. There’s no need to prove otherwise K awards are so rigged so much they could start drilling for oil. This particular thread is about LBH’s win as best actor. There is no mention of any other category. Compared to LSK the majority of us are entrenched in our belief that he was denied that award. So yes we are international fans voicing our opinion and no amount of pandering is going to make us change our stance. Hell can freeze over and pigs can fly I won’t budge.

  18. I still hope that LSK for My Ahjusshi and Jung Kyung Ho for Life on Mars get the recognition they deserve for their outstanding performances. And maybe something for Lee Junho for Just Between Lovers.

  19. wow, you are such a witch. I guess you are let out on Halloween Day and that’s why you can comment here. LOL. If you don’t like LBH, why do you care who other people like? Different fans are all over the world, how can you catch all of us? Hurry you don’t have much time left before the day ends. LOL.

  20. Well, As international fans who watch two drama Mr sunshine and My Ajusshi
    If I talk about two drama budgets, two of drama has a different budget.
    Drama Mr sunshine has far more budget than My Ajusshi.
    But if you watch the episodes of each Drama you can see LSK acting skill is far more difficult than LBH but he could deliver the emotion of his character perfectly on the point.
    Drama My Ajusshi is Dark theme drama and I am so surprised singer/ Actress Lee Ji Eun or IU not even win an award for her perfect charismatic character of Cold and introverted girl. Also actress Kim Taeri from Drama Mr sunshine not even win in that award ceremony.

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