
Kim Hyun Joong’s Cable Drama Gets 0.1% First Episode Ratings and Poor Reviews — 63 Comments

  1. As expected, this guy cannot act. Fans said to give him a chance and this is the result. 4 episodes already aired, guess no one will give him too much hope now. Surprised there was such producer investing money on a loser.

  2. Sorry for the other actors and actresses involved. And that this didn’t happen to Park Shi Hoo. It’s amazing how some can get away with it but others can’t.

    • I guess it boils down to talent. If KHJ was half as talented as PSH is (not saying PSH is the most talented actor there is, but he can at least emote), then maybe more people would’ve tuned into watch. But the guy cannot act, and his scandal doesn’t do him any favors. There are some scandals that celebrities can recover from KHJ’s is such that it’s going to be hard for the public to forget it.

        Dont worry KHJ were still here for u. Keep FIGTHING OK. ILOVEYOU

    • He didnt totally get away with it though.Did you see his latest drama “lovely horribly”.It was a massive flop.Why I call it “massive” is because it wasnt even cable it was public broadcast KBS(the main channel)its average was 3%.He and his sponsors got deluded thinking he could carry over the success of golden life to his next drama.But nah..instead it was Shi Hye Sun( the female lead of Golden Life) who did carry over the success to her next drama and got good ratings.He still has a 2015 movie not yet released.

      Lee Byung Hun is the one who truly recovered with multiple daesangs to show for it.

      • While LBH has suffered a scandal, it’s kinda weird to me how some compare his behavior with Park Shi Hoo and this drama’s male lead. LBH allegedly cheated on his wife, he didn’t attack or get accused of assaulting anyone like the other two. Of course it’s easier to overlook his actions and continue to support his works. Not so easy for the others despite what their fans say.

      • That is because LBH kind of smarter than this two when he has multiple more worst offenses than these two. According to rumors, he hired goons to beat people up. KHJ didn’t beat anyone but he was involved in a fight with the woman he’s in the relationship with. PSH’s case was kind of vague. Lee Byung Hyun used his influence to manipulate young girls which is real serious offense which is not the same case with KHJ and PSH. The difference LBH has the power and the money to buy the media and keyboard warriors to say good thing about him. Looks like it he was even able to demand the best actor and daesang award & nominations when the Mr Sunshine production deserved the award than him. That was a massive trade off for the production team.

      • I’m truly confused about how LBH is worse than someone who admitted to hitting his pregnant girlfriend? Has there been proof that LBH hires any goons or are those rumors? As for the women who blackmailed LBH, he was wrong to associate himself with them while married, but they were consenting adults who chose to blackmail him. Not seeing the similarities there. I think many are hung up on their image of LBH that excuses are being made for the one who actually admit guilt in order to make LBH look worse.

      • Luring ‘young girls’ to engage into sexual act with LBH was not wrong? That is basically manipulation. Not only one occasion but several cases.

  3. ??? They targeted this drama at the female audience with a male lead, who has been fined for domestic abuse and DUI and who wanted to attack his ex’s butthole because he hated how she was a pregnancy machine. Those ratings give me hope that people aren’t fully lost yet. Or maybe KBS will sell the rights to Latin American tv channels since there are too many delusional idiot mama fans supporting this trash.

    • You must not keep up on the news. His ex and mother created all those weird sex things and the miscarriages. All found to be lies. He admitted to his hitting her. That was it. He paid. He needs to work. Great actor or not a rapist who has not had one punishment against him because of culture is not right more so. PSH is a monster.

      • When was it proven that those were all lies? Regardless, both men were violent against women and one admitted it. Not sure how you think he paid for it though since he was never sentenced to jail for his crime.

      • Seriously. What is with all these deluded fans who have horrible grammar? It’s disturbing on many levels.

  4. Huh sweetheart no want female audience with watch in this drama. How can they watching drama from abuser woman?? He has flop drama even before scandal no one will help his career. Unless he get casting in kbs weekend drama and Kim Eun soon drama. And about old cheater Lee byung hun, he only one of male lead Kim Eun sook that didn’t get limelight and cf love call. Mr. Sunshine hype already down since drama ended. So everyone will continue hate him and no one talk about his drama in other countries except Korea. And also he get daesang in IRIS so didn’t surprise me if lbh get all award winner in 2018. Nevermind as long Jung hae in and park seo joon took limelight and craze in Asia.

  5. Lee Byung Hyun has different level of influence for sure. He received a daesang despite his performance was lacking comparing to other good performing actors on other well rated dramas.

  6. Thanks koala you delete my comment. About Lee byung hun drama I didn’t surprise that he won daesang because this was Kim Eun sook drama. But he didn’t get success with mr.sunshine just like goblin. and he did took spotlight just like previous kes male lead. Just see on naver there no one article about him now. And also lbh didn’t get love call from Cf just like gong yoo. Don’t get me wrong with 30b won Budget only get 19% rating it was considering flop cause this drama only doing well in Korea. Also 100 day my husband now was no.4 all time hit drama so lbh get strong contender in next awards.

  7. I’m going to pop over to have a look in for the first 5 minutes of episode 1 and see what is happening. Then it’s up to my like it or leave it radar to whether it makes my drama watch list but story is first and foremost for me. However I’m currently watching Coffee Prince with Gong Yoo and Yoon Eun Hye and Im loving it to bits – As the saying goes better late then never. After that then it will be Goong with YEH and Ju Ji Hoon.

    • I’m so envious of you @Ginger Crunch because you’re feeling the thrill of discovering a new drama. The 1 st Watch is always an unforgettable memory. 10 years ago when i watched Goong, Coffee prince, vineyard man…i felt for YEH. If you haven’t see the épisodes of X Man with her Watch it . it’s a pure delight ! And “My fair lady” you’ll see Song Joong ki cameo when he wasn’t a celeb and Kim Young kwang who is now a leading actor.

      • @cahill It’s been a blast discovering the OG Queen of Rom Com K dramas YEH and savouring every single episode of Coffee Prince whilst waiting for Fluttering Warning. All the anti news of YEH fromKorea I’m sure is fabricated and a lot of hot air their loss our gain! What matters is the joy she brings to a flock of new fans like myself. *OG stands for Old Gangster which is a compliment.

  8. Goong is definitely a must watch. That was my youth. Joo Ji Hoon has come a long way in terms of acting skills. His performance in Goong was understandable as he was the rookiest of the rookie but at least he was not stuck to the boring one dimentional performance.

    • I can’t wait to finish Coffee Prince and then I’m hitting Goong to finish for the next lot of the Wed-Thurs drama slot (well really Thursday is when the subbed versions are released). I can see why YEH is such a star performer and has a loyal fan base from Coffee Prince alone. She’s such a natural talent.

      • I watched Goong a couple of weeks ago. I was very dietetic notice many similar shots and devices that I had noticed on Playful Kiss. I decided to investigate and it turned out that both dramas have the same director and producer. Goong came first. But it was fun to see the similarities.

      • @sunflower I was thinking the same thing that CP reminded me of PK but CP was filmed first and Jung So Min could pass as YEH younger sister.

  9. Well, reviews are high on sites like Viki, so it must not be that bad. Also, didn’t his ex-gf make up stories and falsify documents to extort money from him? I read somewhere that she was an escort. How they could go back together after the first trial and then conceive a child after hurting each other so much is beyond understanding.

    • It takes two people to conceive a child. If the woman is an escort, then the man must be her customer who cannot control his private part. Plain simple ? And to @B Rarick – of coz he has to pay for the child! Why do you still try to defend such a d__k?

    • Pretty sure it’s mostly fans of his who’re watching the show on Viki. Most people who follow Kent news and are aware of his past are likely to stir clear of the show. Most international viewers don’t follow Kent closely and are more forgiving to bad aspects of shows as long as they have the ‘ideal’ male lead and ‘romance’. I don’t take their ratings too seriously for most dramas though.

  10. Haha that’s what you get for casting a washed-up idol who is a known abuser and shitty actor in your drama for ‘buzz’. 0.1 ratings ???

    I’m sorry for the other actors but I hope this puts the final nail in the coffin of his ‘acting career’.

  11. To be honest depite his bad reputation in his homemarket, KBS might have played on the international fame KHJ has/ used to have. I guess KBS was aiming at exporting the drama.

  12. His ex is appealing the current court ruling that fines her $8,000 . She is appealing to the Supreme Court. Meanwhile , the prosecution is appealing to the supreme court also, saying she should be incarcerated for one year and four months because of the severity of her crimes, and not only fined. Note, it is the Korean prosecutor appealing here, not KHJ. Her lies and her defamation toward KHJ are the reason. This is being currently reported on Soompi and All K-pop. Also, as has been explained before, he gave in to her blackmail so that he would not be dragged through what he has been dragged through. All he ever admitted to is one push-shove incident. He also thought he might have hurt her showing off a martial arts move. That injury was proven later to be caused by gym equipment at a gym when he wasn’t present.
    As for the new drama..I wish him the best. Everyone has different tastes in dramas. He is not the writer or producer or the only actor in When Time Stops.
    It is, however, time to stop hating him. This man has gone through enough. As they say..”haters gotta hate.” Now that the court’s have ruled in KHJ’s favor, everything else becomes rumors,made up lies and gossip. So give it a rest.

    • Have you watched this drama seriously? If you don’t have time, watch the Teaser. His acting really sucks! The second male lead is much better in acting. KHJ poor acting is the main reason for the 0% rating. No need to give anymore reasons to like him when this guy is not even qualified as an actor. We are only drama watchers and not really interested to make friends with losers.

      • candy cane, I am not upset about your opinions of actors, I am suggesting that instead of going online to vilify those you don’t like, that you stick to praising those you do like. Also, I wasn’t aware that noticing a name as I read through comments qualify me to be a fan. Anyway, like whom you like, and don’t forget the Thumper rule. There is no contest here…Cheers?

      • No thank you. I am a strong opponent of twisted beliefs. Your “very good actor” cannot act. Stating what I like and what I don’t like is equally important in my opinion. I speak my honest mind.

    • I agree with you. GO FIGHT MY KHJ !!! I still watching ur series. Mwah!!! I wanna see u on stage SINGING again together with SS501.

      • Thanks Athena. Everyone needs someone to believe in them, especially famous people. I am glad you support KHJ. Fighting to you too. ??

  13. KHJ looks tired. He should seriously rest from any drama. He should focus on his passion, music. He may not be the best singer, but he needs focus on what he started when he first came onto the scene.

    Regards to his scandals, he should have known what type of a person he was involved, but now it’s too later.

  14. Well done viewers! I just hope that the same thing will happen to PSH and anything he is in. Same with the other rapists and men who hurt women.

    • And yet, you don’t mind being one of the women who hurt men? Let the law decide, and don’t support them. But don’t glory in people’s downfalls. Someday you may realize you don’t know what you think you know. It is just as easy for women to lie as it is for men. We who weren’t there need to wait for all of the cases to finish. Also, to read more than one side of the story.

      • As long as the patriarchy continues to rule, I’ll always stand by the woman. Women are the ones who are oppressed, trying to be silenced, called liars, called sluts, called opportunists just because they dare to speak when someone hurt them. We need to stick together.

        I’m not glorying in his downfall, I’m just hoping that other men like him may get to think twice before hurting women. It is good that they know they may not get away with it like many of them did in the old times.

  15. I watched 5mins then 10mins and the pacing was a tad bit slow for my liking so I’m parking it but will return because I like premise of this priceless Korean painting being on loan from a French museum only to have it stolen in the opening scene. That said it looks promising but I’m like that with all the dramas I watch. I always go in with high hopes only to have them dashed hopefully I’ll finish the first episode soon.

  16. I agree with you. GO FIGHT MY KHJ !!! I still watching ur series. Mwah!!! I wanna see u on stage SINGING again together with SS501.

  17. Thanks Athena. Everyone needs someone to believe in them, especially famous people. I am glad you support KHJ. Fighting to you too. ??

  18. He is a good actor, but sad to say his current drama is not good as before, no much effort, also the partner not good enough for him. Jung So Min is the best partner for his come back.

    • Why would you want to screw Jung So Min over by wishing to partner her with KHJ who has been fined for domestic abuse and DUI and is terrible at acting too? With 0% ratings too?

    • What is really delulu is freaking out over other people’s opinions. Also name calling is what people do when they run out of evidence. Too bad your words are not as nice as your name. I hope you try to understand that not everyone has to agree with your opinions. It doesn’t hurt you or me to not agree, but when you resort to name-calling you show your true self. And you prove that your screen name doesn’t suit you.

  19. Koala always reports on KHJ regardless so I guess a lot of responses follow good and bad but never a mention of the ex who is currently embattled in legal cases so he must be relevant if there are constant articles written about him. And to be fair that ex’s court case could well do with more coverage here then merely omitted altogether. As the saying goes if it’s good enough for the goose then it’s good enough for the gander.

  20. I see that a couple of Ginger Crunch’s well written defense of KHJ and one of my comments are gone from this forum. I guess that if the arguments can’t be countered, deletion would be the answer for someone determined to continue to dislike him no matter what.

    • Oh well I tried Sunflower; I thought I maintained a civil approach no name calling or belittling but I guess it had to happen with our posts being deleted. Either way it’s a great sunny day and Moon Chae Won Tales of a Fairy is out and Im off to watch that. Happy days all!

  21. You guys are judgemental idiots, I can only assume this is jealousy. As a non-korean speaker I read the translation of the texts and they don’t follow, it seemed like some parts were missing. Now its been proven twice that the girlfriend falsified evidence she even apologized and called it a mistake, but somehow he is guilty just because he is a star. I personally love the drama. I don’t think he is a bad actor. He is supposed to act a cold jaded person and you want him to emote? I’m confused. Anyways it isn’t the first time Koreans would do this. I finally understood South Korean culture of alienating and badmouthing their celebs for unverified claims when I watched My love from another star. Such a backwards culture. Anyways still much love from Africa for KHJ.

  22. I loved the drama.. I’m big fan of KHJ.. for u I have watched it and I loved it a lot.. waiting for many more..KHJ fighting.. love from India for KHJ..

  23. Reposting: Added some more positive observations:
    Oh my .. His acting was fine. The directors of the tv shows should have been told him if he didnt pass their standards. I saw his acting in Boys over flowers, playful kiss ( which I watched almost 6 or 7 times). His acting there were both ok. I believe Kim Hyung Joong might be an introverted. But he is so confident when he sings and dances because he has solid skills in performing in stage. He is a total performer with great stage presence . But in acting, he is still learning and bet you he might be probably so nervous when he was doing that “ When the time stopped tv series” and he doesn’t look relaxed to me when he was acting so he was a bit stiffed. He needs to go to an excellent drama school who can teach him to internalise the role and be confident to do in a crowd. What he need is to have the same of level of self confidence when he performs in stage . I believe he can do it . Just be patient, in due time he will be totally confident in this acting too. But he is definitely an excellent as a singer / dancer. / stage performance charisma is so strong .
    We should encourage him instead of putting him down.
    If someone close to you experience what he experience wouldn’t you support that someone? Show kindness and encourage him to be relax and really give his best in acting. Thanks . Have a nice day everyone . God bless

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