
Everyone Looks Beautifully Melancholy in Drama Posters for Love Alarm with Kim So Hyun — 16 Comments

  1. The posters and trailers for this drama have been aesthetically pleasing. The plot sounds intriguing and you can always trust kim so hyun to deliver a memorable performance. Will be anticipating.

  2. I have to say that I’m pleasantly surprise that this drama is giving a strong Japanese anime vibe like the movie Your Name and I’m loving it!

  3. I’m sorry but who’s leading man here? because the guy in the middle poster is really cute, I mean the other guy is too but the one in the middle poster has a mature look to him.

  4. I have a feeling Jung Ga Ram will steal my heart and i will root for him to get the girl this time. He gives of the feels once Kim So Hyun gave me in Will it snow for christmas?. Feels like he is gonna be next break out actor. So Hyun is way better in school or university student roles than last one she played as radio writer.

    • This drama isn’t set in high school or university. The real plot with Jung Garam only happens once they become working adults and if she will be a writer this time too. The high school or college portion will at most be 3 episodes because almost nothing happens in that arc plot wise.

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