
Dramaland Owes Audiences Another Romance K-drama Where Hotel Del Luna’s IU and Lee Do Hyun Get Their Happy Ending — 23 Comments

  1. Im the minority for choosing chan sung. Chan sung chooses to die together instead of leaving her. While chung myung thought that leaving her was the best way. Nothing is wrong with both ways. But dude you just lost a way back to her now.

    • You are not the minority, for sure! Most watchers root for the guy who respects, trusts and cares for her girl’s happiness. Manwol already moved on. She did tell Chun Myung to leave and returned to Chansung(thousand words can’t convey that scene). It was crystal-clear she chose Chansung.

  2. Nah Chun Myung’s way of noble idiocy has tortured her for 1000 years and everyone ended up dead. I think it’s best for everyone to let go and move on. Even with all that info to explain why the only reason she was able to not kill him was because she originally thought he was someone else who she could not kill.

  3. CM just messed up since the beginning and everybody suffered because of it. So no, I want Man Wol with her Harvard Con! He’s smart at least 😀

  4. Good lord, Chan Myung’s noble idiocy caused Man Wol to be stuck in a limbo for 1000 years…….Harvard con Chan Sung any day over him. It was in a way toxic relationship that benifitted nobody….btw I am loving Mira….she has somehow become a great secondary character.

  5. I know everyone’s accusing Chung Myung of noble idiocy. I feel their pain, but 1300 years of flitting over Man Wol as a firefly without her knowledge is a high price to pay for noble idiocy on both sides. Does Chan Sung deserve to get Man Wol over Chung Myung? I’ll say no because Chung Myung was a victim of his circumstances. He just happened to be born under the wrong time and fell in love with the ‘enemy’. Would Man Wol have believed him if he had troubled to explain? We’ll never know, he certainly did have the opportunity to do so but chose to kill himself, because, God knows, Man Wol wasn’t aiming to kill him. She was just livid and heartbroken. At the end of the day, I’ll wish for a happier life the second time around for Chang Myung and I appreciate Man Wol giving him that chance by escorting him to his final destination. If she chooses to go back to sensible, harvard educated Chang Sung – more power to her. They both deserve their happiness.

    • In the end I didn’t really care about either CP…but I did feel sorry for Chung Myung’s tragic story. Not sure why but I didn’t feel the emotional connection for the characters or the CP.

  6. I really was hoping she would chose to go with Chang Myung and reincarnate (since she is technically dead), but the at same time promise CS that she’ll stay with him in the next life. This would have been my perfect ending.

    • Mine too. If this were a C-drama, this would very likely be the ending scenario as C-dramas are not obligated to have a happy ending the way K-dramas are. Alas, this is a K-drama where the lead male and lead female HAVE to end up together regardless of the obtuseness of the ending (not referring to this drama but Kdramas in general). If Man Wol ends up with CS, it’s not the worst ending in the world, it would be like the Goblin ending – an immortal with a human.

  7. Nope,didn’t care for the character, not did I feel the romance in the past.
    The flashbacks interested me only to understand why she’s stuck in the hotel but other than that, the present storyline is my favorite.

  8. The love story with CM was too messed up for them to start again. However, MW+CM is the only couple that makes me feel the romance in this series and the only one I was curious about their ending.
    I also support the idea of a new drama with IU and Lee Do Hyun, that would compensate somehow for all the sadness here.

  9. I like Chan Sung better. Man Wol and Chung Myung were never meant to be. To me he was off having fun with her until reality set in and he let everyone that meant something to her die. If he had died defending her or her people and there was a misunderstanding, I would have felt more for him but he killed himself only after causing her tremendous pain.
    I also think he was a little selfish because he could not comfort her or do anything he just hung around her so he could be with her. That again was only for himself not her. He wanted to be with her despite helping kill her people. She was the person who did not accept him so he stayed with her despite her wishes. If she wasn’t angry with him for killing her people and could still love him, he would have made her his concubine. That was his character.

  10. Also Chan Sung is that lead male that we have all been waiting for….someone who is not mean, let me make you cry alot, all smirks, let have passion with no substance and drama 24/7. He is loving,passionate about the girl, cares for her well being, and wants her safe and happy, and will to go through anything for you. Ladies and gentleman a lead male with good first and second lead qualities known as a good man.

    • Facts, he is a lead that treats the mean female lead like a person, with feelings, flaws, with respect and he shows her that he cares. They banter and it’s fun but never insulting. It’s quite refreshing.

  11. I like how decisive Man Weol is. For her to chose Chan Seong means their romance is much more real than ‘coulda been’ with Chun Myung and she has moved on with past.
    side note: the character Chun Myung actor is giving me Oguri Shun vibes specially when he smiles.

    • Only watched the first episode..But the plot sounds like Dong Gong…Where the female lead and the Male lead or King Loved each other until the King decides to kill off the main leads tribe. then amnesia hits both characters so they start new again.
      I guess the difference here is no amnesia, and two different man for the female lead with love and hate on the original guy.

  12. No thanks. Chan Sung and Man Wol are the ones who deserve everything. Haven’t felt sympathetic to Chung Myung since he betrayed her and even knowing why he did it doesn’t lessen his faults. He chose to betray her and have her watch her Yeon Wu die without explaining why and then kills himself with her sword. Didn’t even give her the satisfaction of killing him the promises to be with her forever. Gah. Meanwhile, Chan Sung has been respectful of Man Wol’s choices AND working to prevent the destruction of her soul. He makes his own choices and trust MW to come to her own realization rather than force things on her. Even his feelings, he didn’t force on her. Such a refreshing change from typical kdrama male leads. I recently watched The Heirs and the difference is like night and day. CS has loved MW unselfishly even knowing she might leave him sooner than he wants. I get the whole star crossed lovers MW and CM have, but their time has passed. CS is the one who deserves to be by her side now. I’m so excited and bummed for the finale coming up. One of my absolute favorite dramas and one of the few I can rewatch.

  13. Everything is perfect in ep 14, especially the ending scene, the soundtrack is amazing. I’m team CS btw, CS deserved MW. Next week wil be the last ep. ?

  14. Yes CM and MW deserved to be together and IU had way more chemistry with LDH anyway. They need to have a drama together it’ll be a way bigger hit than HDL easily. LDH was the big breakout star of this drama and IU cemented her status as a ratings winner. They need to have a reunion.

  15. I like Chang Sung and Manwol but I like better Chungmyung with Manwol. I felt sad for Chungmyung with their scene of the bridge but I understand her decision. It’s better for him to not have hope to be with her in a next life. He made mistakes in the past that cause her pain but I do think he deserve to be happy in his next life, without Manwol, but happy. Changsung is a great man, I also want happiness for him and Manwol. Anyways, I definetely need a melodrama for IU and Lee Do Hyun as leads in upcoming years.

  16. I’d want to see this just to indulge the “what if”. Chan Sung is a great match for the 1300 year old Man Wol, yes, but still some part of me has enjoyed the Man Wol/Chung Myung scenes enough to want to see the young Man Wol and Chung Myung have another chance to make better decisions and explore their connection in a different situation.

  17. It’s leedohyun and iu for me. Chemistry is way too strong regardées the limited scenes give me a romantic drama with them as leads.

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