
Drama Posters for People With Flaws Continue the Awkward Cringe Factor with Ahn Jae Hyun and Oh Yeon Seo — 7 Comments

  1. The posters seem like they were filmed in a photo booth.

    It’s so cheesy but at the same time kinda cute? Watching first episode will decide if I should embrace the cheesiness or give it a death sentence lol

  2. Oh yeon seo does have good comedic timing. So I’m definitely looking forward to that. To anyone who’s gonna be spitting out vitriol regarding her face (and there are quite a few here on koala’s site), just stop. If you really can’t stand it, please don’t even bother. As a fan, it’s annoying to always read people attack her face (calling it plastic and whatnot). Just saying.

    • @Baka de be No worries no one previously for this drama thread has raised it most comments have been positive but the cheesy trailer was the one that stood out most but yep the posters do look quirky and if most fun.

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