
Jay Chou Denies Rumors That He Traveled to Wuhan Coronavirus Stricken China in a Medical Isolation Pod — 7 Comments

  1. That guy in the pod has fever and needs to be isolated in a pod & transported out. So this is rather to protect the general public to be infected by that guy. Bravo to the Airport Crew. We must prevent the spread of virus. Do not want another SARS epidemic!

    • The point is why one person got protected but not others??? Who made such decisions?

      Jay Chou is apparent watching Australian Open with photos spotting the J-Q couple with Federer.

      • If the person really has a fever, then there’s a chance that he’s been infected with the virus. Putting him in the pod wouldn’t be to protect him, it’d be to protect everyone else from getting infected by him.

  2. The text on the 2nd picture reads “This is an exercise at Fuzhou’s Changle Airport”. It was a training exercise to teach airport authorities what to do in case of an emergency.


  3. Chinese people should change eating habits,stop eating exotic animals and stop coming to other countries until the virus is eradicate.not all country is as rich as China able to built new hospital in effort to treat patient.

  4. It’s hilarious to see netizens jumping into conclusions giving him a load of crap when that guy in pod isn’t even him. Not only that, I walked into Jay Chou in Melbourne and he’s still in Australia. And he was definitely not in a pod.

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