Crash Landing on You Returns From Two Week Hiatus with New Ratings High of 15.933%
The two week wait for well worth it as episodes 11 and 12 of Crash Landing on You lived up to expectations. The OTP enjoyed cohabiting in South Korea, the North Korean soldiers suffered adorably in jjimjalbang, PC bang, and fried chicken heaven/hell before being reunited with their beloved Comrade Se Ri and Captain Ri, and the story slowed down enough for everyone to take a breather. The North Korean enemy bit annoys me as it’s not nearly as insurmountable as Se Ri and Jung Hyuk finding a way/where to be together forever, because both have really important lives in their own countries. I have faith the screenwriter has something up her sleeve to give us the happy ending the sweethearts deserve. The viewers continue to tune in for this addicting drama as ratings for episode 11 stayed in the 14% range and episode 12 hit a new high with 15.933%.
I want him to die next episode together with that evil sister in law.
Jeong Hyuk is officially the sweetest male lead in kdramaland. He never pushes her to do anything, he respects her space, he is affectionate even without any physical contact, he supports her job and is proud of her, and he gives the best hugs at the right time.
And you don’t doubt for a second when he says he will think of her constantly and will be thankful and happy for her to live a good life even if they are not together and separated.
Like Seri said – my standards have risen substantially. Drama land will be tough after Hyuk.
He said he wants twins. Aww ? my heart can’t handle it. Cuteness overload ❤️
This drama is sooo addicting, the leads chemistry is off the chart!! RJH is the sweetest drama lead ever!!
I am blown away how good an actress Son Ye Jin is. I could not think of any other actress fitting for this role. Her eyes speak volume! To me she is the real star of the show.
I agree that Son Ye Jin is a great, natural actress, but an actor’s talent always shines brighter when they can play off of similarly talented actors–and in this case, she has gotten really lucky with her co-lead, I think. Oh, honestly I’ve enjoyed immensely the romantic pairings (in terms of chemistry together and talent individually) in all of this writer’s dramas starting from “You From Another Star” (except “Producer”, which I didn’t watch).
Hyun Bin underplaying his North Korean character is what holds the drama together. Also the other male lead is very entertaining because he overplays his character. The second female lead is so cool . All North Korean characters are the interesting ones.
SYJ is fine but she’s not doing anything remarkable….the South Korean characters are all predictable with the usual kdrama cliches.
I just love the actors from the movie Parasite… happy to see them having a good time and being funny after seeing them in nightmarish situations in Parasite. Such brilliant actors. …I would never have known if Ms Koala had not posted about them.
Yes!! Both her and Hyun Bin’s eyes are so expressive! They don’t even need to speak and you know what they want to say and how they feel. Honestly there are so many romance dramas out there but there are only a handful of actors whose acting can do this. Their chemistry and acting is a huge part of what makes this drama so successful.
SON YE JIN continue to perform her role phenomenally, the greatest actress ever.
The 2 week break ruined rating momentum. It could have hit 15 % in 11 episode and 17% in 12th if not for break. Anyways i hope it touches 20%. Only after skycastle to do it. And average around 11 to 12% for whole season. It can do it. And skycastle had 20 episode to 16 episodes of cloy which makes it even more impressive
I mean but Sky Castle will always be the more impressive one because of their climb from the minimum and not starting with any hype. It’s the show that actually gives hope to the casting and script writing industry.
Really? is it great? first epi was quite depressing so couldnt continue. yes ofcourse its impressive considering cast wasn’t your typical star cast at that time
But if cloy beat reply, mr sunshine, goblin with peak rating, it is still big achievement
@adyjunjihyun I did’t know what’s the hype with Sky Castle so I said maybe i’ll give it a try and marathon it. I knew some of the actress though. I agree that Sky Castle’s first 2 episode is not that great as all of them are just talking that even my husband who’s also a Korean drama viewer told me that it’s boring and why we are watching it but I said let’s just give it a try as the ratings are very high for a cable drama but from third episodes to last it was really worth watching the drama. So i think it’s better for you to give it another shot.
@Bebot With your comment I may give Sky Castle a chance. I only watch the first two episodes as I didn’t find it interesting nor entertainer. I’ll try again, maybe ep3 is good.
As for CLOY, I am glad it’s rating is rising. I love this drama to bits.
On a side note, wasn’t Sky Castle’s Myung Joo (the mom who killed herself on the first episode) also CLOY’s Young Ae (NK pretty ahjumma/ Jung Hyuk’s boss’s wife?)
I love almost all scenes in ep 12. The drinking session with our dooli couple (i am not drunk so i’ll remember the twins jung hyuk) the camaraderie of the ajhumas, the search operation of our squad, the bloosoming love story of dan and *alberto, the birthday surprise and of course, the epilogue…
Im really sad that we only have 4 eps left to watch.
Burst out lol at Memories of Alhambra guitar music coming on when RJH plays the computer game. Tomato Cultivator user ID, Se-Ri speaking Mandarin and acting like the Mafia boss towards the Chinese triad members. Ducklings acting all cool trying to buy the furniture. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE. Best of all, the writer trolling HB and SYJ’s real life grocery shopping scandal by making one of the ducklings mentioning Capt Ri as the grocery boy or newspaper boy. Babe magnet and God’s Gift To Women (GGTW). Is Capt. RI officially OFF THE MARKET? An eagle eyed fan posted a pic of HB wearing a couple/wedding?! ring on his ring finger of his left hand on Jan 27 during a break in filming. But the same fan noted HB took off his ring when he resumed shooting. Darn, I thought the ring is part of the plot.
The ring is part of the plot. He is wearing it in the trailer for episode 13, the scene where Seri is asking him if he’s jealous
Yay, thanks Olivi for confirmation. Eagerly waiting for next episode.
@adyjunjihyun I did’t know what’s the hype with Sky Castle so I said maybe i’ll give it a try and marathon it. I knew some of the actress though. I agree that Sky Castle’s first 2 episode is not that great as all of them are just talking that even my husband who’s also a Korean drama viewer told me that it’s boring and why we are watching it but I said let’s just give it a try as the ratings are very high for a cable drama but from third episodes to last it was really worth watching the drama. So i think it’s better for you to give it another shot.
Idk why I have trouble leaving comments here. Anyway, as much as I love the OTP and their sweet romance, I LOVE3000x the 4 ducklings + 1 Rat even more. They are so adorable and I actually look forward to more of their scenes. *Finger heart-ing the 4+1*
I like it because the possiblelity of tragic ending that make sense. Some dramas are really got my eyes rolling for creating nonesense dramatic arch to make the otp seperate and angsty toward each other. Hey if you are lucky enough to meet someone who you he/she loves you whats the point with all the lies and anger. Never understand these…
Always looking forward every episode CLOY at Netflix… love this 2 duo Capt. Ri & Seri ….. luv luv
So he didn’t know that she’s the same woman from Switzerland encounter. Wow, Ri Jeong Hyuk ssi, you just fell in love with her at second first sight 😀
And the line “It’s not coincidence, it’s fate”. You truly are the babe magnet, babe. lol
I really Love them Both ??
Wish For Them to Stay Forever in