jTBC Mon-Tues Slow Romance When the Weather is Nice with Park Min Young and Seo Kang Joon Ends After Quiet Run

There is nothing wrong per se with jTBC Mon-Tues drama When the Weather is Nice (I’ll Come By When the Weather is Good) but there was also nothing really riveting about it. This is a drama equivalent of a warm oversized sweater, there is nothing stylistically worth noting but it serves a functional purpose. Weather was all about emotional growth and healing for all the characters and without a mental health bent but more like people need to communicate and forgive and have the courage to move forward. Ratings started at 1.925% and ended with 2.667% averaging 2.292% for its run. Park Min Young and Seo Kang Joon didn’t have chemistry with each other, it wasn’t zilch but it was pretty lukewarm even when there was sparks. Or maybe I was just so bored and tuned out so didn’t catch it. It was good that Park Min Young didn’t play a perky, sassy rom-com female lead but this drama didn’t make an impact for either leads career.

i could not believe that PMY drama’s averaged at 2.2 % only. I know that this was aired on a cable channel. But this is PMY. All of her drama were successful and had high ratings.
Nope. The only highly rated dramas in Korea for her career was City Hunter and Remember but both dramas were very male lead centric until secretary kim. Park Min Young is very well known in the industry for her lack of ability to make big waves till late. Especially considering her peers in High Kick all broke out into huge success in the next few years after that drama. Even the much internationally loved Healer was considered a flop in korea. Her last drama with Kim Jae Wook is also in the 2+% avg zone.
I actually quite liked this drama! It was very poetic and I would take down quotes each episode. It was probably more poetic to me because I watched with Chinese subs. The drama was healing and calming with occassional chuckles here and there 🙂
Most young people in Korea streamed Healer online as it aired at the same time as 2 popular old people dramas (so older family members took the TV lol). It was a flop by viewership ratings/industry profit but pretty popular IRL in Korea
I think it depends the story.And also his partner showing his awkwardness to parkminyoung.
WWSK has decent ratings too but PSJ shines more in it. PMY cannot carry any dramas on her own. She is very type-casted now… She looks the same in the last 3 dramas… boring.
Her best performance to date for me is still Sungkyunkwan Scandal. Its another well made production that korea slept on big time during its broadcast. Sadly I can also no longer watch it due to the male lead’s indiscretions. But I really liked her performance in WTWIF too. She brought back some of that energy and the couple scenes with SKJ feels like real life rather than scripted. I don’t even think theres an actress that can top PMY locally for the romantic drama category. That alone is a win for SKJ’s career in my books. That said I am sure SKJ will surprise us next with his pick. He has been very daring in his role choices the last few years. For PMY, maybe paired with Hyun Bin next? I can already see explosive sparks on the potential action type fare.
Esom is still the best with SKJ in the Third Charm. PMY cannot be compared to Esom’s charisma in my opinion. I agree PMY has performed the best in SS but this has been many years ago… so long in the wee past. What has PMY improved on? Nothing unfortunately, very sadly! As much as I used to like her in the past, I think she is very stale now. HB got high praises with an A-lister in CLOY, I hope he can be paired with KTR, JJH or KTH in the future, someone who truly respect their work on improving instead of keeping a blank stare trying to look PS pretty. I am sincerely very disappointed at PMY to say the least.
Have you watched it? Hehehe its different anyways it depends on the story. If you observe that drama when the weathee is fine is very melodrama,and aired 10pm ?
I liked the drama- I thought Seo Kang Joon did very well in it , acting wise. He’s definitely worth looking out for In the future as he has been improving with each drama.
For PMY I thought she started out well but somehow towards the 2nd half she became …PMY herself? But what I like about PMY dramas she has a good knack of choosing great female characters who have sass and are no roll overs so I know if I pick her drama I won’t roll my eyes half the time. The drama deserve better ratings – but those who love it love it. The team should be proud. I Guess it found it’s audience. It was like a nice warm cup of chocolate for me 🙂
I agree. Love this drama too. Maybe for the younger generation, they’ve find this drama boring. But for me, i loved the script and how the actors played this role. It talked about family and friendship. Very heart-warming. Some may not agree, but for PMY and SKJ followers, one of the dramas of them that you should watch.
*their roles.
true. i love it very different from other dramas like reply 1988 facing story hahaha.I always observe that everyone she partner with became successfull now a days. Start from SS with Yoo ah in , joon ki, and yoo chun. For Dr Jin with soo seung hoon, Glory Jane, A New Leaf with Kim yung min, City Hunter With Lee min ho,Healer with Ji changwook, Remember with Yoo seung ho,Queen of seven days woth the two famous in korea i forgot the name hahaha. Sec kim , her private and Busted and the rest. By watching all her dramas only I knew all actors and actress she worked with was known. She always picked great script. For me she was veey great and underrated she really deserved more.
I agree with your observation.PMY has my respect for maintaining her stature and reputation in the movie industry.
didn’t watch this ’cause the story was so very not my cup of tea.
So just skipped this one and gonna wait for their next project.
Esp PMY. She had great chemisrty with her
co-stars in city haunter and Healer
why romance,rom com,etc?IMO she is much better in thriller and action.
www’s genre wasn’t my cup of tea either but I enjoyed watching it because of interesting pairing it had, from the main lead to staffs relationship together.It was sweet and funny.
HPL had good chemistry too yet the story…!
Anyway…chemistry is not sth to blame one for. It must be delivered by both.
I don’t think its really fair to comment on the chemistry if you are tuned out and didn’t watch it for its run. I for one thought the chemistry was flawless considering the 7 year age gap between them. Also the drama is on JTBC and not TVN. Mon-Tues dramas are weak on ratings in general that’s why terrestrial channels were considering canning them end of last year. That said at 2.25% avg run ratings with cable vs terrestrial at 1:3 – it actually outperformed the rest of the shows on the same timeslot including MBC’s – 365/ KBS-How to buy a friend and doubled the ratings on TVN’s “Piece of your mind”. Technically it was only really behind SBS – “Nobody Knows”. The show did ok on online platforms as well and if you go to VIKI which secured the exclusive over Netflix (output deal with TVN/Studio Dragon) – its also a popular fare there with over 7500+ reviews and a 9.4 rating with viewers. Slow burn but a overall a well written story with steady direction and beautiful cinematography. The heart it brought is missing in so many dramas today and it is my favourite show of the year so far.
I find it very offensive personally when people don’t read a source material and call out something as bad. Just like not watching a drama and calling it out as lame based on a biased assumption. In life… that’s why people do research to complete a thesis or homework to justify understanding the lesson that was taught. I have been reading your blog for years. Might not always agree with your thoughts on certain dramas and your viewpoints but have always respected that since this is your blog, your opinion is important. But this post you just put out feels lazy and I felt you basically disrespected who ever that came to love and cherish this drama by brushing it off like the work of those people who put their heart and soul into making it, the cast who spent 6 months of their time on it and mostly the viewers who went through the slow burn and feel so much for it dun matter. Would rather you have watched and hated it rather than this callousness really
Yashu – WHO said the drama is bad? Why do people like to put words in other’s mouth??
@joker. The bad is a reference to some posters who have basically not read source material on some of adaptations to dramas discussed on this blog and simply pan it or praise it sky high. Call it pent up frustration I guess on reading this blog for some time. Case in point: be it remarried empress coming up or the new jcw drama Convenience Store Saet Byul.
…. And also I interpreted her tuned out as dropping it plus she didn’t even get the channel right when she first printed this post so that doubled down on my assumption that she might have called it without watching it. Since she has and found it boring then its ok. Not everyones cuppa tea like you mentioned
@joker – I never said drama is bad. I really loved it a lot. May be some misinterpretation in my post. Anyway it’s my first time to comment just because i felt many are not giving a try to beautiful drama but I guess it’s their own preference.
Yashu. You were referring to someone who said the drama is bad. Feels like talking to a Wall with you. Geez…. wtf.
I watched the entire drama so I don’t think it’s unfair to offer my opinion here. When I say I tuned out is that I didn’t see the chemistry as I was watching so I would space out and be bored.
Its not unfair to raise an opinion but at the same time just bcoz it’s not one’s cup of tea doesn’t make the drama bad. I am not much to slow burn drama but the director did very well and actors played their part very well. I liked the drama very much and the chemistry was also equally good. Low ratings doesn’t always means drama is bad.The drama is very well taken and all actors played their parts perfectly.
If you did complete the drama and simply found it so bland that you forgot initially its on Jtbc and not even TVN then I do take back my callous comment. Just like I disliked every kim eun sook production and couldn’t finish any and that you disliked this one – Different strokes for different folks and one mans treasure another mans trash. Fair enough.
@ yashu and other interested parties
It’s subjective, if koala thinks the drama is bad, then it’s her choice to believe and to express her feelings as much as you have the right to think that the drama is good and to express your positive thoughts.
Also don’t take it personally, koala and many others aren’t out to harm anyone with their thoughts.
Remember this moment when in the future you plan to express negative thoughts on a certain drama…
PMYs drama did not outperform any dramas in MT slots How could you say tHat when it did not perform well. lolsssssss. what a shame. 2.2 % average for PMY. it was Flop. PMy cant carry a drama.
Do your homework and just read the damn article. Feels like I am playing violin to a cow. You dun wanna learn the business then just stick to what you believe.
@ lydia
you are the one whos making fictitious and hilarious claim just to prove that PMY s drama rating is much better that the other. if you want to tell me you are a smart person , smarter than me, so be it. lol. At least i am not delusional.
how could you say that it did outperform other drama when its rating is 2.2% ave. Lols. Get your facts right.
Nielsen – terrestrial vs cable. Free vs paid. In the past 1 point rating on cable equates to 4 points on terrestrial. What that essentially means is many household who don’t have a cable subscription will not have access to cable dramas on channels like TVN and JTBC and what naught. Due to subscriber base increasing in the recent years it is closer to a third or half of korean households at the moment having access to cable tv. If you do the sums my explanation is as above. MBC/SBS/KBS – a rating of 5-7 points is considered average. Anything below is underperforming while on cable 2-4 is the norm.
Lydia. How do you explain the high ratings for TWoTM, Sky Castle and IC in Cable channels? Don’t think anyone is as naive as you to quote 1:2 ratings calculations as if you live in the past. What a Joke!! Hahaha. If people like, ratings will be High. Cable ratings are now easily over 10%, and over 20% fo pr TWoTM. You are so living in the past.
@Lydia – how do you explain a cable rating of over 20%? Your statement is so outdated!
I think this beautiful drama was perfect watching during the pandemic when so much news is depressing and overbearing. Weather Is Nice was soothing, poetic, romantic, reassuring, and I loved every moment of it.
I think you will have a much clearer idea of how this all works here in South Korea by reading this article. It articulated best how Nielsen ratings work in korea. Google “Korean Drama Ratings Explained: What Hotel Del Luna’s 10% rating means”
lol. you are making me laugh. lol
lol. lol.. equates to 4? outperforming other showz at 2.2 %. are you dreaming?.
Let’s all just give @lydia a break. All this ratings talk is snooze anyways, let’s just hope the broadcaster and the prod team behind this drama didn’t lose money haha
And let’s not look down and generalize about pmy not being able to carry a drama(at least ratings wise) because I’m sure every actor(including your faves) will have several duds in their life. No one will have a winning streak their entire life haha
I only watched pmy in two dramas, s-scandal and what’s wrong with secretary kim, I think she did great in both works.
@ laura.
give her a break. yes, Sure, definitely she needs it. she also needs to wake up from her dream. Lmao
@Laura. Thanks for mediating but … The poster missy/joker/joane are all one person who has ZERO clue on how ratings work and Nielsens entire setup and trying to argue her way through. Gosh – frustrating to max. Maybe Im literally just exchanging with a teenager. Forget it. Im out. She can keep talking with NO stats to back up her assumptions and I should really not argue with someone who knows nuts about the business
Lydia. I am not a girl, and will never rename myself as missy or joane. Your make believe theory of Korean drama ratings show how delusional a person you are and this is not even a joke. Glad you are out. Start your own blog if you want to make long lecture.
@Lydia I agree that reviews going “I dropped it BUT I’m gonna give my long opinion on it” are useless. However, IMO koalasplayground has *even more* of a right to comment on it if she persevered thru the whole thing despite finding it boring! Can’t help with spacing out at times unless you want to stand over her shoulder & force her to enjoy it
I dropped this show because it was boring and there was no chemistry between the leads. I can overlook a so so story if the leads can keep my interest but no. There were so many “healing” dramas where literally nothing happens except leads wandering around looking pensive. This may work for a 2 hour movie but a 16 episode drama? No, just no. No wonder the drama of psychotic exes are hitting record ratings-at least stuff happens.
For me… Pmy totally proven her title as chemistry queen. Even with 7 years old gap… They looked nice together. This drama is really a slowburn. For someone that prefer fast paced plot, this might not be for you. Frankly speaking… It’s not my cup of tea too but I will watch it when time comes for sake of pmy. But I agree the cinematography beautiful and the instrumental is suitable for this slow burn drama. But hopefully…next time pmy will get to play badass character maybe as a detective or arrogant female ceo
This is one of my top dramas this year. I think it ended weaker than when it started, but I still would rate it really-really high. I loved it so much, I ordered the book and actually read a few chapters in korean. For me black dog and this drama (and maybe nobody knows) are my current top 3 so far this year.
i dropped the show after watching episode 4 because it was super boring for me. My love for Seo Kang Joon couldnt stop me from dropping this drama.
I agree with the author that PMY and Seo Kang Joon on their lack of chemistry.
I dont know what with her. Shes really trying very (very).hard to look pretty and cute all the time. and i think this is affecting her acting. and shes typecasted now. and i also see the same PMY acting in her last three dramas.
PMY does not look cute. She is trying too hard. Yes I can see the same old PMY. Too bad.
The male lead has been quite gorgeous in every drama I’ve seen him in…why not diss him for not going the “full ugly”. I see this complaint leveled at female actresses regularly. Don’t know why unless it’s jealousy.
Watch the Third Charm. He looked “full ugly” at the early episodes with crazy hair and braces. Name a drama which PMY does not try hard to look pretty (except dressing as a man in SS).
Kat. Have you watched The Third Charm?
I watched part of The Third Charm but the story didn’t do much for me and I dropped it. When I mean the “full ugly” I’m not talking about a bad hairstyle which he didn’t have for the whole drama. (Some people hated PMY’s hairstyle in Healer and she had it the whole drama….) In Western entertainment, I would say Charlize Theron in Monster but in K-drama land, I would say the actress everyone always disses in She Was Pretty though that wasn’t that much really.
I still don’t see the issue with PMY. She is a pretty gal. Most k-drama dudes are pretty guys. Why does she always get dissed for just being a pretty woman. “Oh, she always has to act pretty”. No she IS pretty. Kim Tae Hee, Song Hye Kyo and on and on and on. They are beautiful woman who don’t go the “full ugly” either and so what.
I get if people don’t like her acting…whatever. But there is an ick factor to dissing her acting and relating it to looks and it does come across as jealousy to me because 90% of k-drama watchers are women. I mean, no offense, but I don’t even understand the “does not try hard to look pretty” …What? She just looks the way she looks. I do accept that being good looking in Korea, for both the men and the women is very important for CFs. That is where the $$ is but not just for PMY.
@Kat – People accept naturally beautiful actresses such as KTH JJH SHK. Even international beauty pageants like Miss Universe Miss World disbar contestant who’s surgically enhanced. Hence, PMY is never considered pretty but she always tries too hard instead of focusing to improve her acting capabilities.
@Jen SHK and KTH get dissed for their poor acting even though they are great beauties so they can’t win though it seems their improvement over the years has been noted. PMY is dissed among some for her trying to act pretty which I don’t even get. She then gets dissed for having plastic surgery and being honest about it. I mean is someone a better person because they inherited good genes? The whole argument is ridiculous.
If people don’t like PMY’s acting, fine. But dissing her because she hasn’t had frizzy hair and glasses in a drama is inane imho.
@Kat – If KTH SHK can’t act well, people will just dismiss them as merely ornaments as they are legitimately and naturally beautiful; but not PMY. She has never improved on her acting but seems much fixated on her surgically enhanced looks nowadays so she deserves all the criticisms.
@ Jen I guess at this point it is just agree to disagree. It’s k-drama so I don’t guess the world will stop spinning if people don’t agree on acting talent.
I just loved how the story unfolds and the hardships they had in their lives. It’s not always about having romance, it’s about how that one person who loves you withstand with all the odds. It’s simply about how one can heal the other one l, how that one person can understand you, comfort you and believe you. In this busy lives, I found this series one of the way we all can deal with our odds and just be happy as well as content and be grateful for the small little things we have. It was about a sincere love, family, friends and a book store which had a different age people just loving the poetic events. All the characters just played well enough and justified with what role they were assigned. I will always love this drama for sure. It may be slow unlike other drama’s but, that’s what it’s about Without hurrying for all sorts of things, sometimes being slow and steady makes you closer to yourself and your loved ones. ❤️
Whatever. Their acting was good. It was actually a kind of reality based drama. I loved them both together. It’s the first Korean drama I waited for each episode. Actually it wasn’t about a strong man or a bodyguard protecting a girl or it wasn’t about any ki d of rich man going to love a middle class woman. It was a kind of reality. We should have the ability to watch such kind of dramas. I loved acting, the script, the sceneries, the characters and everything about this drama. And also I want to see pmy and skj together in other dramas too.
I read all the comments here, about this drama, I am kdrama fans for almost 19 years, and I’ve watched so many from hallyu actors to new inspiring actors, and watched them grow on their crafts, and I should say, this drama is not that bad or not good or boring.. It tackles the the other side of life, yes the concept is simple and the drama is light, but it is the story of two people who find each other arms, to give comfort and love, to ease each others pain, what is boring about it. Let’s not just focus to the main character, how about the story of other character, a couple who took care of an orphan young boy, they gave him love and brought him up to be a fine young man, isn’t a good side of the drama? , or a moral lesson? It showd that love knows no boundaries♥️ and sisters who did all they could to protect each other.. For me, this drama is for family, because it is about, love, patience, and forgiveness, and most of all, it is for being grateful to the people who’s been good to us.. As for the asking of the main characters, I think, they’ve played their role, nice and good, since it light, seo kang joon, used his lovely eyes, who says it all, and Park min young did it well with her simple smile.. Congratulations to the cast and crew, and thank you JTBC.
It was a very soothing, healing drama which I enjoyed very much. It was just right for me and it came at a time I dearly needed it especially with the pandemic going on. Did Seo Kang Joon and PMY have chemistry? Yes, they did, but it was not the sizzling kind. It was more of a warm and cozy kind of chemistry. Truth be told, even if they lacked chemistry, I don’t see why it has to be blamed on the female lead. We always rush to blame the female lead for anything amiss with the drama, and give credit to the male lead when the ratings are high (with very few exceptions). It’s time we did away with that type of outdated thinking. As an impartial observer who loves both leads, PMY played her part to perfection, she’s great in melodramas, but SKJ seemed to sleep walk through some of his scenes in this drama. He often had a blank expression and I just wasn’t sure what he was trying to convey. It must be pretty hard playing an introverted character, but it is possible to do so and make the character a hit (for example, Wang Yibo in The Untamed). I never expected this type of drama to be a hit, most Melos without an intense script aren’t. And this drama is no exception.
I agree with the chemistry statement. It was a sweet chemistry not a boom chicka wow wow chemistry. I liked having a male lead be a more introverted character not the same ole arrogant kind of guy we see so often.
She is one of my fav actress…She is the reason why i watch kdrama.For me she is the hero in each drama i watch..Everytime she surprise me with her acting skill…For me she is the best…
I loved this drama and miss the characters so much already. They began to feel like family. I loved that Park Min Young played a really vulnerable person here and therefore I think it is the best performance of her career, and I have seen everything she’s done for over a decade. It was not boring in the least. There were fascinating characters in it and I loved the country setting, the beautiful cinematography and gorgeous music. I personally think Seo Kang Joon gave a better performance in Watcher but he definitely was eye candy and had his moments in Weather too. I would really love to read the novel if it was ever translated into English.
This kind of story/drama is actually my cup of tea. I love it. I am in search of other kdramas that have the same feels. If you have sugggestions, please reply. Thanks!
I thought it was lovely, & the pacing didn’t bother me one iota. I looked forward to the calm every week. It was soothing, if sad, at times. My only complaints, although minor, have to do with the story, & only in a couple of instances. I thought the cast was great, too!
I enjoyed the drama but realize these slice of life ensemble dramas are not for everyone. Episode 15 was a train wreck of bad writing but otherwise I found this a solid watch.
The drama is good, simple as that. May I ask if its based on real story? It does feel realistic and the writing and direction stay consistent with it. Some viewers find it slow because they are used the soapy type of direction. I like they kept the tone low, that makes the drama feel real.
No one cares but i did like the drama and the chemistry or maybe its my bias heart? Haha. Nways, it was a drama i can always re-watch whenever i nid a slow burn love story and also i’ve nvr associated any season/weather to a drama until this :))
P.S. I don’t always agree with koala’s opinion but its hers so i really don’t mind. No hard feelings. So i don’t get y some spend their precious time arguing with each other bcos of opposing opinions. We’re all free to like/dislike so long as no harms done. The main reason i regularly visit this page is to see how my views differ from other audience.
This is not a bad drama at all, I understand that people have their preferences and slow dramas aren’t everyone’s cup of tea but because it had low ratings doesn’t mean it’s bad, not that I care about ratings anyway…. And pls how do you guys define chemistry cause I had no problem with their chemistry at all. They all did a good job, not the best drama but a good one.
To answer your question – chemistry is that indescribable feeling that makes the viewer feel that a couple belong together, and makes the viewer root for them to overcome all obstacles to becoming a couple – in a romantic sense. It is the lifeblood of all romantic comedies/dramas/movies, without which the production will lose its audience and be deemed a failure. In a non- romantic sense, chemistry can also be non sexual, but it’s a spark between two actors/actresses that makes the audience interested in the scenes when they are in the same scene together. Chemistry can be electric, hot and sizzling, slow burn, warm and cozy or completely non-existent and it depends heavily on viewer’s judgement. For instance, what I perceive as hot & sizzling chemistry, may be tepid to you or vice verse. However, when a majority of viewers agree that a couple has chemistry, then it’s more or less established as fact. Good examples of “bromantic” chemistry is found between the male leads of Goblin; and a good example of romantic chemistry is found in “Another Miss Oh Hae young”.
I love this drama. Leads had wonderful chemistry. Direction and vine photography was great. In my opinion PMY is best actress from Kdramas. Rolls given to most of the actresses are not very challenging. PMY carried at least 5 drama on her merits. But some people always bias and want to give credit to male actors.
Its a heartwarming drama. Its charming…
FYI, park min young give goos chemistry to all his leading partner. No matter what you all said she has a quality acting, international fans always give a verdict to all her dramas. PSJ career boom and pMY shines again in Secretary kim because of their chemistry. The her private life Ends 9% plus total but got attention internationally and earned awards. While his leading partner their Kim Jae Uck was first time to lead in the said drama. She always nailed it. WTWF is a melodrama that is not everyones cup of tea.
HPL ratings hovered between 2-3%, never exceeded 4%. PMY simply rode on the success of WWWSK when she was only memorable for her ponytail – no outstanding acting capabilities there. All the comedic scenes were contributed by PSJ KKY and office colleagues. That’s why the 2 dramas thereafter tanked because she has no star power.
i agree The PS PMY has no star power. she always relies on the popularity of her Male leads
and please she should act her age. stop being cutesy.ewwwwwwwww
Btw, this is a FLOPPEd drama
Well said. It is because it is a melodrama that’s not a popular Go-To-KDrama for everyone.
I liked this drama. It was a beautiful story about really wounded characters. Not only the main ones but the Aunt and the Mother too. I liked the chemistry between the leads and PMY’s character was nothing like her last two dramas. She’s a good actress. I don’t understand why everyone said that City Hunter was her best drama when for me it was the worst. She never convinced me as bodyguard for the President… I think SS, Seven Days Queen and Healer were her best dramas.
SKJ did well too but I was disapointed by the development of his character. At the end, it was just about Hae Won.
As a current fan of both actors and a view of the series .I would like to give an opinion.
I found Seo Kang Joon’s drama “Are you human ” during this covid period and become a fan.
I watched all of his dramas cause
I fall for his looks( on a shallow note) and his mindset to improve his acting( why not like a trying boy).
For this drama I agree that it lacks in chemistry department.
Though Seo Kang Joon’s acting does improve I always feel that his romance with co-stars lack sparks somehow.His best is with Eosm.
The actor’s acting shines while acting in a family scene.(SPOILERS
Mom’s deatth scene in “are you human” onscreen father’s death scene in “Watcher” Eun Seop’s relationships with his family)
Spoilers ended.
I actually like WTWIF and it’s melodrama approach. It was soothing to my mellow heart and provided and really strong storm inside the hearts of its main characters and they convey their burdens through their communicative eyes. I love how the story presented the simple and beautiful life that exists back in everyone’s hometown. For me, Park Min Young was able to deliver the needed acting for the female lead’s role.
I like to line this up with her WWWSK, Healer, Sungkyungkwan Scandal and City Hunter.
Its depends the story.That kind of story not in demand all the viewers coz its boring but their acting is totally deliver in good.PMY is versatile actress any kind of story she did well as a good actress.Even drama or comedy her acting is natural unlyk the other actress OA.Dont base on her acting sumtym try to base the story is it good or not or fit to the character.
I watch the full drama and did not like it. I do not like PMY’s acting either.