
TW-actor Ming Dao Announces Birth of Baby Son and Married Since Last Year 2019 — 9 Comments

  1. Nooooooo, I ship these two so much. I was always waiting for the surprise news that they’re dating or even married. Goodbye Shan Jun hao Ye Tian yu ?

    • And that is why you will always lose . Shan Junhao and Ye Tian Yu are fictional characters. Ming Dao and Joe Chen said there is no spark between them. Chemistry when acting together dies not mean the couple should date. If you continue this chemistry shipping nonsense, you will end up with a depressive ulcer.They have private lives outside if the dramas.

  2. Congrats to Ming Dao! Wow, this is hot on the heels of Changmin’s wedding announcement. So happy to see the later generations of idol fans pouring in their congrats and support not hating their idols. It’s time to normalise idols dating and marrying. No need to apologise even for getting married.

  3. Congratulations to the happy couple! Some stars just prefer to keep their private lives separate from their work lives. It may not be kept secret on purpose. Having said that C-netizens and their advertisers (YXH) have been crazy on Weibo lately so, I could understand them keeping things low key. There is way too much fake gossip and hate on there, maybe exacerbated by the COVID-related isolations. Thank goodness Weibo hot searches have frozen for one week.

    • I agree with you a hundred percent. It is because of fanbots like Nara above that these guys keep their lives private. She ships, she wishes. Living in a delusional world. Joe Chen said a long time ago that there is no off screen spark between her and Ming Dao. Plus she smokes and is a heavy drinker. Ming Dao does not date smokers. I wish fans would grow up and realize that on screen chemistry does not build , or sustain a relationship.

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