First Teaser for SBS Time Travel Drama Alice With Kim Hee Sun and Joo Won

I totally lost track that this drama was on the horizon but that’s allowed me to be intrigued when I saw the first teaser dropped this week. The next SBS Fri-Sat drama is the sci-fi fantasy time traveling romance Alice starring Kim Hee Sun and Joo Won. He plays a detective that learns about the existence of time travelers from the future and reunites with Kim Hee Sun’s character who both died in his past and is back in his present thanks to time traveling. The PD directed Reunited Worlds so has a deft touch with this otherworldly concept and I like both leads a lot, too bad SBS has had a middling time in the Fri-Sat time slot this year so far and not sure if this drama will have the mainstream appeal to rope in a broader audience.

Teaser for SBS Drama Alice:
I’ve missed him, his last drama before leaving was such a huge waste of his talent…anyway…can’t wait for this.
Love kim Hee Sun so much and like Joo Woo especially in Bridal Mask. Can’t wait to watch this drama. Finally something for me to look forward to.
what I’m so sure is this drama has a better rating than the previous one
cringy pairing, I dunno what casting director was smoking lmao! ?
Maybe they were chosen for their acting skills. Unlike some who were chosen just for looks despite their mediocre acting.
In case you forget Joo Won was known as the King of Ratings.
u mean a self-proclaimed king of rating lmao. His last drama was a bomb, hardly a rating king ?
This drama will surely benefit from the successful viewership rating of BSR. Just saying.
The middling 6% success on national network you mean?
If I were them, I’d pass. TYVM ??
I forgot that Joo Won has an upcoming drama. I’m so happy that there is a drama to look forward to