Things are Pretty Awkward in New Stills and Teaser for When I Was Most Beautiful as Im Soo Hyang Wins the Hearts Brotherly Affections of Ji Soo and Ha Suk Jin
A love triangle involving two family members can’t end well, even if one conveniently dies of a terminal illness at the end and frees up the other two to be together. With Ha Suk Jin being a race car driver, I could see him perishing in a fiery crash and then younger brother Ji Soo and female lead Im Soo Hyang find their happy ending without the awkwardness. And it does look so awkward in the new stills and teasers for When I Was Most Beautiful premiering next week, I haven’t picked a brother yet because I’m agnostic until I understand their characters and intuitively decide who is a better fit for female lead. I just hope Ji Soo doesn’t spend the entire drama being a puppy dog and moping from a distance because that will get old fast, even if he does look tremendously appealing in that endearing way.


Previews for When I was Most Beautiful:
I don’t know for the characters, but for the actors I definitely choose Ha Suk Jin 😀
Two brothers vying for the same woman is a turnoff wonder why they couldn’t change that part of the story and make them best friends or something else. Let’s see how it plays out….
Especially when the younger brother has the FL as a Teacher. Yikes!
I pick the younger. But will watch to see if I change my mind! 🙂
she is too plastic to be even picked by anyone, realistically speaking. lmao!
Im Soo Hyang’s nose surgery does not work, so hard to watch that many hours. I watched her in Graceful Family, only because the story was pretty good, otherwise her nose is really bothersome.
Why would anyone want to have a nose that tiny, her nostrils are too small, can she even inhale???
I love jisoo but Ha sukjin is just love I mean how can he is the 2nd lead.. He so charismatic on screen