Categories: K-dramas

Park Bo Gum, Park So Dam, and Byun Woo Seok Work Hard at Modeling and Makeup in New Stills for Record of Youth

It’s now the back end of August so the clock is ticking for Park Bo Gum to enlist in the military but also means we’re getting closer to the premiere of tvN drama Record of Youth. The drama released new stills this week showing the leads hard at work in the modeling and makeup artist roles. Park Bo Gum is a model aspiring to be an actor and crosses paths with makeup artist Park So Dam. I don’t know if model Byun Woo Seok also wants to be an actor as well in this drama but he really shines in his day job lol. I love Bo Gummie but he’s got such a boyish aura that it’s harder a stretch to think he’s a better model than actor. It’s been such a great year for K-drama watching for me, I seem to have found a drama every two months to get excited to watch and I hope Record is as good as it looks so far.


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  • I'm excited to see it. I wasn't a big fan of Encounter but really loved Moonlight Drawn by Clouds. I liked the other actors and the theme of young adults.

      • You just want to cause drama in the comments, aren't you? BWS was a model for a reason, it doesn't mean that PBG is going to be overshadowed by him or vice versa.
        Let the guys have their bromance and stop comparing them for no reason.

  • I wonder if this will end up being the ratings hit that was expected, but not delivered, by the 87-88 hallyu actors that came back recently

    • I wonder if “the '87-'88 Hallyu actors that came back recently” have personally slighted you in some way? Or is it that you loathe their fans so much (they can be overbearing, I get it) you can't resist any chance you get to mock those dramas' TV ratings while ignoring their huge global success on streaming platforms (plus the rave reviews one of them got both domestically and internationally for its stellar production) and also ignoring the "TV is dead/dying, it's the streaming age" reports from K-media themselves?

      Before you bring up SF 2 (yeah, I saw those comments), the second episode's TV ratings dropped slightly compared to the premiere's excellent ratings. Yet that doesn't undercut its quality in any way.
      And I hope it does well all the way to the finale. Same goes for this upcoming drama.

      Geez, some people here sure like to predict ratings before a drama airs just so they can come on here to rip it to shreds if it flops or use it to mock other dramas if it's a hit.

      And here I thought we watched K-dramas for the story, acting, directing, writing, themes, impact, quality, etc. instead of just ratings which aren't even always a reliable indicator of quality.


      • I am not sure whether this show will be a rating hit. I read that Jang Ki-yong was originally cast as the ML, but he declined. The script must be a complete shit-show... A bit surprised that PBG was the back-up option to a up-and-coming actor as well

      • Well it seems ratings do matter to you since you wrote such a long reply to defend your favorite boys' poor domestic ratings hehe. It's a fact that their dramas under-performed. Why so triggered about facts if ratings don't matter to you? Continue trying to convince yourself that no one watches TV anymore. Been hearing that argument since last year, but it won't explain how this year alone churned out 4 huge hits in CLOY, Itaewon Class, TWOM, and Hospital Playlist. All were balanced and did well both domestically and abroad, especially the first two. Also doesn't change the fact that Secret Forest 2 is pulling in much better ratings than its time slot predecessor.

    • @NGG

      And there it is. A "secret" fan pretending too hard to be a hater. Why else can't you move on even after those "flop" dramas have ended? The sasaeng-ness of it all.

      There, there. You'll be just fine, love.

  • Ady imp.

    the complete shit show was Backstreet rookie starring your favorite Actors Kim Yoo Jung and Ji Chang wook. It was plotless, dragging, and racist drama.

  • Sorry Park Bo Gum but i think this will not be a rating hit. 3%? your FL does not have a star appeal. You will have to hard carry this drama. You will not achieve what you achieved in Moonlight.

  • Park so dam is a mediocre actress, no star appeal like her friend chae soo bin. PSD was just so lucky to be included in the hit movie parasite. but all her drama did not do well rating wise. - her acting was inconsistent in drama.