
Record of Youth Continues Strong Ratings of 7.801% as Episode 5 Brings Hye Joon and Jung Ah Closer — 25 Comments

  1. I think I am dropping this drama. Fast forwarded most of ep5. PSD and second ML are beyond stiff at this point and the dialogue and happenings all feel so forced. Even the lady who plays his manager keeps over acting. The straw that broke the camels back is the script. High on cringe low on development. The one dimensional characters like his ex agency boss and that actor dude keeps popping up endlessly. Theres no real difference between the standard of ROY and Was it Love. Badly casted, badly scripted, badly directed. Only difference between the 1+point rating and this 7+point rating is only park bo gum. Unlike his zealous massive fanbase, I just dun like him that much to continue this snoozer.

  2. Is it just me that I don’t feel anything after watching episode 4. I don’t see any chemistry between the leads. The story is slow, the makeup is over the top. The acting is so so, I am not impressed with anyone at all even I really like Park Bo Gum and Park So Dam, they are the reason I have been patiently waiting for this drama.

    • Totally agree! I really don’t like the acting between the family members. It feels like they’re just forcing feeding us expositional dialogue, with absolutely no subtlety to their characters. “Brother Good, Park Bo Gum Bad”

  3. I never understood why people found PBG so handsome and used to praise him to the sky.. From his pics he mostly appeared as the cutesy type and not someone whom I would drool over due to his hotness..
    However this is my first drama of his..And I have to admit ..this boy has this undeniable charm that makes people want to see him more.
    I guess it is true that you find some people more appealing than on paper when they start acting..PBG falls in that category for me.
    On the contrary, this is also true that I find some actors/actresses really looking good in their pics..but once I see them moving on -screen I can’t help but to change my opinion.
    So far I m really liking this drama. The pacing is a bit slow but it is common for a slice of life dramas. Park Bo Gum is doing it really well. And I may check out his othee works..(nope Not Encounter..not a fan of Noona romances) .Infact So dam is also doing her job nicely..but I think till now the writer hasn’t given proper justice to her character.Maybe that’s why some people are not happy with her.

    Finally TVN is getting some high ratings.. After CLOY, Forest of Secrets and ROY doing its job in garnering above average ratings for TVN. I can only imagine the ratings for ROY go even higher. PBG is surely a ratings magnet..
    Another drama which I think is definitely underrated is non other than Flower of Evil..My godd…I m hooked.. Finally got some deep understanding about ASPD ..I literally had tears in my i m always at the edge of my seat for every single episode.

    • For Flower of Evil, for a good drama like that, they should have it on the weekend. Why broadcast it on weekdays at 11am, that is so late? Who would want to watch a heavy drama at very late night? On the positive side, it’s a cable drama so people can always watch the drama on rerun.

  4. I like this drama, their conversations are so interesting between society issue, dreams and hopes, family.

    I like PBG since Moonlight Drawn by Clouds, I think it was his best role between the humor,the sadness, the fact it was a sageuk.

    I didn’t really like Encounter. But I think he suits the role of a model who dreams to be an actor.

    Park So Dam is good in this role too.

    • I agree with you @Sarayis I am enjoying this drama and PBG, I’m happy bcz Encounter was not that exciting for me and I didn’t connect with characters. I am a fan of BWS and I know he has a long way to go as an actor but I just love him and PSD is doing great here.

  5. It’s been ep 5 already, yet nothing eventful has happened. This drama is made like it’s going to run for 100 episodes. I am surprised it’s getting high rating.

    Despite skipping too many scenes, I still enjoy the drama. It’s like and relatable in general, easy to watch and does not take much time.

  6. Just watched EP6 and I’m warming up to this drama. The pace is faster and there are more scenes to build up the chemisty between PBG and PSD.

  7. I guess different tastes makes life entertaining. I like it. I like the pacing as I don’t want it very fast.

    The leads chemistry is great. The subs translating the banter not so great. I do think the 2ML’s acting is stiff but so far he’s the only stiff actor.

    I am watching as its entertaining. One can’t compare as I am not even remotely interested in the weekend drama mentioned here.

  8. I would have liked it more with better directing. When they are going to a restaurant or to eat, after getting off the car, they should be walking with head slightly bent and close to each other to hear what the other is saying, and sit down and talk some more. I don’t like it when they just stand there and talk. A lot of scenes like this, standing still while talking. I will soldier on.

  9. Usually when the male lead confesses to the female lead, its the climax that pushes the ratings up for the next drama episode. This one, the ending confession scene which started ep 6 and started the lovey dovey relationship between them caused a whopping almost 1 point drop to 6.9 from 7.8. I am now thinking korean audience is also starting to feel that lack of chemistry between them. Park so dam is terrible choice of a FL. Smh

  10. Park sssssssso dam you are Ruining this drama of Park Bo Gum. Stiffest and snoooooozefest acting. You are the worst K drama actress i have ever watched.

  11. They say that Park So Dam is good in acting and had received various acting local and international awards. But I cant see her skills in acting in Record of Youth. She was so stiff and “lifeless”. her acting is not watchable
    It’s was so boring. Plus,
    Episode 6 proves that the main leads do not have romantic chemistry. They had zero romantic chemistry to be honest.
    the viewership rating has dropped from.7.8 to 7, btw.

    • She has always flunked her dramas. Its not just about being pretty but she also lacks charm to carry 16 hours of programming. Her movies do well as she was always part of an ensemble cast where she’s not pressured to deliver based solely on her own merit. This drama really zoomed in on her lacking as the female protagonist. I stick by what I said previously. Another lesser known actress would have better delivered since Park Bo Gum is hard carrying. But this this point, the charmless-ness of this show is way beyond what he can rescue. I’m out too.

    • @Ezz

      Not just rushed. Also forced. Park So Dam has more chemistry with the second male lead as opposed to Park Bo Gum where it is almost non-existent. They make good pals, though – PD should have just left it there or gotten a different female lead with better chemistry. PBG does have stronger chemistry with his male co-stars than female ones in most of his dramas. I’m more interested in the trajectory of the character’s career than the romance aspect, to be honest. When and how is he going to get his big break???!

  12. It’s a matter of preference, I guess. But I’m loving the drama, so far. Bo-gum is as charming as ever and really has a way of connecting with the audience that you can feel all his emotions. The chemistry and dialogue is natural and not forced.

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