
Record of Youth Has Slight Ratings Increase to 8.262% for Episode 11 as Hye Joon Experiences the Dark Side of Fame — 17 Comments

  1. The actress acting as PBG ex-girlfriend is really good in being the annoying ex-gf haha… and very pretty too.
    Hope to see her get casted in other dramas.

  2. This drama really got boring to me i tried to keep up because of pbg but i cant anymore. Really happy for yall still enjoying the drama though i really want to like it because i like the two leads

  3. I think the romance seems a bit bland and boring because of lesser amount of skinship, if you know what i meant.

    They are portrayed to be two people who love each other, cant get enough of each other, but after a long period of not meeting one another, no hugging (that backhug wasnt count, lol), no kissing even just a peck one. Is that possible? Or am i watching too many romance dramas kkkkk.

    • I totally agree.. dont mean to be a ‘perv’ but come on.. two young adult in love, alone in an apt not even a kiss??
      One of these days.. someone has to hire a ‘kissing master’ to teach the actors to kiss ‘properly’, in all K-dramas ☺️

      • Do you look kdramas only for the kiss??️stop being a devil minded person and also it has a nice moral to everyone of us .

    • I totally get what you mean. They’ve been dating for a while and seem to come and go in her apartment. I’m not expecting a make out session (I mean they already have) but it’s not unusual for us to expect some comfortable amount of closeness between people who are sort of living together. That goodbye at the door looked way too polite. :p For now, I’m staying tuned for the rest of the story.

      • Lol. That goodbye at the door looked way too polite for me, too. A long, lingering hug would have sufficed.

      • Yes, that goodbye at the door! I was like, “Can you just give her a hug, Hye-joonah? Poor Jeong-ah has been missing you all this time” Omo! I thought I was too invested in their relationship I shook my head.

    • Totally agree and to think that the reason why I started watching this is to see PSD and PBG on the romantic side. I really like their banter at the beginning ESP. Epi 3.Now I realised that this is just another family drama. It is frustrating that the romance of the 2 leads has been side lined.

  4. Koreans must really love PBG to be able to continue watching this drama. #RecordoflifeofPBG is a snoozefest drama.The FL acting is the worst. she has no appeal, no charm.

    The drama of GO ara and Lee jae wook is more onteresring to watch than this. Go ara is more watchable than Park So Dam. and she is prettier too.

  5. I can’t wait. What is next to these 3 characters especially Park Bo Gum who inspite of the slanderous gossips still believes in the goodness of humanity. I can see his true self shining in this drama.That’s why his acting is so natural.

  6. The HyeJoon controversy reminded me of Xiao Zhan. Worked hard to get to the top, finally got a breakthrough and was on top. Only to enjoy it for a second before all the hate came his way. So frustrating for a fan and unfortunate for him. Happy he is slowly coming back.

  7. Any seasoned drama watcher could write this drama and come out with roughly the same results. It’s very rudimentary and there’s nothing revolutionary in going on here. K-dramaland does not gain or lose anything from it’s existence. Still, it’s cute, simple, and fairly straightforward. ROY will be a lot of people’s gateway drama that leads them to explore further. Or, it’ll serve as a palate cleanser between heavier dramas. The only thing I’m curious about now is whether the OTP will end up together in the end.

  8. Kinda wondering, this drama got high rating but less popularity. I mean, people talked about 18 again and LDW’s gumiho more than this. Nevertheless, koreans love PBG tho.

    I stopped watching this drama since early episode. I couldn’t handle the slow pace of the story. Preference tho. But glad that this project works well for bogumie.

  9. I really like this drama, it has a nice moral to every one of us especially for the youth.They really did a great job making this beautiful drama ,I’m glad that I’ve watched this drama .

  10. My advice to manager noona is to please hire a PR agency. T.T

    Sadly I still haven’t felt for this loveline but still watching for the career payoff for hyejoon.

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