
The Start-Up Competition Gets Underway in Episode 4 as Do San and Dal Mi Sweetly Keep Getting Each Other — 12 Comments

  1. Honestly, i regret i start watching this early. The waiting is soooo paiful T_T

    I cant remember the last drama that I am this obsessed. Ever since completing the first two episodes last week, i cant seem to get this drama out of my head. I couldnt even enjoy other currently airing dramas that i followed prior to this and end up watching all the promotional videos, listening to the osts on youtube and reading about this drama instead. But they are not enough, help me please~

    I am particularly obsessed with DoSan-Dalmi. i hope the writer wont change the OTP.

  2. The first episode may have been rushed but it was solid in a sense that it gets you hook.

    The bond between grandma and ji pyeong really tugs one’s heart; who wouldnt be touched by the granny’s ever giving stand?

    Expecting great chemistry between nam joo hyuk and suzy.

  3. The story and characters are so well-written. But I just can’t seem to get into Nam Joo Hyuk for whatever reason. Suzy is hard-carrying the acting and visual of this drama.

  4. Seriously entertained with this series! Everyone in the cast is awesome, they have great chemistry. NJH’s dorky, nerdy character suits him well.

  5. I’m enjoying more the relationship between jipyeong and dosan…Dosan has to realize that he’s the brain of his group but he’s not CEO material even if he gets mad and sad about it (dalmi is the best candidate for ceo)…in that end jipyeong is honest and it may hurt but he’s acting like a real “angel”. And Jipyeong is really enjoying the time with this group of friends, finally not being lonely.

  6. Love love this week’s episodes. Out of the 4 leads i totally can relate to Dosan’s story more. Rooting for him to success in his start-up. I just want to protect him from possible heartbreak. He’s so adorable when in love. I like how one lie got exposed early. One step closer for Dalmi getting to know the real Nam Dosan..enough of pretending. What i like about Dosan is how smitten he is with Dalmi and he didn’t hide it at all. Cute! so excited to see their journey in Sandbox. Also love love Jeong Saha and Dalmi’s interaction. Suzy said Dalmi had best chemistry with Jeong Saha Cant wait to see more.

  7. This series has a pretty strong story. I think there are a lot of Suzy-haters, but she’s doing fine (at least up to Episode 4). I don’t think her character needs too much depth, well developed from her childhood story, and she’s easy to read. We aren’t watching Vagabond here lols. Anyways, loving all 4 leads which is pretty cool – doesn’t happen in Kdrama land too much. I don’t think there’s anyone that is ‘evil’.

  8. I am so loving the three nerdy dorks. Nam Do San character fits NJH like a glove. His sidekick friends, the other two Sans of SamSan Tech, are super adorable, too. ??

  9. I always thot that the father story about filling the cement with sand is for Dalmi but it’s actually InJe. I am interested in InJe story – feels like she let Dalmi have the 1st choice to stay with her father.

    I like Ji Pyeong character. Like his interaction with the granny and Do San n his friends. He saw Dalmi cried in the arms of her grandma (prior to that she scolded him for following her – haha…funny moment). He wrote to comfort her and when they eventually met again as adult, he tells Do San comfort Dalmi, thank her, know her keywords. He is like daddy long legs.

    Like to see the actor acting as Do San father. He won Supporting Actor in While you are sleeping and he was super happy. He deserves the award very good actor.

    NJH fits that character so well. Finally i will get to finished watching NJH acting.

    The grandma acting is superb and dalmi father is good as well.

    Like the mentor idea in the drama. In real working world we really need a mentor to show us survival skills.

    Looking forward to eps 5 n 6.

  10. Oops it should be filling sand under th swing.
    Like JP interaction with Dalmi – cute – his quick n sharp answers makes Dalmi pluzze a few…

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