Joynews Poll Selects Best K-drama OTP of 2020 as Hyun Bin-Son Ye Jin in Crash Landing on You Followed by Kim Soo Hyun-Seo Ye Ji in It’s Okay to Not be Okay

The Joynews Korea 16th anniversary celebration continues and a second K-drama related poll result is out. It’s the same pool of 200 some entertainment industry professionals sampled as they were asked which drama couple was the best OTP/best chemistry of 2020. Hyun Bin and Son Ye Jin in Crash Landing on You was the runaway winner with the most votes at 94 nods. Coming in second was Kim Soo Hyun and Seo Ye Ji in It’s Okay to Not be Okay with 32 votes. Third place went to weekend drama second couple Lee Cho Hee and Lee Sang Yi in Once Again with 15 votes, then Kim Hye Soo and Joo Ji Hoon got 12 votes in Hyena, and the fifth place with 10 votes went to Kim Dong Wook and Moon Ga Young in Find Me in Your Memory. 2020 onscreen pairings that generated commentary and notably didn’t even get one vote was Lee Min Ho and Kim Go Eun in The King: Eternal Monarch (I liked him with Maximus more) and Backstreet Rookie with Ji Chang Wook and Kim Yoo Jung.

The following got at least 1 vote:
Once Again – Lee Sang Yeob-Lee Min Jung
World of the Married – Kim Hee Ae-Park Hae Joon
Flower of Evil – Lee Jun Ki-Moon Chae Won
Romantic Doctor 2 – Ahn Hyo Seob-Lee Sung Kyung
Secret Forest 2 – Jo Seung Woo-Bae Doona,
Secret Forest 2 – Jeon Hye Jin-Choi Moo Sung
Stove League – Nam Gongmin-Park Eun Bin.
I’m still shocked at how much I ended up loving cloy despite being skeptical after seeing the teasers and the promotional material. I agree with the lmh and Maximus comment, they were the true otp lol and WDH has the best chemistry…with himself.
Well yeah ..a lot of people were skeptical about CLOY at first .They hated it even before it started airing and said it would be a flop like Melting me, AC etc..But i m so happy,they proved everyone wrong and it came out to be a blockbuster hit..There goes the saying..” Don’t judge a book by its cover”..
Haha it is difficult not to judge by the book because there’s so many dramas out there and there’s only a limited amount of time, so we have to be selective and we have to make quick judgments lol but due to rave reviews, I checked it out and loved it immensely. Feedback is important to me.
Laura, i agree what you are saying but i m just pointing at those people who like to predict that a certain drama will turn out to be flop or blockbuster even before the show starts airing..
Saying that i m interested/not interested in a drama after looking at the plot or teasers is a different thing from assuming that this will certainly going to be a flop.
I mean we should wait for atleast one episode before pronuncing the verdict .
Hum Hospital Playslist couple are actors from Secret Forest 2…
For the best chemistry, I really liked It’s Okay, My Unfamiliar Family with Han Ye Ri and Kim Ji Suk, I’ll Find You on a Beautiful Day with Seo Kang Joon and Parl Min Young, A Piece of Your Mind with JHI and CSB.
For CLOY, I really liked the couple in North Korea, it was kinda magical. But then, it became the usual Kdrama and I was more invested in the ducklings and the ajhummas.
I absolutely agree with ksh and syj
Yup. In my opinion, their chemistry was the best and most scorching out of all the couples.
Lordy, you could fry an egg with those eye bangings alone.
Lol at the hidden shade to LMH-KGE and JCW-KYJ pairing. Haha
Koala, I didnt remember seeing jeon hye jin – choi moo sung in hospital playlist. Which couple are they?
The year isn’t over yet. Why is it done so early? I feel bad for dramas that air during November and December. They seem to get passed over a lot when it comes to year end polls.
Koala – there seems to be a mistake somewhere – Jeon Hye Jin – Choi Moo Sung we’re in Stranger 2/Secret Forest 2 not in Hospital Playlist
On a side note 2020 will go down as a year with drama pairings where the main leads had little or no chemistry whatsoever to speak of. I’ve rarely seen as many hyped dramas where the main leads are a total misfit chemistry-wise:
1) LMH-KGE The Eternal Monarch
2) PBG – PSD Record of Youth
3) LDW – JB Tales of the Nine Tailed Fox
4) PSJ – KD Itaewon Class
It would be nice to have a poll where the viewers could rate the chemistry of couples in dramas to see if we universally agree if it’s hot/scorching, warm-tepid, cold or merely non-existent.
Any other ideas?
Park Seo Joon and Kim Dami has no place in your list, because neither of them aimed to be “romantic” in their stories. They’re not romantic couple and never intended to be so. Not by script, director or them as an actors. Because Itaewon Class is not a romance story, it was always about “bonding together” and showcasing “strong will” of all characters, bad or good. Love and romance in stories not equal things. So acting wise Park Seo Joon and Kim Dami had the best chemistry together among anyone mentioned here. Because both of them strong actors, then knew exactly what they’re doing and how to bounce of from each other effortlessly. They were the most natural and mature in their acting.
Park Seo Joon and Kim Dami we’re not intended to be a romantic couple, I agree. And if the producers had merely left them as colleagues- one with a one sided crush on her boss til the end of the show, it would have been ideal – and I would have agreed with your comments wholeheartedly. However the production hastily coupled them up in the last two episodes- and it looked pretty lame. Added to the fact that they are not a visual match and PSJ looked pretty bored in the ‘romantic’ scenes with KD. Otherwise the drama would’ve been excellent – but because of this – they belong on my list of couples with little romantic chemistry.
Totally Agree
KSH and SYJ were insanely beautiful together. Every time they shared screen time it was like their characters yearn to have each other. Their eyes spoke a new seductive language in Kdrama for me. They are No.1 for me this year.
I can’t argue with this. The feels and number of times I squealed and hyperventilated when they were in screen is proof that this 2 couples deserve it. From chemistry to visual collectiveness
Congratulations to all the winners..
Mannnn ..look at that gap..Although CLOY kind of frustrated viewers with their minimal skinship ,lack of intimate scenes and left them wishing for more..But i have to agree ,even without these things, their chemistry rocked..Their electrifying gaze is enough to melt people’s heart. Well deserved..No one could have beaten them in this category.
Second place was expected with KSH and SYJ.
However I m quite happy that Once Again couple placed third..Lee Cho Hee and Lee Sang Yi..I really think this year they are going to clinch the best couple award at KBS year end awards..
Yup, CLOY was aired on cable, what’s with the lame kisses between two near 40 adults.
So happy to see Lee Cho Hee & Lee Sang Yi from Once Again in the top 3 too. They were adorable together. Highly recommend this family drama, the entire cast was great.
You are right..i enjoyed this drama thoroughly.. Although my fav couple in this drama was Lee Min Jung and Lee Sang Yeob due to their bittersweet relationship, but Lee Cho Hee and Lee Sang Yi were super cute.
I heavily recommend this makjang-less family drama which will make u experience so many emotions..
I disagree with the comment above that the naturally beautiful Park Min young had chemistry with Seo KanG Joon in the when the weather is fine. The pairing had zero chemistry and they looked like aunt and nephew on screen The naturally beautiful park min young who is trying to look pretty, with her hair always in plave, looks like an ahjumma to the young looking Seo kang joon
I liked the drama a lot, but in retrospect, I agree that PMY didn’t have a really hot chemistry with SKJ – I’d say it was merely lukewarm. I thought LJG and MCW deserved more than on vote for FOE, they did indeed have chemistry. And while I enjoyed CLOY, I thought SYJ and KSH had more chemistry in IOTNBO – proof of smoldering kisses and stares can attest to that. Lol.
Exactly! I love CLOY to the moon and back but KSH and SYJ are the best OTP pairing on this list. It’s possible that CLOY being such a record-breaking hit was a factor in the voting.
I don’t think it has got anything to do with ratings .
@Adal agree to disagree but i think it is not necessary to have smoldering kisses and hot scenes to define a good chemistry..CLOY belong to that category.
Otherwise World of married couple would have placed first as the drama was record breaking plus had good amount of such types of scenes..
Difference in opinion i guess..My choice lies with those people who voted for CLOY and yours with those who voted for Ksh-SYJ. It is not like no one vite for PBIO..For those 32 people it is still superior.
I believe ratings was a factor. You don’t. That’s fine. Neither of us were in the pollsters’ heads to know what they were thinking.
We can all have our opinions. Peace to you.
Slight edit to my comment agreeing with you:
“It’s possible that CLOY being such a record-breaking + global Hallyu hit was ONE of the factors (not the only factor) that influenced the voting.“
@aurora ,agree we can have different opinions..I couldn’t believe in the ratings thing due to World of Married being placed lower in the rank with only 2 votes.
But anyways these people deserve to be in this list ..
Well, WOTM might have killed it in ratings but it wasn’t the monster global Hallyu hit CLOY was.
I realized I didn’t specify that part in my earlier reply to Adal and posted an edit but it’s not posting on the site.
And here is toxic Joane again, bashing other actors and actresses again just to cope with the fact that her fave and her leading man DID NOT GET A SINGLE VOTE in this poll. Also, Moonlightyoo left the same comment about PMY once on another site, and now I really think you two are just one person.
Just accept the fact that your girl’s drama failed so hard after you bragging it will be “Descendants of the Sun-level hit”
You’re a clown.
Cry harder, Joane.
Hahahaha… that’s her MO. Divert attention from her fave’s stinking failure by throwing rotten eggs at other dramas/actors.
“naturally beautiful” lmao this shade
Didn’t see CLOY so i can’t tell, KSH and SYJ have great chemistry , but I liked Han Ye Ri and Kim Ji Suk , Lee Jun Ki and moon chae Won, Park Eun Bin and Kim Min Jae . And if it wasn’t a poll about romance i would say that the best chemistry i saw this year was the cast of HOSPITAL PLAYLIST and STOVE LEAGUE .
Well sonyejin always had good chemistry w her co actors but her chemistry w hyunbin is crazy.. even minimum kissing bed scene.. i nv watched kdrama w this insane chemistry..
Iotnbo chemistry is good..
The king chemistry between kge n lmh is the worst i have evr seen.. i always fast forward their scenes together.. even the kissing scenes were sweet i cant help bt cringe due to the lack of chemistry..