Public Kisses and Private Flirting in New Promos for jTBC Romance Sunbae Please Don’t Put on that Lipstick with Won Jin Ah and Ro Woon

There are two webtoon adaptations coming soon and I much prefer the gorgeous swoony vibe of Sunbae Please Don’t Put on that Lipstick over the slapstick silliness of True Beauty. It also helps that Ro Woon is freaking INSANE looking as the male lead of Sunbae, his height and combination of boldness and reserve totally makes the heart flutter. Won Jin Ah looks like a deer in headlights around him and when he asks her out I thought her jaw might drop hahaha. I loved loved the first poster for Sunbae and the network released solo stills of the hug and kiss that went into capturing the pose and it’s even more romantic because their every gesture looks like a portrait.

Teaser for Sunbae Please Don’t Put on that Lipstick:
It really looks good. I like that they didn’t make it too webtoon-ish but romantic.
It’s funny one of the PD of Extraordinary You works on True Beauty that will be released soon, the other one Live On that is airing now and that will be followed by Sunbae, Please Don’t Put on That Lipstick.
Que guapísimo es Rowoon que bello y hermoso espero co. Ansias verlo en su nuevo drama y se que vendrán muchísimos mas se lo merece es un ganador
can’t wait to watch this. From the poster and teaser my expectation get high. Idk about WJA acting, but I have so much hope from PD nim and Rowoon because I love 20th Century Boy and Girls and Extraordinary You
God, the vibes here are just so beautiful and dreamy. The romantic tension is gorgeous and Rowoon looks even more swoonier than usual. You got this, baby boy.