
Episode 15 tVN Drama Awaken Drops Major Reveals Like Whatevs on the Way to Finale — 6 Comments

  1. I love Koala’s way of describing the drama. It’s exactly all that and same here, I can’t stop watching it. What I’ve stopped doing since early on is asking questions. Just enjoy the ride while it last.

  2. Perfect description of what is “off” about this drama. I love watching this drama for the Nam Goong Min show and just to see how far into crazy town it will go. But dang I just have never seen a drama with such a disconnect before between exactly how evil the baddies are and how blase the good guys and the rest of the world are about it. I am sorry but if literally hundreds of children were dying over decades in experiments in a modern, industrialized nation, someone would have noticed. Sometimes fantasy dramas have this disconnect but you can waive your hand and say “magic” and it is okay. But this feels like a fantasy drama that just has owned it.

    • I feel like in real life the media would be rottweilers in sniffing out the conspiracy to expose it, even more so when the government is involved. But here, only Lee Ji Wook’s Zoom In is investigating the White Night Village incident and the forewarned murders. Aren’t the other media houses at least hungry for the potential scoop to investigate too? And now the show’s been tanked by the evil powers that be. I suppose in their world where the govt can allegedly release fake news about stars to distract from their scandals, it shouldn’t be too surprising.

  3. What drama is replacing Awaken again? Is it Luca: The Beginning? Seen the teasers and I think Lee Da hee and Kim Rae-won have good chemistry so far. I’ll check it out at least when it premieres.

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