Kim So Hyun is Coolly Striking in New Y Noblesse July 2021 Pictorial

Being a grown up child actress fairly guarantees double the attention, from those who still remember the child era and those who stumble upon in the adult era, and the intersectional in between. Kim So Hyun even as a kid got tons of comparisons to adult actresses she resembled in looks/acting and all the commentary was good, but as an adult she’s really come into her own. This is the first time I straight up though she was two actresses merged together, Son Ye Jin in looks and Gong Hyo Jin in modeling attitude. But when she acts I just see her as the acting style and personality she’s slowly and successfully built up for herself, fierce and feminine and mentally hard as a diamond. I love this pictorial since the clothes look comfortable, beautiful on her, and she’s just owning her own radiance.
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Here we go again.Kim so hyun fans where are you?
Saw from fans who read her interview in the magazine that she didn’t receive any pay for her reshoots for River Where The Moon Rises either. Lots of respect for this young lady after seeing how she forged on with professionalism after the controversy and male lead swap. Hope she only gets better projects in the future.
And without problematic male leads who force her to reshoot. Amen.
That is commendable and huge respect for her professionalism. She carried the drama when it was going through it’s worst crises and frankly deserved to be paid double just for that. Her attitude towards acting and her craft will take her a long way and hopefully never encounters a crises like that again.
LOL Then the troll commenters here who shamed her for being “greedy” can eat their own words now lmao
Like you said they are trolls so just ignore them. Everyone knows how kind and dedicated she is.
Wow! Such professionalism at her young age can’t even begin to imagine. Lots of respect for her and she is such a good actress and extremely talented and versatile. She deserves the world and more.
I find it, not wise, to take no payment at all for basically reshooting an entire drama.She worked for half pay while the company sold the drama to 109 countries. She worked for free for 21 grueling 20 hour days while her co-star got paid. The company took advantage of her, and she let it happen.
It was smart to not accept payment otherwise the company could easily have ruined her image. Now she’s considered a hero and the production company will forever in her debt. Besides not accepting payment for re shoots doesn’t mean she didn’t get a cut of the profits from overseas sales. Lead actors always get a huge cut of overseas sales which is in addition to their salary. KSH is smart and has a good business sense. She owns shares in Kakao Entertainment and is rumored to have shares in her new agency too as part of her signing deal.
@Lauren Where did you hear about the rumours about her owning shares in Culture Depot?
I really like the style of the first picture on her! She looks really good 🙂
I love her all the pictures for this photoshoot especially the purple and sea green one… She look so beautiful and cool in all of them
Her first high fashion luxury shoot and she slays! The LV outfits are especially great on her!
Straight up thought she was Son Ye Jin in the first pic. They are both stunning and visually underappreciated but their acting talents are always top notch.
I love all the outfits in this pictorial. Totally wearable and so high fashion. If only I have the money to buy them lol.
I know she’s still resting, but can she and CD decide already decide the project from wc they are reviewing. Missing this girl on screen so much!
Maybe its because she always had a mature aura but her transition has been seamless and I agree about her steadily building her own acting brand of fierce femininity. Its her own unique style and she owns it flawlessly.
She does not have any hint of GHJ in her. Her resemblance with SYJ is obvious but GHJ??? What?
I don’t think Koala is saying that she looks like GHJ, she said KSH looks like SYJ but has a cool GHJ-esque aura
Even if she appears cool in this pictorial, that’s a comparison out of the left field. I can’t see it either.
That’s okay it’s the perspective of the writer. She sees the GHJ cool laid back aura in her so it’s fair. It’s not out of left field it’s just an opinion.
She doesn’t look as Son Ye Jin in this photoshoot . She looks like herself . A very beautiful young woman , classic and chic . Bravo !
Girl is so beautiful ❤️ Next drama soon I wish
We need @Lydia1 to tell us if she’s heard anything about her next project!
Even a vague rumor will do give us something plz!!!!
I heard her agency is reviewing a script. So, I think maybe we will get some news this month.
Expect casting news by early Aug at the latest. She should be back on set soon.
Oh I hope she picks something quickly! Missing her!
Still waiting for next drama
I am a huge fan of this young girl…Such a focus and humble young girl.
She is the coolest most level headed actress in her age group.
Simply gorgeous & cool!
“Fierce femininity” is perfectly accurate to describe her vibe/aura! It’s such a unique image and will be an immense advantage because it will allow her to be cast in different types of roles. I guess that also explains her broad appeal, that while she has tons of male fans (even celebrity ones), girls and women love her as well.
BTW, I wish Koala included the shot where she’s in a couch and the other closeup shot of her in front view, those two are my favorites. But I really appreciate this post! Thank you Koala!
beautiful young lady
Pure curiosity,this was on the same magazine where Yoona was on right?Anyway she looks so cool and high fashion suits her well. Waiting for next project,her dramas are so popular in my country especially that of love alarm and who are you
yes same magazine
Is the winged eyeliner making a comeback? KSH is very photogenic and this vibe suits her. She was great in her last drama very fierce. Looking forward to her next work.
Ah! She’s gorgeous! Versatile as always!
her face resembles that of kim hyang gi.
Kim So Hyun – Best Actress – Best Girl. Miss you! This post is wonderful!
I really miss kim so hyun. Even only hearing the news of the virtual casting of the webtoon drama that voted for her, already made me happy ?
She is just amazing omg I’m falling in her beauty her face is small with big round eyes just wow ??? she looks like son ye jin ???
Yes, one of the Under 19 trainees said her face is small like a fist ?
She’s just so beautiful!
Beautiful as always! This reminds me of her photoshoot for Singles magazine back in 2017, that is my all time favorite photoshoot of her. Just like in that, the makeup and styling here is also so simple and minimalistic but really brings out the best in her beauty. That side profile shot ?
Thank you Koala for posting this!
Oh wow, time sure does fly so fast! It feels just like yesterday when I was watching dramas where she’s the child/teen version of the female protagonist, and now she’s fully grown, looking so beautiful, and has really come into her own. She looks so much like Han Ga In on the first pic to me.
Wish her all the best!
She sometimes resembles HGI and sometimes SYJ to me but her acting like Koala rightfully said is entirely her own strong yet feminine. Just love the brand she built for herself and how quickly she achieved her success but in fact its been 13 years and she still works so hard. Beautiful inside and out she is inspiring.
Agreed totally
She is indeed looking quite beautiful. Looking forward to her next project. ?
Adult Kim Sohyun looking forward to her new journey.
Please comeback soon!
I miss her please announce a new project soon!
Missing her and waiting for comeback news.