SBS Romance Sageuk Lovers of the Red Sky Premieres with 6.6% Ratings and Audience Surprise to Strong Fantasy Element with Tons of CGI
Talk about burying the lede, SBS. Perhaps the delay in starting promotions for sageuk drama Lovers of the Red Sky (Red Sky) is because the network couldn’t figure out which element to lead with. It decided on the female painter empowerment aspect and then the comedic meet-cute fated OTP piece. It totally missed the giant elephant in the room that is the straight up fantasy with goddess and demon smoke monsters and eye swapping and CGI up the wazoo. The first episode was WILD peeps, and in a good interesting way because I powered through that sucker and never felt bored for a moment even though adult leads Kim Yoo Jung and Ahn Hyo Seob don’t even show up. Episode 1 was the story setting with the ancient battle and balance of power between the life giving Mountain Goddesss granny and the death bringing Smoke Demon devil (the smoky version of the Chernabog straight out of Fantasia), how the King used the Smoke Demon to obtain power and then try to seal it away, two babies born on the same night – one with sight and the other without, and how the Smoke Demon is unleashed by yet another power hungry royal kiddo ten years later and then gets sealed into our poor male lead and his eyes transferred to our plucky female lead. This drama reminds of me the strong fantasy/supernatural sageuk Tale of a Night Watchman but with a tighter story and also stronger leads. I can’t wait for the second episode today!


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This wasn’t my speed, I guess. A cringefest with terrible CGI.
Yeah, the wolf CGI was gaze-averting bad. Early 2000s visual effects bad. But while the first half of the story is basically just the child leads traipsing around town and getting the Kdrama Feels, the second half gets the action going. Hopefully that doesn’t slow down in the upcoming episodes.
the cgi actually was laughable among knetz. I’m surprised that ifans were amazed with it. coz after 10 minutes the drama was airing, the hcg cgi entered the qoo hot discussion, where knetz talked on how bad the cgi was. somes were ok, but majority found it’s funny. some even said abt there’s western monster in joseon era ? but for me, it’s acceptable. coz it’s kind of similar to the xianxia cdrama. maybe that’s why also some knetz tried to question something like ‘is this chinesse?’ lol. and some comments actually made me laugh. when the child actress came out, many of them said ‘gong songyeon child actress’?
OMG. Some scenes reminded me of A Chinese Ghost Story & those HK vampire movies.
Louis Koo & Liu Yifei 2011 remake too. Still missing Leslie Cheung till this day.
I love this drama. It’s fun and in a blink it’s over. The kids time is fun too and those kids sure so cute and can’t wait their future acting.
Cgi is okay for me tho it surprised me with the use of tons of it. But I like this and looking forward for next episode
Pingback:SBS Romance Sageuk Lovers of the Red Sky Premieres with 6.6% Ratings and Audience Surprise to Strong Fantasy Element with Tons of CGI – SanIsidro
I just finished the 2nd episode and I liked it. I didn’t think the CGI was that bad and don’t care regardless. I’m about the story. Also, Nightwatchman had a good premise with not too good writing and pacing. It was a waste of Jung Il Woo.
The rating for 2nd ep was 8.8%… seems like Koreans love it. Will watch it tonight.
I am liking it so far. To be honest, I didn’t think I was going to like it based on the posters as I thought it could be boring and serious. There were issues with editing and continuity in some scenes but passable. I hope it continues to be a mix of fun and fantasy with just a drop of drama in between.
I love this drama. As someone who is used to the terrible CGI of my country, I was impressed of the one in LOTRS.The story is so good. And my two fave genre + my fave actress in one drama. It was to my taste. ♥️
Very good start! Ratings went up even higher to 8.8% for the second episode.
I thought the aesthetic, cinematography and transitions are really good. It really shows the strength of PD Jang Tae Yoo. The kids did great, and looking forward to the adult casts. And yey to the increase in ratings!
This drama is a masterpiece for me
Want more interaction between leads.
Can’t wait for the next episode
(what is your name?
Hong… Hong… hong..
Your name is hong hong hong?)
Surely this scene in the next episode
Drama feels longgg ,half way through it and i felt like I was watching it for hours
I liked the first episode – very compelling drama backstory, easy to grasp and good pacing. The tons of CGI is well intended lest some people still think this is a real historical drama and complain about inaccuracies, depictions, etc.. 🙂
Yoo jung is so pretty, always like her in historical drama. Got the feeling that this layed drama, ratings will surpass moonlight, to me layed drama more difficult to act, is more interesting and i am pretty sure the leads are up to it.
I really liked the first episode. The introduction to the story was beautiful, the young actors were good and except the wolves, the CGI were really good. I?m impatient to watch the second episode.
Oh, I forgot this was premiering. I’ll check it out and see how it goes.
the CGI is indeed bad but I am invested in the story, I like that it is fully mystical so the male lead doesn’t seem out of place with his ability.
It tells that a good story can survive a bad CGI.
Yoo Jung had a child actor in “Clean with Passion” who was her spitting image, Choi Yoo Ri. These two child actors they picked can act but really don’t look at all like the leads
I can smell so much hate and negativism here .
Indeed kyj post And no negative comments is not possible.
Agree or not this is going to be drama of the year 🙂
Kim yoo Jung acting is top notch.
Ahn hye soop gong myung si yang everyone is fantastic.
The story is fabulous.
I love this k drama
Ah I didn’t know that this would be a full on fantasy with heavy CGI. I was looking forward to this show but there’s a reason why I couldn’t watch any Xianxia genre c-dramas. They’re just a bit too much for me. hahaha. Maybe I should just give it a go and just ignore the CGI.
She is undoubtedly the saguek queen of her generation.
She blends with the character completely and u can’t imagine anyone else playing that character.
Its really so hard to wait for the next episode.