It feels fast turning into a runaway train situation with the allegations by a young woman and that certain Actor K behaved rather abominably when he dated, got her pregnant, convinced her to get an abortion, and then dumped her, if the allegations are true of course. She did not name names but dropped enough hints that K-netizens and K-ent reporters quickly pinpointed Kim Sun Ho, who recently shot to A-list fame thanks to the high ratings success of tvN drama Hometown Cha Cha Cha. He’s also enjoying many CF campaigns as the recently hired spokesperson and within hours of this new breaking three of companies Dominos Korea, Canon, and Foodbucket have deleted all images, videos, and references to Kim Sun Ho from their official marketing Instagram pages. You may think it’s ridiculous since there has been no confirmation it is Kim Sun Ho the woman is accusing, but then there hasn’t been a denial (yet) from his agency Salt Entertainment. Also CF brand managers work closely with agencies in brand campaigns and it’s hard to imagine the brands would be doing this is it was a blatant false accusation with zero merit. With that said, I’m still waiting to see what Kim Sun Ho’s response will be, and in the meantime K-netizens have noted the coincidence that this year’s Baeksang Popularity Award winners both Kim Sun Ho and Seo Ye Ji have fallen (falling) hard on reports of relationship misconduct.
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Their fans wanted them to work together. I think this is the perfect time for them to star in a drama where both the lead characters are toxic gaslighters tormenting their lovers.
And then instead of popularity they will get the actual acting awards at Baeksang. Art imitating life?
:D :D :D :D
I’m reserving final judgement until the official statement but this man literally made a career out of playing nice guys down on their luck. Atleast SYJ’s last role was about a psychopath with toxic relationship tendencies. And to think I’ve liked him since ‘100 Days Prince’ ?? If Hyun Bin and Son Ye Jin come out with a scandal, I’m truly done with K-Ent lol the amount of shitty people getting exposed every other day is making my head spin.
Yes I want them together,
I am really confused. How can you force a person to have an abortion? At the end of the day, she still went through with it, and it was her own decision (unless there was physical forcing in play here, which I did not pick up from the anonymous post).
If her allegations are true, it proves he is a shitty person and I guess she's out to expose him. But I really do not know what her end goal is here.
Read her full post on pann and then u will get her motive or reason behind why she felt like exposing him. No woman would risk it by aborting her baby knowing that she may not become pregnant ever again. Emotional manipulation is not unheard of . Similar thing happened with Kim Yong Gun , but his mistress sued him instead . Here, the girl got blinded by his fake promise .
She only wants revege,very obvious she never cared for the pregnacy,she wants to damages him,to me she's not a victim,she's guilty too, at 30 years she's old enough to know what to do?
Its gaslighting and manipulation 101. You can force people to do anything as long as you can convince them its 'their choice' and pretend like they arrived at the conclusion 'all on their own'. This is seriously toxic stuff and people like this exist everywhere and always go unnoticed for the most part. It could be your parents, friends, spouse, partner or teacher. You never see them for who they are until they show their true colors.
Dude is no doubt a piece of crap but he promised her marriage if she aborted. She went for the ring on her finger even though she was told she had a weak uterus and would have problems carrying again. That is in no way being "forced" to have an abortion...that was still a choice. I totally get why she exposed him in this manner. Good for her.
Salt has great connection with journalist. It's strange that people aren't able to reach them. If it was completely baseless they would have denied immediately.Ibfact instead of salt, it is his fan club which is threatening people with legal repercussions.
The current no.1 trending article on naver is abt his name reveal by a reporter turned youtuber who said that salt knew abt the problem with his ex. Anyways I don't have much expectations from his agency . Their clarification can be useful for his fans only as their defence will get even stronger .
Still remember how gold medalist took 2-3 days to issue a dumb statement like "it's common lovers' quarrel". Watch salt blaming it all on the girl and say that the girl dumped him first .
If this is true, then I expect their statement to be in the line of: the abortion was a mutual decision, and the break-up was a mutual decision.
I mean, what else could they say? It will be a he said, she said thing.
2D1N is still ongoing right?
The fact that salt knew about it the whole time and chose to cover it up while signing him on for cfs, dramas and movies makes them super shady. It makes you wonder what else have they covered up and for who since this is obviously not their first rodeo.
Well its called Salt.
Seems salty not clear water place...
In end it was a hookup gone wrong. Should've used protection . Happens in real world too. Career shouldn't be lost in such cases. Unless it is kim hyun joong type scandal.
He deserves to get serious lashings if his whole career is based on being mr . Goody on screen.
And no it wasn't a hook up gone wrong. He promised her that they will get married two years later. She wanted to keep the baby but he came up with various excuses to manipulate her into aborting it.After doing that he just dumped her .
THANK YOU! The way his delulu fans were worshipping him and acting like he's a saintly virgin, especially in some of the old HomeCha posts. Meanwhile he's just a two-faced piece of sh/t whose true colors have finally come to light. Where the hell are they now? They should come and defend their scum oppa.
I promised my ex bf we will get married. Months later we brokeupbcoz i realzed i m not up for it.
She is an adult who took decision not 15 yrs old teenage mom. If she wanted kid, no manipulation could change it. Sorry my country isnt that conservative to ruin career for such things
U all marry the frog u first kissed i guess. Gonna take my chance and kiss 100 before i find the prince charming rofl.
Ady, what a hypocrite you are. In the previous post when you thought it was Kim Soo-Hyun, you were happily criticizing him as disgusting and just like his father. And then later when you were corrected, you said women deserve better than POS men. Now you're backtracking and defending this guy??? Real hypocrite.
We all r hypocrite btch. My first reaction was on impulse. But when i put my mind to it, i realized world is not black and white. She is not some innocent kid who didnt know what is wrong amd right. Just when he hit fame, she is putting him at blame. Is he faultless? No. But that doesnt change the fact she aborted by her choice and people dump and breakups. Maybe u stick to cinderalla land that love happens ones
Oh, good. You know you're a hypocrite. And stop projecting your pathetic love life on this situation. Given some things you've admitted to in previous posts, I'm not surprised at all. And you still can't spell for shit. Go work on that.
Rofl girl i understand u r sheltered and i dont have to spell right to burn ur hairy arrseee rofl!
U r one too. Get off ur high horse. U 2 face btch
“When I put my mind to it” —
? you… have a mind? Really? I can say it with absolutely authority that you are mistaken.
You twat. Of course you'll defend him. He's a Ho like your Ho. You said your culture isn't that conservative? What a joke. Yet it's conservative enough that you said you and your bf got an abortion out of fear of being disowned by your parents? It's funny how you're always slut-shaming women when you've had an abortion. What a brainless bucket of contradictions.
Oh snap! You went there. I was holding back. But yeah, for someone who likes to throw stones at others, it was real dumb of her to expose her glass house. Quite the nincompoop, that Ady twerp. ?
Yeah bcoz his family was too conservative and i had my career lined up u dumbwhoree.! If u cant get simple logic, it is lack of brain u fckng cuuntwhoree and lmao patting your back by ur own other id lmfao. what a sluut
Horny fans of this plastic hag are getting a taste of their medicine after slandering countless actors like NJH, Suzy, SJK etc. Disgusting fans of a disgusting rat.
Thank god,song joong ki didn't win most popular actor in baeksang award. I don't want him get another scandal after escape from divorce. I just want him win best actor on baeksang award and blue dragon award.He just passed his popularity in DOTS era he just need stable career not popularity.
You know its true when endorsements start to get cancelled because those penalty fees are no joke. They would never risk a lawsuit in case it turned out to be false. There must be sufficient evidence for them to pull the plug this fast.
Yeah, the deafening silence from his agency is very damning. If the accusations were false they'd be defending THEIR revenue generator.
Anyone wants to sum up all the Korean celebrity scandals we've had so far? Here I thought pandemic meant less scandals and controversy but this year is one scandal after another nonstop.
1. Seo Yea Ji-Kim Jung Hyun scandal resulting in Time drama shut down
2. Kim Yong Gun's mistress sued him for coercing her to get abortion
3. Choi Min Hyuk visiting restaurant cum brothel that violated covid sop
4. Lee Seung Gi outed by Dispatch for dating a C list actress whose stepfather swindled countless clients of their investment money
5. Now this KSH abortion scandal
1. SYJ-Kim Jung Hyung scandal resulting in Time drama cancelled.
2. Kim Young Gun's mistress suing him for forcing her to do abortion.
3. Choi Min Hyuk visiting restaurant/brothel violating covid restrictions. resulting in him being removed from variety show.
4. Ha Jung Woo and others being investigated for drug use, drink driving, etc
5. Lee Seung Gi dating an actress whose parents swindled investors.
6. KSH abortion scandal.
I never like his looks but I đin't really know why. It's just like I didn't like Lee Byung Hun & Park Shi Ho from the start (without knowing anything about their personality & way before their scandals). I'm starting to think I have a talent of judging people based on their looks LOL.
Omg, I have had the same epiphany. xD I am usually a good judge of character in real life, but I thought seeing someone through a screen would be different.
Nevertheless, something always didn't sit quite right with Kim Sun Ho for me. Usually, his type of smile would one I would like, but something just felt off. (I realized now that he rarely smiles with his eyes and in many photos the smile feels posed rather than genuine)
He's not that good looking so I never understood why he had rabid fans. I think people just fell in love with character in Start Up, the whole underdog thing really resonates with some.
And obviously if this story was not true his agency would have said something by now. So it is true, it's just a matter of how they will come out and spin this now.
Why do I feel you are a happy Nam Joo Hyuk fan now ?
LOL I'm not at all. Didn't even watch Start Up but it was hard to ignore the fuss.
Same! Never liked his face but I thought I was just biased because I hated his terrible nose job lol
My guess on the lack of response from Salt would be they're desperately running around trying to do damage control. Wouldn't be be a bad idea to try and settle with the ex gf, offer her a handsome settlement for her silence and all the evidence. Whatever they come out with depends on whether they can settle and the girl's cooperation. Reporters weren't able to get in contact with his management but surely these companies erasing his presence from their pages are not so silly to jump the gun without contacting his agency first. I just came across a past interview where he claimed an ex of 3 years left him while he was in the army even though he got on his knees and begged. Now it just makes me think he was trying hard to paint his image as a puppy, foolish guy in love for sympathy. No doubt he had a good boy image he was trying to hard to build. Wonder if the girl had a conscience to wait until Homecha wrapped to come out with this seeing as she could have disclosed her story even sooner while the drama was still airing for the most damage. I wonder how many other stars are nervous seeing this latest scandal. Once again I'm reminded how dirty and fake the entertainment world can be.
A former reporter said on his YT that the agency knew of his issue with the ex-gf way before this came out. But I guess they underestimated her and thought she won't make it public, hence they did not try to settle. They could have had settled back then and enforced an iron-clad NDA.
Not condoning his actions, just stating the above from a business aspect.
This is why relying heavily on a clean image will be detrimental in the long run. With this I do commend Han Sohee's rise and subsequent maintenance of her rise, whether by chance or consciously, she acknowledged her past and tried to steer discussion on acting growth, etc. Those tattoo pictures, smoking, drinking and even her Mom's embezzlement could have diluted her rise, but she or they were smart in handling this, hence her fame now is less reliant on a goody two shoes image.
The problem is Korean society expects celebrities to be moral role models and force these celebrities to fabricate a goody two shoes image in order to thrive, and then act like surprised Pikachus when celebrities turn out to be messy in real life.
HSH had to force fit herself into a girl-next-door box when the girl is not that.
@peanut gallery
When asked on her pictures with tattoo/smoking etc, HSH was able to respond honestly but still toeing the expected line, kudos to her or team on that. I think she acknowledged that those pics were authentic and along the line of - I am me back then, and I am me now. And confirming the need to remove the tattoos especially in this field. In a way thpse past pics, her acknowledgement of them helped in not boxing her in that super clean image. And maybe it also helped that she doesn't have any variety or talk show appearance, as there is less perception of fronting an image. That is the tricky part with KSH as well, the variety image was that of a super kind and gentle guy.
Have to say, I’m not exactly shocked? He def gave me the ick gives very very early on. Talk about a complete smack down for his fans who treat him like a Jesus reincarnate ? or maybe this won’t matter to them. His fans are absolutely delusional even way before shit hit the fan.
Anyway, I feel for the girl. That’s so sad and I hope there’s a way for her to have a child in the future somehow. That’s heartbreaking. This jerk deserves all the flack in the world. Ugh disgusting.