
Kang Ha Heul and Han Hyo Joo Lead Rollicking Band of Seafaring Bandits in First Posters for K-movie Pirates 2 — 10 Comments

  1. OMG just by looking at the posters this movie will be so fun. I hope the posters will give justice the story line of the movie. Yahooo, another movie to expect!

  2. I like these posters, they feel so dynamic and energetic that you get the feeling the movie will also have that vibe

    Here’s hoping that it’s good

  3. These posters look great! I love that Kang Ha Neul does NOT look like a sexy pirate/leading man material at all here. Just straight up crazed lol. Can’t wait to see pirate!Saebom. HHJ really enjoying these action roles lately.

    The trailer for it dropped as well:

    The movie looks fun! Heard it might be pushed back again though cuz of Covid/Omicron

  4. The posters remind me of Stephen Chow’s Journey to The West series. Wacky and entertaining. If done well, this could be a rollicking comedy fest infused with action. Nostalgic bliss.

  5. Sehun’s first korean movie… I hope it does really well … He is doing well in nwrbw and I hope he does a good job in the movie as well…

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