Park Min Young and Song Kang Showcase Sweet Romantic Gestures in First Teaser Previews for jTBC Drama Weather People
First off, I hate this new English title for the jTBC drama Office Romance Cruelty. I didn’t like the Korean title either but Weather People is way worse, I’m half expecting the characters to have weather related superpowers or turn into a weather horror drama ala Cat People and Lizard People. But Weather People it is but despite the whole setting in a meteorological association with a bunch of weather nerds the first teasers who zero weather related anything. It’s just two short scenes with leads Park Min Young and Song Kang being sweetly romantic with each other. In one he lightly holds her hand and the other he follows her at night and we see her smiling in both so clearly she’s not finding his overtures unwanted. The two teasers are too short to give me any substantive impressions but this pairing isn’t as naturally intuitive to me and I don’t find either visually as compatible together as each is with other prior costars in romantic dramas.
Teasers for Weather People:
It is JARRING!!! He feels like her very much younger brother, and the styling doesn’t help. He looks even younger in this hair style than he did as Sun Oh in Love Alarm. *facepalm*. Was looking forward to this but now not so much.
Song Kang isn’t the best of actors but ohmygod does he look like he wants to run away from her immediately! The acting couldn’t be more fake! And who gave him that mop of a hairstyle! Fire his stylists immediately!
I’m bored with park min young. She really does need to do better. All of her bloody shows regardless of genre has had love lines. Yawn.
No comment on Song Kang.
Park Min Young and Yoo Inna give the same feeling
Park Min Young isn’t a bad actresz but her roles in dramas always overlap with each other
she never show anything new other than being pretty on screen
It’s another typical love story again and again with her again yawn
PMY is so good in these office romance roles and she manages to have great chemistry with everyone but still. I wish she would do something different.
She is going the SHK-route, same female character with just different jobs for all their dramas and characters who needs to maintain the prettiness.
Yes except PMY is utterly charming in these roles. She is drawn to cheerful and perky characters whereas SHK likes cold and distant types. The latter is harder to watch!
I thought I was the only one who felt they gave similar vibes. They both are also afraid to look “ugly” on screen. Yoo Inna barely does dramas as lead nowadays, but Park Min Young definitely needs to step out of her comfort zone of romance dramas. Other actresses in her age range have already started doing so, when will she?
I have to agree. One thing that bothers me about PMY is that, she always look the same no matter which roles she acted on and these past few years, it was more obvious. Always all that doll like look
JTBC will begin every year with a noona-office romance? :p
I like PMY and she always has a great chemistry with her partner. When the Weather Will Be Fine was really great and very different from her past works. But it’s still a love story.
Song Kang is kinda bland for me. I don’t really care about his characters…
I will try it and otherwise, I will rewatch She Would Never Know.
It’s giving aunt and nephew. Can kdrama producers stop casting older women with young male leads in romance while writing cheating plots for age-appropriate older couples? It’s become ridiculous. None of these noona-romance pairs ever had particularly great chemistry anyway, this one will flop too. Delusional shipper agendas never come true either because actresses are paired with significantly younger men. Kdramas need to put an end to this trend already.
The age gap is not the issue since seo kang joon who was park min young’s last partner is the same age as song kang. In the drama their characters were the same age though.There’s also couples with larger age gaps that worked such as lee da hee and lee jae wook. Song kang just has a baby face that’s the problem lol.
I agree she looks older than him but he does not look like her nephew. They are only 8 years apart! How many aunt and nephews have an 8 year age difference?
She is looking so old , old enough to be his aunt even his mom so I’ll pass
I like Park Min Young but hate noona romances and am pretty meh about Song Kang. He really needed to spend more time in supporting roles or at least more ensemble dramas. His agency isn’t doing him any favors. This is going to flop.
Sorry but this OTP just doesn’t work for me. Have nothing personal against PMY and SK. In fact I adore PMY in City Hunter, Healer, WWWSK & Private Lives. ML having a baby face & high school hairstyle make things worse. PMY should have done more challenging genres earlier but sadly I think that ship has sailed. The competition now is stiff as younger in demand actresses like Han So Hee and Jung Ho Yeon are scoring gritty Netflix roles. JHY in fact made history as the first solo Asian act to grace the cover of US Vogue magazine. Even JJH didn’t score this honor but she was the first K-actress to be featured in a US Vogue photo shoot in 2011 but not the cover (sources: soompi jan 7 2022, mar 22 2011).
She’s moved agency now probably for the reason they given her stale roles. Hopefully with the new agency she can secure more diverse roles.
Her new agency better act fast as she’s already 37 in korean age, 36 biological age in mar 2022. She can go the way of Jang Nara in terms of versatility otherwise stagnation will set in which is a waste. She’s not a bad actress and certainly not untalented.
Tbh, don’t think the roles she had done was entirely the fault of her agency
It was about whether there was a demand and offer for her for other roles as other actors under the agency had no problems getting different genre kind of roles.
It could also be her choice because to be very honest, she sells with this type of roles but not much with other genre. Ratings speak for itself
The second teaser looks very much like an older sister walking a much younger brother (with a back pack) home from school.
i have a soft spot for pmy. been praying to drama gods for years for her to be paired up with lee joon ki and seo in guk. i think these same age/older actors suit her more. even wi ha joon at 5 years younger are way better visually.
yesss to a PMY and SIG pairing!
She was paired with Lee Joongi on a “reality” show about people bonding over the phone. They were a cute pair but then it came out that Lee Joongi was dating someone else at the time so it was weird that he was acting sort of romantically towards PMY on “reality” tv. It didn’t blow up or anything but I think that lessens the chances of them getting to act opposite each other. I feel like same age pairings (or like close enough in age to have gone to the same high school, so plus or minus 3 years) generate the best chemistry.
my reply went down.
Sigh. Both sets of fans will hate it. Why waste money on unbelievable noona office romances? Doubt it will garner ratings or critical success.
The teasers are awful. Song Kang was clearly a package deal by Namoo because they are still desperate to make him relevant.
PMY deserved a better lead. She is a good actress but seems to be very risk averse. I hope now she has moved agency she will try to branch out more with her roles and styling.
terrible teasers. Guess no one at JTBC knows the point of a teaser
Usually, PMY visually pairs well with just about anyone (even rapist Yoochun and with Yoo Seung-ho who about Song Kang’s age), but this is the first time where I’m like…”I don’t think this is going to work” I don’t have much of an opinion about Song Kang’s acting though I appreciate him branching out to various roles…but his styling here is atrocious and would make him look too young even for Kim So-hyun. Wish they had used his Love Alarm styling.
I first saw PMY in Sungkyungkwan Scandal and liked her a lot in Seven Day Queen. She is able to act that calm and steely strength under the puppy looks that works really well for sageuks. Hope to see her in another sageuk soon. But I also get that she’s almost 36 and is likely not getting a lot of interesting offers. I’m happy to see that she has signed on with Hook. It’s a small agency and seems like it will allow more freedom.
@prettyautumn reg pmy-sig pairing. actually I think that detective role oh yeon seo is playing in minamdang also suits pmy or han hyo joo. all three look rather similar. having pmy playing a feisty detective intent on hunting down ex-profiler turned shaman sig is such a juicy scenario. i still remember sig holding pmy’s clutch purse while they walked the red carpet and emceed together at kbs 2014 award show. ljk-pmy reality show in an interview she said the show meant to show male-female friendships but editing made it look like they’re dating series hence fans jumped on ljk for supposedly “betraying’ pmy for having a real gf but it was all water under the bridge now. lol. ah those good old days.
When I see a pmy still from any of her office dramas, I can’t tell which it is from because her styling is almost the same for all of them. Not only does she take on the same roles, she takes with her the same costume wardrobe. I think pmy has potential range in different genres but she’s just afraid to look unpretty for a role.
Agree. I want to see her looking unkempt, dishevelled, in simple jeans and t-shirt, bloodied or bruised for once.
Same make up as well.
That barbie make up. Never seen her look ‘different’. Even in all those photoshoots she did. All the same kind of look. To me, that’s very tedious.
Maybe it’s too early to judge but that’s got to be one of the worse chemistry I’ve been on a teaser. There is no one who can claim there’s anything romantic there. It’s beyond awkward.
Agree with everyone on PMY tho. She really needs to do something different. It’s the same look, the same makeup, same character and same genre every single damn time.
this pairing looks awkward for some reasons… maybe beacuse the age gap?? this is giving me jky- shk nwabu chemistry…
Er how does SK managed to look much younger here compared to his other roles? ? he’s not a strong actor n I’m in the minority of not finding him good looking. But he seems okay in these teasers.
PMY will never leave the rom com/romantic type roles eh? These genres are a dead end road, which is why most actors wanna branch out of it after awhile. She is 36, facing an increasing amt of competition from much younger, more capable actresses. So I think the branching out into meatier roles ship has sailed. She doesnt bring in the ratings either. The problem with her is, she always looks like she’s acting and always takes roles that are pretty n make her look good. On cam, it’s like u can see her trying to tell tell herself to look pretty. but her styling is similar in everything I’ve seen her in.
She’s charming enough I guess, so I think she will do more romcoms n probably branch into variety permanently or just do YouTube vlogs in future
Oh my. Who are you? Are you me? You just totally spoke what’s on my mind about Park Min Young.
All the things you mentioned about her are also what I feels from her and that’s why I have never feel something special for her. Saw some people who are fond of her keep complaining about her doing other genres and that she can do well. Err, the thing is, like you have mentioned earlier.. she doesn’t bring in ratings for those genres. Some did bettee but the dramas focus point weren’t on her characters. The one genre that’s well accepted is rom com.
I don’t know why I started laughing.. The only thing missing is the man holding an umbrella and it will be complete.. Don’t this actresses have people that will sit them down and tell them the truth or what
I understand people not being fond of noona romances, but calling Park Minyoung “old” when she’s only 35, and looking like a “mom” or “aunt” next to Song Kang are very far-fetched.
This! It’s so sexist. She looks fine and she looks older than him because she is but she certainly doesn’t look like his mother or aunt. These kind of mean, ageist comments are why so many women are ruining their looks with plastic surgery and injecting crap into their faces 🙁