
Devastating Giant TV Screen Accident at the Concert of Hong Kong Boy Band Mirror Sends Two Backup Dancers to the Hospital ICU — 7 Comments

  1. I would advice you guys to not look up that video, im not exaggerating when im saying its the most horrific thing ive seen. I couldn’t sleep after I saw it on twitter. I first saw a video that was shot far from the stage and it didnt look that bad. Then I saw another one shot really close to the stage and my heart literally sank. I hope and pray to god that all the injured make it out safe. Also I hope that those in charge for the safety gets dealt with. Its so upsetting and I cant even imagine what the band members, fans and those who witnessed this feel like..

    • My exact same sentiments. 1st video – oh i see. 2nd video – my heart plunged with shock. Mirror is phenomenal in HK and i can’t imagine the devastation of fans watching it live. Prayers to the injured.

    • That is so true I saw both videos in that order as well. I even said oh I hope there is a closer shot. Than saw it and immediately regretted it. Even refused ti show my Aunt who saw my face and was like let me see. I immediately looked up the dancers condition and was so relieved to hear that he was conscious and talking to doctors…

  2. Omg this is horrific. I pray that the two injured dancers recover fully and quickly. Whoever was responsible for this negligence needs to be held to account appropriately.

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