
Alchemy of Souls Episode 16 Gets 7.453% and Ends on Cliffhanger Return of Tormented Zaddy But Sadly Narrative Already Fell off a Cliff — 17 Comments

  1. The last scene is the best. Father and Son meeting is insane! Lee Jae Wook and Joo Sang Wook are really lookalike, could easily pass as father and son.
    I love Uk and CP together too. Ep 16 is better, but I dislike that fake daughter plot. It’s becoming makjang. I can’t believe they waste so much time in this.
    For actors, Lee Jae Wook is doing such an incredible job. He is the one who is trying his best in chemistry department too. Others are good as well.

  2. It dragged too much in unnecessary scenes. Should have focused on main plots instead of fake Buyeon subplot. I am still watching it only for Uk and Crown Prince. I was never fond of FL character and her acting. I love to see the original Naksu actress back. I would be happy if she and Uk end up together.
    Anyway, Lee Jae Wook is very talented and has male lead charisma too. Shin Seung Ho is very good as well.

    • Yes it has gotten a bit flat and predictable! However, as one post pointed out, we are still in love with the Crown Prince, crazy bouffant hairstyle and all! I love the main lead because he was just regular looking with a nice crisp hairstyle and fantastic patient acting skills. Season 1 is enough for me. Without the main leads things will be more artificial and patched up. Hope the horrible plotters get exposed and killed off before season 1 ends. Love a bit of karma getting the bad people.

  3. I knooow! What on earth happened? A few episodes with filler is fine but story never picked up after that and is just dragging everything out. I mean seriously, we are going circles with the missing daughter story… here we are again in latest episode for the second cop out, there’s only so much u can milk out of those moments before it gets old. Also a lot of characters including female lead seem to have zero character development… it’s getting quite frustrating to watch tbh. I don’t see how they will wrap up things in the next 4 episodes even if there’s a season 2 coming out

  4. In recent episodes, JSM acting is not good as she used to anymore. Idk what went wrong. As Hong Sisters usual, they start to mess up in second half, with no progress and wasting time on subplots which is barely interesting. I almost dropped this one. But ML is so good at acting, this is the first time they have very good ML character too. Just staying for him.
    It will have season 2? I don’t know if it’s good or bad.

    • Yes it has gotten a bit flat and predictable! However, as one post pointed out, we are still in love with the Crown Prince, crazy bouffant hairstyle and all! I love the main lead because he was just regular looking with a nice crisp hairstyle and fantastic patient acting skills. Season 1 is enough for me. Without the main leads things will be more artificial and patched up. Hope the horrible plotters get exposed and killed off before season 1 ends. Love a bit of karma getting the bad people.

    • Yes it has gotten a bit flat and predictable! However, as one post pointed out, we are still in love with the Crown Prince, crazy bouffant hairstyle and all! I love the main lead because he was just regular looking with a nice crisp hairstyle and fantastic patient acting skills. Season 1 is enough for me. Without the main leads things will be more artificial and patched up. Hope the horrible plotters get exposed and killed off before season 1 ends. Love a bit of karma getting the bad people.

  5. Season 2? Hope not. It will be a waste of time for some talented actors here. Even with or without JSM back, I don’t feel about Season 2. The writing is already dragged. I love Lee Jae Wook’s portrayal too. He deserves the better dramas, not a sequel of this mess. Hope they better cast him in other good romcom or something.

  6. The chemistry has been very forced. Every time the leads are together they are standing like 2ft apart and just talk like two standing tree, no action, it’s boring (event he kiss was out of no where). At least before they are out and about training, running around chasing each other, ect. JSM just seems very tried and lack of energy, I don’t know how to described it.
    Also I don’t like how the leading lady has been written. When she was training him, she has a big importance, but afterward when he starts training w/ the rest of the mages, her importance is just a side character. They could of make her character do some discovery of her own… find out who was her boss, is her dad really bad, how to get out of the body, is the ice stone the only option, ect. But Nope she just there wiping, washing floor/table. Like what the Hell!

    I’m still enjoying this drama, because I do find it a fascinating world & I will watch it until the end since I’ve become attached to the characters, but not w/out disappointment.

  7. So basically the Hong Sisters doing us wrong again. They are doing well if they can keep a 16 episode drama going in some cohesive manner so 30 episodes is a bridge too far for sure. This is basically what I was afraid of because they through the female character under the bus in A Korea Odyssey as well. I will wait until the entire drama is done airing before deciding to continue. Also, I get because of the body switching that bringing the other fine actress back could work but this is all very messy.

  8. I find it humorous that the original actress was let go because she couldn’t act, but JSM can and still the character is lack luster. Maybe it just the writers creating such a poor character.

  9. I feel most sorry for JSM. I always like her natural acting but here, she’s reduced to just few repeated scenarios so her delivery is same over and over. We’re at ep 16 yet there’s much development after ep 8. The lovelife of Uk’s maidservant is so overused I now skip each time. This could have ended ep 16 without even having a part 2. Aa usual for the work of the writers, I drop them in the middle coz they let it go. Always. So disappointing.

  10. Everything about this drama is perfect considering all the cast and leads but the story is way too much dragged, somewhere the story is stuck between the fake sister plot , and always ml asking about ice stone at the end of almost now every episode . But I hope that atleast there’s some devlopment in the next 4 episode and also in the next season .

  11. Wow, why all the hate? What’s currently on that’s better …., yeah, that’s what I thought. Alchemy of Souls is not just good, it is outstanding! From the first episode to current, it unfailingly has continued to deliver. There’s a reason we look forward to the weekend and savor all that is unfolding before us, experiencing regret only because the episode ends and we have to wait until the next one to continue enjoying this incredible story. The Hong sisters are the best at their craft, and sorry, those who wish for a straight line more simplistic story are going to be disappointed. However, I can assure you despite their so-called disappointments, you can be assured that they will be accompanying the rest of us Watching This Magnificent tale unfold. Listen, despite the unwarranted criticisms, the majority of viewers know this series is awesome, the Hong sisters know it’s awesome, the cast know it’s awesome, the producers and Netflix knows it’s awesome, hence, the movement to extend this Smorgasburg of Awesomeness to an additional 10 episodes.

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