C-netizens Shade Yu Shu Xin for Paying Own Way to Fall 2023 Paris Fashion Shows and Lacking Top Star Stylings

Climbing the fame ladder is a tricky thing and there are rarely leaps that go from unknown to top star in one jump. Most people climb it lock step and one moment is that weird in-between famous enough and not top level famous yet. Fashion is adjacent to acting so when a star gets famous enough there is usually fashion show invites and then later top level famous will come with brand endorsements or brand ambassador appointments and the like. C-actress Yu Shu Xin just spent over a week in Paris attending fashion shows, she was spotted at Moschino for one, but C-netizens are calling it self-promotion as she paid her way there. She did get invites but those lump her in with low level celebrities and Instagram stars of the like but heck I applaud her team regardless because being seen and publicity is worth it for more exposure. C-netizens did further shade her for being styled rather gauche and not top star level visuals but honestly she’s looking fine and once she hits another stage she can find a better stylist group to level up.

That 1st dress is a no no.
Excuse you, she’s an ambassador for both Moschino and Givenchy. Also, the only ones who’re criticizing her are her anti-fans (most probably a fan of that other ’95 celeb).
Yes. The 2nd dress is better for sure. The 1st dress is not flatter on her at all. It has nothing to do with being her fan or not.
Excuse you! I said that because the dress is not flatter on her. The 2nd dress is better and it has nothing to do with being her fan or not.
I think @ace is talking to Koala since his comment is not under your comment lol
This blog is a total shill for that other 95 celeb, who I remember was widely ridiculed for paying her way to the Versace show last week (a self aggrandizing effort despite being just a VIP guest as opposed to an ambassador or spokesperson). There might have been posts mocking Esther’s dress but I didn’t see anything that second guessed her being at the Moschino show as an ambassador.
I’m a not a fan of Esther but had to do a double take and come in to comment. If you do a recent history of Koalas’s posts, you’ll notice the length she goes to smear certain people perceived to be a threat to that other 95 celeb, which kinda makes me suspect she’s being paid by ZLS’s media team.
Who is the other 95-er actress?
How’s Esther a threat to ZLS? They have very different acting styles and attract different fans to their dramas. LOL. I don’t see competition between them. I’m not a fan of either one. They both have dramas I dislike. But ZLS happened to have two dramas I consider her acting pretty good; one was LLTG and the other was Hidden Love. Esther, however, hasn’t got any drama that impressed me yet.
Oops! Thank you for pointing that out. I overlooked that.
Koala is deliberately very shady to Esther Yu probably because she likes Zhao Lusi and Lusi’s fandom has a rivalry with Esther. It’s very weird to say that Esther paid her way when Lusi attended Versace as a VIP with no title, and Cnetizens also shaded Lusi saying VIP = an important customer.
I also recall Koala saying that Esther got outshone by her 2nd FL in her recent drama (that illogical assassin show that vloggers made fun of) as if Zhao Lusi isn’t as plain and cringy as Esther lol. Both of them along with Bai Lu and Yang Zi are called “the 4 Plain Janes” or 四普 and Lusi & Esther both have a Tiktok influencer vibe they can’t get rid of even if they are wearing Bvlgari jewellery or haute couture. Hell, brands likr Moschino, Givenchy, Versace are known for garish ugly designs that sound cool because they are European and I wouldn’t really consider them classy haute couture. Even LV, Chanel are kinda meh so Versace or Givenchy is trashy lol
I strongly suspect Koala’s acting as a YXH paid by ZLS’s team. Her team media-plays heavily internationally and they are used to paying for a ton of YXHs on Weibo, not only to generate traffic for ZLS but also to smear her co-stars/other actresses perceived to be in competition. A string of Koala’s recent posts are totally out of the blue, baseless and shade those who are ZLS team’s favorite targets (Esther, Wulei, Dilraba, and maybe also Song Zhuer).
Koala’s also done no less than 5 casting related posts in the last month about this totally uninspiring drama PCJC, all of which either paint ZLS in a positive light or seek to extract her from her toxic fandom. In contrast, consensus on Chinese forums is that it is ZLS herself and her team that is toxic and her difficulty in landing a male lead is just karma. Of course you’ll never get that that reading Koala’s posts. Either way, now that there’s so much discussion around the casting, the drama will surely be hot topics and perhaps that’s what they wanted all along. Just another part of their media-play 🙂
What? I find both her outfits fashionable. I’m not sure where gauche came from. Would I wear them myself, prob not, because I can’t pull it off. But Esther did.
Uh…the first outfit and hairdo should be burned. She reminds me of the Queen of Darkness or something. Second outfit is much better.
So funny w/ these comments because this girl was a millionaire even before being an actor.
At least she paid her own way. She’s a free agent. More respect to her. Stars who are sponsored are rich enough to pay their own way and won’t. I don’t see how that’s a status thing. And she probably on personal holiday? And hopefully she manages her own income well and pay her taxes.
I don’t find her that pretty compare to other actresses but I love her personality. She’s so straightforward.
I saw two of her series and like her acting too.
I disagree with you about her not being pretty compared to other actresses. Beauty is subjective and it’s in the eye-beholder of the people looking at someone. Yu Shuxin is a natural beauty. It really depends on her make-up and hairstyles. I think light makeup makes her looks very cute and pretty. But as for more makeup, I like her looks in My Journey To You. I find her very beautiful, elegant, sexy, cute, charming, smart, all in-one.
Good for her. She is relevant enough to get invited and rich enough to pay her own way and and wear what she wants.
As if she cares about pathetic trolls in basements making fun of her when she is the one invited to Paris sitting front row at designer shows dressed in luxury brands and getting her picture taken.
I agree! I have no clue who she is but my first thought was “Good for her” too! Lol, it’s hard to make it in the entertainment industry, especially if you’re a woman with no backer, so I respect the hustle and guts to promote yourself lol
So true! These antis are just reeking of vinegar. Lol. What’s wrong with paying for a spot in these fashion shows when even international stars do it? Esther’s rich enough to do it so people should just stop being jealous.
Also I’m some of the people that actually like her outfit. I’m not a fashion person but as someone with eyes and do research, just typing on Baidu or Google will show that Esther’s styling is on theme with Moschino’s pre-fall/fall 2023 looks. Those gold chains and chunky hearts are signature elements of the current looks for Moschino WHICH SHE IS A BRAND AMBASSADOR OF. These antis are just showing their ignorance.
A lot of happening things among Chinese celebrities in Paris recently. Angelababy and Zhang Jiani got lambasted for watching Lisa’s Crazy Horse show, rumours are that they may get into trouble with the Chinese authorities for it too.
Cnets won’t stop until all the celebs in Cent get cancelled….lol…Will they be happy then…smh
I thk the 2nd outfit is really good, fashion forward and suits her
C-netizens seems to have no life whatsoever. Regardless how she got there she got there and was seen. Which is important. So whatever they might think is of no importance.
“….I applaud her team regardless because being seen and publicity is worthy it for more exposure.”
Koala seems to be savvy about how entertainment industry works. I recalled reading an interview with a C-ent insider about working with Esther and Zhao Lusi respectively. Here’s the comparison of the two rising 95ers from that insider’s perspectives (not literally):
“I’m impressed by how effectively Esther’s team worked through to get her projects set up…..I personally met Zhao Lusi several times and she was very approachable, down to earth, asking many interesting questions herself, very charismatic in person.”
I’m not a fan of either gal. I just quoted what I read from that interview.
Typo – “….worth it for more exposure” from Koala’s comment.
Cnets won’t stop until all the celebs in Cent get cancelled….lol…Will they be happy then…smh