
Zhao Lu Si Calls Out Anti-fans Intentionally Spamming Her Live Stream Standing Up for Herself — 23 Comments

  1. I’m with ZLS on this one! Who the hell cares if you lose endorsements for being yourself. In this day and age, being yourself is what sells. I’m happy she is herself. I despise an innocent persona but BTS, you’re a big B.

  2. This is why she attracts fans, and this is also what I meant previously when I said celebrities will only attract fans in C-ent if they have a strong persona/personality.

  3. I need to find this clip…what is her spicy girl accent?
    was the platform really upset at her, really?? Because she stood up against the antis? This platform is not getting so much Press interest due to in stream. I think the platform is very happy but it choices to leak news of their displeased to generate more online interest. his is just media playing games.

  4. This is old.

    And ZLS has lost a lot of her resources lately. That last embarrassment with Liu Yuning isn’t helping. Her fans better get used to her lowered status.

    • Lowered status, says who lmao. In the skim of things she is more professional than he will ever be imo. If u ask me he lost some credibility n she get hatred n criticised on has actual, nothing new there. Lost of resources, LOL

    • lowered status? where? she continues to be popular whether in c-ent or inter. it is obvious she is making conscious decisions about her career and just don’t want to accept drama for the sake of.

  5. LuSi have left her old management agency. i am sure if has affected her resources that was under her old agency. But losing some does mean her career will be badly affected. I do not know who she is signed with or signing with now…I am sure she will get new resource and her career will continue where it left off…

    I will not call myself her fan but I do enjoy some of her shows. to stay in this industry is very tough, wish her all the best.

    • from where is it confirmed news that she left her old agency? last i checked her weibo, her agency is still listed as the same. genuinely curious here

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