
Bulgari and Celine Delete Posts About Blackpink’s Lisa on its Official Weibo Accounts After Crazy Horse Show Bans Come Down — 21 Comments

  1. Don’t these luxury brands pick Korean/Korean adjacent ambassadors precisely because of their popularity in big Asian markets?

    I doubt this is something that can just be shrugged off especially as, after doing some reading, this celebrity doesn’t seem to have much popularity in Korea or Japan.

    • Lisa’s global reach makes up for whatever she lacks in some Asian markets. Globally she is the most popular Blackpink member so she will be just fine.

      • The only market that is still holding on financially even a little is the Asian one. Dismissing in is suicide. So yeah, she actually is in trouble.

      • Global reach where? Lol. None of these kpop people are even well known in usa or Europe or anywhere else outside of asia. The only people worshipping them in those western markets are their own teenybopper fans who are already into kpop. Dont let those fashion events fool you, nobody in the fashion circle really cares about these kpop/kdrama celebs, let alone be able to pronounce their names. They are just hopping on the korean train for cash. Also, the major consumer market for luxury goods is in Asia. Well. If all things go south, her white rich boyfriend would be able to help lol.

      • @Anne, LOL. Did you even read news outside Asia-ent circles? Not sure about Europe and Central/South America. But Kpop is huge in the US. Kpop acts are constantly on Billboard top 100/200 artists. Some groups like BTS even on top 10. Even my relatives who don’t pay any attention to Asia whatnot know Kpop and Kdrama nowadays. Another example is my own experience on a flight to Asia. The white lady sitting next to me started chatting with me about Kpop and BTS. LOL. She’s a mid age woman. She raved about BTS for almost an hour. She’s surprised I wasn’t a fan of BTS. LOL. And here you go claiming none of K celebrities are even known outside Asia. You’re an ignoramus!

        Perhaps you are Chinese and ignorantly dismiss the influence of K-ent outside S. Korea since C-ent can’t never have the same global impact. C-ent just can’t create commercially worthy products on par with K-ent. That’s a fact based on business data. Useless to deny it.

      • @Somebody

        Yeah, no. Actually all the business data disprove what you are saying because you know, that’s actual business data and not some imaginary stuff in your head.

        These people have zero real influence on the North American market when it comes to luxury goods. They have an influence on the Asian market but the vast majority of that money comes from China, which is why this is a huge problem for her.

      • @Smh, LOL. You’re butthurt cos C pop is far from being even known in North American but Kpop has been making imprints in the US pop culture. I’ve bee in the States for decades and ppl around me young and old all know Kpop annd BTS etc. Kpop groups are regular guests of popular American talk shows such including Saturday Night Live and Good Morning America whenever they released new albums or made American tours. LOL. China is just part of Kpop global markets. Ignoramuses! Google is your best friend in terms of being informed. Go educate yourself online! Or for your easy read I can recommend a political review by on Kpop influence. LOL

      • @Somebody

        And thanks for showing again you don’t know what you are talking about. It’s funny because you use Google. Armchair experts like you abound on the web.

        Luxury goods consumers don’t come from K-pop. It’s a completely different demographic. You think just because they have name recognition, their fans become automatic buyers. But that’s not how that works.

        Biggest losses this year were across the board in all high luxury brands precisely in NA. If your kpop stans were so amazing, brands wouldn’t be losing such huge market shares.

        A sign of a smart person is not to talk about stuff they don’t know anything about but I guess that ain’t you. You genuinely think living in USA and Google qualifies you for market analysis. Lmao

      • @Smh, ignorant as you put your empty words in my mouth. Talking about data? Then give me links to verify your empty claims. We’ve been talking about popularity of pop stars in general. You spuriously claimed that Kpop stars would be done if losing Chinese market and I’m just knocking sense into your airhead. NOPE! Kpop stars will still get tons of global endorsements as they have been doing pretty well right now if China market is closed to them! Kpop is a global music genre that isn’t like Cpop just confined to its homeland. Kpop has a much wider audience and global fanbases including many celebrities who confessed they’re Kpop fans too. That’s an undeniable fact. And I already shown you a review from Harvard business majors. Harvard review is just one article. There’re plenty of reviews from serious journalists including Washington Post and NYT etc, not to mention fashion influencers like Vogue! And this trend has been going for years, not just a fluke! That’s why even I, not an avid Kpop fan now, got to know some of big Kpop names like BTS, Stray Kids, and Black Pink et al. Your hubris is laughable when you dismiss their researches and opinions, thinking you a keyboard nobody outsmarting those business elites! Get off your high horse! LOL

        If you do not live in the US, then stop exercising your mental gymnastics about the US!

      • BTW, Chinese fans have tendency to exaggerate the influence of Chinese markets, Chinese culture, C-ent, and whatnot. I wonder if you just glean information from Chinese-based media that has a tendency to inflate China influence. I’ve seen this kind laughable hyperbole misinformation that’s totally ignorant of what’s actually happened. Oh yeah I read some article claiming that all luxury brand names rely on China as the major revenue sources now, which is misinformation. But C-ent fans like @Smh used the misinformation to argue that Kpop will be basically over without Chinese market. You folks are spreading disinformation from unverified financial news sources. So far as I know, Kpop idols are still crowned by various global luxurious brands. I don’t see C-ent celebs have equal power on the global market collectively. Xiao Zhan is one exception but his market power is still on Chinese-speaking communities outside China. K-ent celebrities are more famous than any C-ent counterparts including Xiao Zhan. That’s an undeniable fact! Don’t get butthurt!

      • Not looking to get into long arguments here, but I want to add some food for thought. Korean celebrities do buy Weibo hot search every now and then, so if they didn’t need the China market, why do they bother buying those hot searches? Perhaps they need to make it seem like they are relevant in China in order to gain endorsements?

        @Somebody Just wanted to correct one thing on your info about Xiao Zhan. His overseas market power doesn’t seem to be only in Chinese-speaking communities, seeing as he has quite a number of fans from Japan and Southeast Asia as well. I would say the extent of his influence is Asia. He definitely can’t compare to 1st tier Kpop groups such as BTS and Blackpink, but likely on par with the 2nd tier Kpop groups if we were to even out the numbers out with his popularity in China.

      • @Lilith, I don’t disagree with you though regarding Xiao Zhan. But the majority of his oversea fans are still Chinese-speaking folks even he’s famous in Asia. I believe he’s getting more popular outside Asia though. It’s amazing how his breakout drama The Untamed continues to draw attention from oversea viewers. There were always new user reviews added to IMDB whenever I checked it up from time to time. TU continues to get great reviews from new viewers. XZ is also getting more and more endorsements from global luxurious brands, like subsidiaries from Kering group and these are all global ambassador/spokesperson titles, not just for China market. It just proves that his market influence is expanding and commercial value is getting recognized by brand names. Nonetheless as his fan, I still have to honestly point out XZ is the only C celeb that could rival with K-ent celebs in endorsements, but not yet on par with Kpop big names like BTS, Black Pink, and other new Kpop groups. Kpop collectively as a group is certainly beating C-ent in terms of influence. That’s all bcos how popular and influential K-ent (both Kdrama and Kpop) is outside Korea. If C-ent can embrace more free market spirit without government’s intervention, I’m pretty sure C-ent may catch up with K-ent or even beat K-ent in no time.

        Unfortunately, I don’t see that prospect in the near future under the current direction.

  2. She is a adult now. She will learn the consequence to her action. it may not bother her at all. Every closed door is a open door… I am sure she will bounce back.

  3. When one door closes, open a new one. That’s what she’s doing. She hasn’t said anything or apologized (not like one is needed) to people who are butt hurt by her actions so…yeah…doesn’t sound like she really gives a damn what people think. Good for her.

    • I too agree, she need not apology to everyone who are hurt i.e her Chinese fans. She has her own journey and since those that dont approve, they can move on as she is doing. She will not live her life pleasing all her fans..
      As long as she is still loving towards her parents, her mum was even there supporting her show, and her closed ones. That si all that matters.

      Goodness, She did not even strip…she just danced. Some of the outfits the Blackpink members have to wear are very expose too. It is just prospective.

  4. Bulgaria’s ceo went on a support spree by posting so many of Lisa ads on his IG right afterwards. Lisa will do just fine. For this month her IG followers went way up likely due to fans trying to comeback what Weibo did to her acct. it’s unfortunate for Angelababy and the other actress.

  5. In the West that values free expressions, free market determines the impact of an act taken by a celebrity. There will be people who like Lisa’s crazy horse show and there will people who disapprove of her while some others are just indifferent. Nonetheless, all different opinions about that one particular event are tolerated and coexist peacefully without much fuss. It’s her business anyhow and she will bear any consequences as results of different voices based upon free market reactions to her burlesque show. No need for authorities to be paranoid, nor any governmental interference of free market force. People decide and market reactions will determine how Lisa will be doing in the future! No free expressions, no room for creativity!

    In authoritative societies like China, in stark contrast however, a few privileged human beings in power decide and tell everyone what’s right or wrong, what to think, say, and do. In this case, this privileged minority also interferes and manipulates market direction. A small group of privileged people decide the fates of the majority in the society!

    That’s the difference between the West and China. Stark contrast in freedom.

  6. She can’t sing , her dancing is average at best. Blackpink choreography has always been easy. She wanted to become stripper. Good for her rofl. She just be feeling empowered to show her things to rich creepy men sitting there. Very empowering I must say rofl. What a feminist. Objectifying herself and later she will say, why am I getting objectified like hollywood actresses?

    • LOL She’s definitely a better dancer your Jisoo. Let’s be honest, Blackpink as a whole group CAN’T sing. Its thanks to music engineering, fixing their voices to make them sound better.

      • @JisooDeservesBetteralwaysss, obviously, you don’t know what a stripper is. Lisa didn’t strip. She still had everything on during her performance at Crazy Horse. And yes, NO one in BP can sing. LOL They can’t even harmonize as a acapella group, that’s really bad.

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