
Park Min Young’s Agency Releases Statement Refuting Dispatch’s Article and She Posts on SNS that She is Sick of It All and Will Persevere for Her Fans — 25 Comments

  1. Not saying she deserves to be hounded by the press but…

    Isn’t it more suspicious that her boyfriend was using an account in her name? That sounds like textbook money laundering.

    I’m of the opinion that she knew what the boyfriend was up to and was willing to look the other way but that she never did anything technically illegal on her end.

    Statements like this will only make her public enemy #1 because if there’s anything Koreans & netizens hate, it’s the wealthy getting away with financial crimes. They will never let her forget this and she just has to weather it.

    • OMG…You keep attacking the female…just move on…She undergo investigation by the law and was cleared. Dont start with your theories.

      Your comment is really off putting, men lover. Just lay off this actress. Enough is enough

      • Sounding deranged is better then spreading hate just base on your guess… This case have been investigated. Park Min Young has been investigated already. You do not know more then the police. Lay off her…she does not need people like you making baseless assumptions.

      • @vlive

        Oh no, another stan, whatever will I do?

        It takes some degree of mental illness to interpret what I wrote as ‘poisonous’. Anybody with a brain would find it strange that she had a bank account under her name for her boyfriend’s exclusive use. Get over it. She clearly made some bad choices but doesn’t deserve to be canceled for it.

      • @Rina, not a fan at all, I am too old to stan, besides I’m already boikotting kdrama due to one actor’s suicide, do not plan to what this,
        I am just displeased with people who like to spread hates

    • @Rina your comment is ? Like seriously what do you want her to say? Either way to people like you she is guilty no matter what she does. She denies or be quiet about it doesn’t matter. And honestly, someone like PMY who’s been in the industry for a long time and a lot of hits needs a measly 190k are you serious?

      • Ikr! To commit money laundering for mere 190K USD? LMAO. That’s average salary of many rookie engineers in Bay Area who basically work like dogs. Consider her annual income and the wealth she’s already accumulated throughout years of acting career. She’s not someone like YG or SM trainees. LOL.

      • Park Min-net young’s worth is estimated to be around $5 million USD. Could be more who knows. Why would she need her ex BF’s money??? Just a bad choice of BF.

    • @Rina, you are the one sounding more deranged. LOL. Your wild imagination doesn’t prove any of your theories. Please respect the law and the result of the investigation that her case was closed. Mind your own business rather than craving for any juicy rumors!

    • South Korean police did hours of investigation and found nothing. A deeply misogynistic country obsessed with humbling their celebrities let her go just like that? Why do you all hate on kent women so much? She did her due diligence, they found nothing. A scammer got the best of her, it happens. Why must she suffer for crimes she didn’t commit?

    • I agree.

      I think she knew that her boyfriend wasn’t completely clean.

      I don’t think she broke the law, it’s why she wasn’t prosecuted.

      But she lied. She said she never got money from him and even if she didn’t use it, there was money on her account.

      Does she need to be cancelled for dating a bad guy? I don’t think so. I’m happy she got a job (even if I don’t like this drama).

      But her agency is the last one I would trust and her comment on insta is a little bit too much.

      • @Sayaris

        These stans are too much… using faux feminism to try to gaslight other women, lol. We see right through that shit.

      • She didn’t get money from him because he used her account, she did not use it for her own. Since you wanna use facts then read up on it and understand instead of just baselessly believing. I am not a Stan but even I can’t stand when people are being prosecuted for something they haven’t been found guilty of. I don’t believe in the cancel culture that is so prevalent today. People are more than their mistakes and everybody has been fooled more than once in their life! Give her a break!

      • Why is her comment a little too much? The fact of the matter is none of us were there when events transpired and we can only depend on what the media is reporting to form our opinions, we are all third parties in this matter and base our opinions on our prejudices and conjecture.

        As the party concerned, PMY has a right to speak out in her own defense if she feels unfairly treated or hounded. These are her rights. I’m not inferring that she is innocent or guilty. I’m merely saying, let the law do its due process and let us (the third parties) BUTT OUT of this matter and move on. We have already seen what happens when celebrities (who are people with faults and flaws) get hounded. If the pressure becomes unbearable, it can lead to suicide.

        SK doesn’t seem to learn from this lesson. No sooner have they driven one celebrity to suicide, they start with another one.
        There’s only so much hounding a human being can take. Can we not be a party to someone’s destruction? Can we move on to matters that are worth discussing instead of speculating on a person’s crime, when she did no public harm to anyone and is just living her life? If the law finds her at fault, she will be punished by due process like any other criminal. If she isn’t, she would be cleared of the charges and let the matters rest there.

        It’s high time the public lose their hypocritical moral outcry which just serves as an excuse to hold a certain class of people more accountable than we would hold ourselves (most of this double standard is motivated by jealousy because they have more advantages and privileges than the average person). Let people live their lives. They are just actors/actresses whose job is to entertain us. They are not our religious leader and never claimed to have a superior moral high ground than the average person.

      • This is how you sound… I don’t think she should get canceled, but let me repeatedly say how suspicious she is on every post about this and keep calling her liar. Everyone who disagrees with me is a deranged stan.

        Not everyone disagreeing with you is a stan. Personally, I’m just sick and tired of this unnecessary gossip, especially after the LSK incident. I don’t believe anyone is 100% honest all the time and never told a white lie. Everyone online is a detective, prosecutor, and judge nowadays. She didn’t commit any crimes, lets all move on with our lives already.

  2. Why was her boyfriend using an account in her name though? That’s a red flag and usually indicates some type of fraudulent activity.

    Everything about this guy gives scammer. The sugarbaby lifestyle is hard. Poor PMY having to pretend to be attracted to that short, pot-bellied, tacky criminal just for some designer goods. Sad.

    • Have your boyfriend never asked you for him to transfer money into your account momentarily because his bank account is having issues? It might have been the case, For her to keep saying she didn’t know countless times, should she slit her throat before everyone gets satisfied, I’m not listening to any sh*t till police release a statement tbh

  3. I usually stay away from commenting on these purely gossipy blogs, but can’t help but insert myself. I don’t get why any of this is our business. As long as the actor/actress didn’t commit some heinous crime, can’t we just judge them by their work rather than their personal lives? I understand she’s a public figure, but I don’t feel that means she waived all her privacy.

  4. She was in love,when we are in love,we tend to ignore/blind/deaf to warning signs,plenty of woman/ man smarter than her/older and richer than her scumbed to it for example anne hathaway,sultan of Brunei ex(prince Mateen,mother)

  5. Don’t care about all that, i just do admire that she keeps on fighting . I would like that back then Yoon Eun Hye did the same . But not all the humans are the same !

  6. Can you date a swindler as a celebrity knowing fully well the consequences to your career? Y’all boycotting her I hope people boycott you from there lives too, this is not even a statement from police just a baseless rumour with no confirmation from the police, it is until all your celebrities die y’all will rest, rubbish

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