Yu Zheng Kicks Off Filming for 5 Couple C-drama Perfect Match and Goes Off the Rails Saying His Drama Will be a Huge Success and Anyone Who Didn’t Come Should Go Die

OMG, this is like baaaaaad even for Yu Zheng level shenanigans. Filming has kicked off for Perfect Match, a 5 couple drama about a mom trying to marrying off her 5 daughters in one Northern Song dynasty family and their respective 5 actors playing their beaus. It’s basically Yu Zheng taking Pride and Prejudice and knocking off the premise set in period drama China. I’m not going to write out all ten stars but the main four leads are Wang Xing Yue and Lu Yu Xiao as one couple and Wu Xuan Yi and Huang Sheng Chi as the other couple. At the production kick off ceremony this weekend, Yu Zheng got so animated he screamed that his drama would be a huge success and anyone who didn’t show up (shade to drop out Zu Xu Dan obv) should go die. Like, dafuq is wrong with this asshat? Wu Xuan Yi as the most veteran actress immediately defused the situation and told Yu Zheng to not make jokes and laughed off his outburst. I don’t wish ill will on this drama but I hope Yu Zheng maybe falls into a ditch filled with pig manure one of these days.

Psycho behavior. Smh. And it does not look that good. Lol
Praying for all the actors’ mental health, must be a nightmare to work with him 😬
This guy just craves attention. Someone needs to clean his mouth.
Watch it fail…LOL
This B*tch makes me laugh sometimes. None of his recent drama cause a ripple forget a splash.
I noticed he is putting back the weight he lost. Must be enjoying life.
He’s unhinged and petty AF. He needs to be knocked down a few pegs, preferably by the govt.
He was knocked off afew years ago together with Guo Jing Ming…I am unsure if tamed him. Lol…
Sorry for the cast but I hope this fails. Gosh this guy is so disgusting
Sorry to hijack this post…Yu Zheng is just boring.
Fans of Xiao Zhan, have you all watched the mini Family CNYr series by Xiao Zhan for Li Ning sports wear?
If you have not…go to YT…I watched it under AhYiFan姨粉 account. It is so heartwarming and fun. I am looking forward to CNY now….I better plan my CNY menu. Xiao Zhan was seen cooking meatballs/fishballs…I will make my own.
Enjoy the series…It is fun to watch before we see Xiao Zhan on his next project. This is the youthful, cheeky Xiao Zhan. Very timely too, appoaching CNY, I bet spirit of CNY is getting big in Chinese communities world wide..
Maybe Koala may post a article on it… I doubt so…
I enjoy his vlogs way more than CFs. Li Ning did a good job filming his CFs. Kai Xiazao’s CFs are among the better ones too.
I enjoy both..at least these Li Ning mini series. In Europe, there is not CNY spirit…but watching this mini series did help me look forward to CNY.
After decades settling in the US, my family have been ignoring the Lunar New Year almost all the time. For us as an immigrant family happy with life here in this huge melting pot, X’mas and Thanksgiving are way more important holidays for us than many Asian traditions we left behind. I only craved some Asian delicacies and treats occasionally that are not easily available in the Asian grocery stores here. Other than that, I don’t really miss much of any Asian holidays. We’re pretty westernized.
Yeah. I can’t believe how much bias there is. When I click XZ’s tag, there’s only 3 pages of articles on him.
As to gossips, Koala hasn’t even mentioned such big news in C-ent that Xiao Zhan’s attorney announced several defamation cases brought to the court in Shangshai under client Xiao Zhan’s request; all the defendants are Wang Yibo’s huge online influencers (aka big V in Chinese). The news was on Weibo two days ago. Interestingly, Weibo has been inundated by WYB’s new dancing activity since which appeared to me that his agency bought all the hot searches desperately trying to cover up all the negative news on their side, including the big dip of WYB’s agency Yuehua Entertainment’s stock price by almost 80% just a few days ago. I consider these pieces of gossips more credible and perhaps more impactful than all the crap about Yu Zeng. But Koala appears ill-informed of what’s the stake in C-ent. LOL
Definitely. I don’t know why she doesn’t write about all these lawsuits. He has bunches of them, there will be endless articles to read if she covers them. And WYB’s fans should have to defend why his influencers do this. These lawsuits will change Chinese entertainment more than Yu Zheng’s blabber mouth.
Are there websites dedicated to XZ news? Seems like a good business model for someone to start if not. There are hundreds of actors, why does he have to share a gossip site with all these B- & C- list actors?
@Guest, there’re PLENTY of websites or content creators like youtubers or accounts on Douyin or Reddit dedicating to XZ’s update alone. I got this shocking news also from one of these content creators and checked it on Weibo as well as Google. I knew that WYB’s agency was already in the HK financial news days ago thanks to the asset drop by 80%. I had no idea if all these are related or not though. I had known many XZ’s fans disliked WYB’s fandom long ago and heard about rumors that WYB’s agency seemed to be behind cyberbully of XZ related to xx7. But I always took it with a grain of salt until the news of lawsuits broke out this time. XZ’s side has never sued anyone randomly unless evidence was all collected and verified. Once the lawsuit was announced by XZ’s attorneys, they were all confirmed to be already in the legal process. His attorneys have been successful suing black fans so far. What brought to my attention is not the lawsuits but the defendants of the cases this time; they are said to be ALL WYB’s SM influencers which is really something. Then there was a rumor that WYB’s agency shouted out to sue one of XZ’s huge fan (whom I came across a lot on Weibo) in return but it’s not put on paper yet. What a drama! LOL.
Wow! So many websites that focus on XZ. There’s really no need for Koala or anyone else to add more content about him. Guess I don’t have to wonder why people don’t talk about him here.
Thanks for the info!
No problems. It flag up on my Youtube ans since it is not a drama/movie, I did not think Koala will mention it thus I hijack this post..
It is fun to watch.
Talking about Koala’s anti-XZ sentiment, I know ppl may push back saying this is her blog blah blah blah blah. LOL. But just based upon how scarce she has shared about XZ’s ent news while XZ’s each move caused hot search and ruckus on C SM, Koala is very biased against him. Instead, Koala posted more news about lower-tier C celebs on this site. No wonder, a lot of XZ fans won’t visit this site cos they can only expect boring gossips about B- or C- list actors but nothing much about their fave. It has also greatly reduced traffic that bloggers crave for. LOL
Yeah then he said he can’t really speak well and dodged like the spineless scum he is.
I am so sorry for the actors that he manages.
Funny when I read the plot of “Perfect Match”, I thought it was “Hilarious Family” (more so because it is set in a similar historical period and it stars two of Yu Zheng’s regulars, Wu Jiayi and Lamu Yangzi), but it turns out they’re two different dramas.
Oops I didn’t mean to reply to you—it was a separate comment.
So childish and petty! He needs to keep certain things to himself. And, like I previously said the clothes and hairdo looks tacky.