
Police Anti-corruption Division Conducts Raid and Search of Dispatch and Fellow Drug Division for Leak in the Onset of the Lee Seon Kyun Investigation — 10 Comments

  1. If Dispatch did nothing wrong, how did they get the leaked information? That information shouldn’t even be legal to have if it’s a closed investigation and people’s names are supposed to remain confidential.

    Anyway, agreed that this is probably just theatrics from the government so they can pretend they did something and nothing will come of it just like what happened to Jang Ja-yeon’s case.

    • The Burning Sun case was the first large scale cover up…then the young actress that commit suicide.. I know there are others… the ones at the top always escapes…

      • @HL Jang Ja-yeon actually took her life like a decade before Burning Sun even happened. Burning Sun renewed interest in her case, so the president ordered a “thorough” reinvestigation. But other than her former manager being arrested, nothing came from it even after that so-called “thorough” investigation.

      • It did happen first but that investigation just faded away…but Burning Sun case created new interest and ordered another investigation. Her letter with those names just disappeared…

      • @HL ahh I see what you mean. that burning sun was a bigger scale. Totally. I feel like there were a few small people that got sacrificed but all the powerful people involved got away with everything. It’s really disgusting.

  2. Pingback:Police Anti-corruption Division Conducts Raid and Search of Dispatch and Fellow Drug Division for Leak within the Onset of the Lee Seon Kyun Investigation -

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