
Yeo Jin Gu Offered Male Lead in Romance Sageuk K-drama Serenade — 33 Comments

  1. I am still waiting for his reunion with KSH after Missing you. They had such a sad ending in that drama. I want to see them being all happy and endgame.

  2. I always wished for him to reunite with KYJ. Even if she would be offered the role, it would take months until this drama airs. But I’m also not sure if she would accept another project so soon.

    HOWEVER, I’m looking forward to this drama regardless which female lead. But first YJG needs to accept it, if he wishes to.

    • Well I don’t lmao. He’s whatever, not really a standout whether it’s visuals or acting skills. He’s good with Yooj in Moon Sun but kinda regressed as an adult. No star presence either. Please no more B-list like Song Kang and Ahn Yeo Seop or washed up actors like Ji Chang Wook. I want handsome, talented, and buzzy rising stars or A-list actors for Yooj, she deserves it after all these actors trying to ride on her popularity!

      • How in the world can this delulu fan named “Saetbyul” exist? I think she is a hater trying to bring more hatred to KYJ. LOL…

      • @Emily Oh now I’m the fake fan for wanting the best for Yooj? Be for real. At least I’m not like you all pretending everything’s going well with Yooj’s career. How can her management improve when you all pretending everything’s fine and dandy? What’s next, they’re going to pair her up with Rowoon or something? And then she gets blames again when the drama flops? 🙄

      • @emily to be fair, I’ve seen kyj fans and also fans of other actresses with the same mentality as saetbyul in stan Twitter. they really think their favorites must always be paired with the best of the best or their agencies are “failing them”. can’t fathom having that kind of mentality but yeah fans like that exist

      • TBH. Look into the mirror. You are what you can get!! Unless you are immensely rich to sponsor your own drama and hire an S-class to be your co-star. I think pairing with Song Kang is already a step up… KYJ always overacts so she needs to pair up with one who can tone her down. Rowon is actually not bad, his recent saguek has good ratings.

      • People “blame” your bias for the drama flopping because y’all always claim she can carry a drama even without an a-lister like Park Bo Gum, but everyone can see she really can’t because look at how her dramas are flopping when not pared with someone like Bo Gum. so stop being arrogant if you don’t want your bias being scrutinized like this. don’t claim her drama is going to be a huge hit even before it airs and stop putting down other actors and actresses. focus on your bias, support her without putting down other actresses, and cheer for her next project without being delusional that it’s guaranteed to be a hit. it’s really that simple

      • to be honest, Kim Yoo Jung drama with Ahn Hyo Seop is I consider a rating hits, since it’s mon – tues drama and it reached double digit. Now there is no drama in monday tues because the time slot hardly can give good rating to sbs.

        I think tv rating is no longer the main indicator of drama either it’s a fail or success. I consider My Demon is a success.

    • Bro what is this comment, shaming on an actors visuals rather than complementing their Talent. This is just sad, just how people think.

  3. Another meh actor they want to pair with our girl! How about no? Let’s be honest here, he peaked as the young crown prince in Moon Sun but hasn’t done anything remarkable as an adult actor (Hotel del Luna doesn’t count even though it was a hit, because he was overshadowed heavily by IU and Lee Do Hyun there, it’s like his character was just… there lol). Just pair her up with Lee Do Hyun or Lee Jae Wook! My girl deserves an equally good and buzzy actor! I don’t know what her management is doing but it’s getting annoying

    • OK. I really don’t like him. And I would much prefer Lee Do Hyun too. But, you are being unfair, he had a massive hit with The Crowned Clown (that I haven’t watched because I don’t like him) and Beyond Evil (that I watched and hated him in it, but still).

    • CAN YOU READ? He has been offered the ML of this drama, but the FL is not yet casted nor being offered to any actress yet!! “Your girl” is no where to be named yet… LOL.

      • Oh come on don’t be dense. Koala herself said KNetz want to pair him up with Yooj if he accepts. We all know we’re talking about Yooj here. I don’t like it because if people are clamoring for her to be cast, maybe it will influence the casting decision. And after Red Sky and My Demon, I don’t want her to be cast with B-list actors again who have absolutely no draw. People blame her when her drama flops but forget that her co-star is some whatever B-list who Koreans don’t want to watch. Again, I literally don’t know what her management is doing at this point, they could be giving her projects that will give her the opportunity to star with some of the best rising stars of this gen, but they’re choosing mediocre projects that don’t give justice to her talent. Let’s be honest, do people still care for YJG? He’s like Yoo Seung Ho, not very relevant anymore. I just want the best for Yooj, what’s wrong with that?

      • As a fan of Yoojung, I am ashame if this person is really her fan. This is not what we stan for. We support and want the best for her but this person insulting other actors/actress is an insult to her fandom. If I didn’t know better, this sounds like an anti trying to get hate on YJ.

  4. @saetbyul: I actually like KYJ but if you are really fan you need to humble yourself and stop making her look bad. YJG is actually more successful than her as he was also recognised as excellent in ‘The Crowned Clown’ and’Beyond Evil’ in the last few years which were both ratings winners and critical hits. That’s a lot more than can be said for KYJ who hasn’t had a hit drama since ‘Moonlight Drawn by Clouds’.

  5. i see song kang is being mentioned by that cray cray again. let’s just hope she’s just an immature teenager and not a grown-ass woman because if she’s an adult then that’s just embarrassing

    to saetbyul, song kang is literally super popular right now and won’t stop being popular just because you called him a b lister lol

      • i mean, i’m not saying he’s the best actor, but that delulu above is acting like he’s some unknown actor who was blessed with kyj’s presence. whether he is a good actor or not is not the debate here. as a fan, i’m not claiming he’s namgoong min or something. but he’s undoubtedly popular, so calling him b list doesn’t make sense. i don’t even know how his name got dragged in this mess of a comment section, he doesn’t have anything to do with this drama lmfao

  6. I really love him.don’t get why no one afan of him as an actor here. He is always gives his all and very sincere when acting. And that’s what matter as an actor. Maybe they don’t like his visual

    • Even I don’t get it. He is a solid actor and historical drama is literally his forte. I can’t think of other actors around his age who can even top him in historical dramas. I think he is someone who has problem with creating chemistry with his female co-stars but then again he had pretty good chemistry with Shin Ha kyun.

    • I’m a fan of him and am always looking forward to his next projects 🙂
      I understand if he is not everyone’s cup of tea. I’m pretty certain there are actors and actresses that are praised to high heavens but I don’t care about, so it really just comes down to personal taste.
      I just hope the script is good and he’s got a good challenge.

  7. I can always depend on KYJ fandiots to pollute just about any actor’s article. The most ironic part of this all, is that if Song Kang, Yeo Jin Gu and Ahn Hyo Seop are all “B-listers” when they have multiple ratings and commercial hits in this decade, what does that make KYJ? D-lister? Queen of flops? Someone who brings her costars down? Can’t pick one so how about all of the above? 😂

    Anyway, hope this is a solid project for YJG. He’s always very reliable in sageuks and it’s been a while since Crowned Clown came out. Looking forward to it!

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  9. Yeo Jin-Gu in a sageuk!!! I’m so happy. He was so good in The Crowned Clown! It was funny, he was invited in Amazing Saturday and they made him repeat his famous line in Moon Embracing the Sun. He has such a good voice for sageuk.

    I hope he will get a good actress in sageuk too.

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