First Official Stills of Ha Jung Woo and Yeo Jin Gu in 1970’s Era Thriller Plane Heist Movie Hijacking

So there’s a thriller action plane K-movie coming out later this year and this week the first two stills were released of the two leads. It stars veteran Ha Jung Woo with younger leading man Yeo Jin Gu in another acting bonanza pair up. Yeo Jin Gu continues to work with the best older leading men and each time I feel like he improves more on top of already being a phenomenal actor. The movie is called Hijacking which is literally the entire plot, a plane flying over Korea in the 1970’s is hijacked midair and the intrepid captain must saved the crew and passengers. This would not be a good movie to watch during plane flights haha which is usually when I catch up on my K-movies.
Yeo Jin Goo always shine in movies.
It’s too bad Kmovies don’t get the audience they deserve. Kdramas seems to be popular internationally. I wonder why movies don’t get picked up by the distributors all over the world. Is it a certain kind of audience that watches only the dramas?