Bai Lu and Zeng Shun Xi Kick Off Filming for Xianxia C-drama Produced by Yu Zheng Who Hilariously Praises Own Story as Better than K-drama Goblin

Man, watching C-drama producer Yu Zheng being the pompous troll that he is may be more entertaining than this drama end product. The xianxia C-drama Lin Jiang Xian (formerly Heng Men You Hu or There is a Fox in Hengmen) commenced filming this week with leads Bai Lu and Zeng Shun Xi (Joseph Zeng) who theoretically should be fine together, decent and hopefully more than that onscreen in terms of chemistry and visuals. What’s hilarious is that producer Yu Zheng posted on his SNS that he is giving his favorite story to his favorite star (i.e. Bai Lu) and that this drama the first third is better than K-drama Goblin in terms of story, middle third is better than K-drama The Glory, and the last third raises the bar for higher thinking philosophical analysis. I’m dying here smalls, the more Yu Zheng talks the more I wonder how he hasn’t been slapped down more by C-ent industry regs for just being a top shelf dumbass haha.

One more xianxia being produced in an ocean of xianxias and one more xianxia for these two actors who have done more than enough xianxias already in their lifetime.
Yu Zheng is such a very entertaining and annoying attention-seeking jerk.
I’m more surprised that Yu Zheng might have watched The Glory.
I didn’t know that Goblin is such a huge deal in China that make few Chinese directors kind obsessed with bash and beat it whenever they can. Only For Love’s director also did the same. The ironic thing is that Bai Lu is the star of that drama as well.
When you say these two actors who have done more than enough xianxias,
what xianxias has Zeng Shunxi done? I feel like he’s mostly in wuxias.
Bai Lu has had like two that I can think of. I know there’s one more with Ao Ruipeng that hasn’t aired yet. I feel like she works too much. I used to like her but she’s churning out so many dramas that I’m getting a bit tired of seeing her on screen.
Bai Lu is tired too, actually if yuzheng not force her doing this drama she will take rest for 3 months she said it before in interview that she wanted to rest
Lol Yu Zheng did get slapped by an actor, I forgot the name though.
When will Bai Lu leave him? I fear he is ruining her career with repetitive trash? There’s little growth for her as an actor, more of rinse and repeat of the same stuff. If she stays with him she may want to be more like Wu Jingyan and be more selective of the drama she stars in; or she should do a Zhao Lusi/Song Weilong move and separate from him for the sake of her career growth. Though in the latter case, he would do or say anything to ruin their reputations. What a petty man!
Idk what has stunted Bai Lu’s growth as an actress. She made a positive impression on me in her earlier days. But now her acting and visuals just look tiring. Besides her acting falling short of nuance and range, She’s overexposed.
Can Qiong Yao sue him again for plagiarism so that he can shut up for a couple of years? This man is the epitome of bad publicity is still publicity.
So awkward looking when they pair eurasian looking actors with oriental looking actresses. It’s only slightly better the other way round only coz it looks better when the actress is the prettier one. Joseph looks prettier than Bai Lu… He’s always the one prettier compared to his FL. Maybe he should be in a BL. Why are they even casting actors that look caucasian in historical dramas? I doubt Joseph is playing a foreigner here. Such a disservice to Bai Lu. One of the better looking China actress but they keep pairing her up with a prettier guy to dim her beauty. Even Luo Yun Xi looks too mixed for her. If Joseph was with Dilireba, she would be the prettier one and he would not be able to dim her beauty. Why don’t they get it? The FL has to be the best looking one. It doesn’t matter if the ML is ugly. Look at Hollywood. So many gorgeous actresses paired with ugly men. The actress is the eye candy
Stop being racist lmao, it’s not the 19th century anymore.
Wait, why are you implying that Eurasian-looking actors are the “prettier one”? What a a weird-ass comment lol
while i agree that the actress should be the prettier one, why does bai lu being oriental-looking makes her the less pretty one? liu yi fei is oriental-looking and she’s an absolute ethereal goddess. sorry but your comment is giving rac*st lol
With Joseph Zeng, expect to fail 100%. LOL!
Why r they chucking out xiaxian upon xiaxian, there is wuxia and martial art too, enough with the super powers that I see has cartoons even animes looks better.
And another flop in the making. Unfortunately they will keep producing these messes.
No comment for the loudmouth blowhard.
What does that even mean? First third better …etc huh? So he is using this iconic drama as inspiration, that’s why the random comparisons? How about u praise your industry’s standards instead of referencing others.
Does Joseph Zheng have very big backers? I mean he basically doesn’t make any impact or didn’t do anything well in all of his projects. In every projects of him, there were other people who helped him out. He was just there.
Him, Zhang Ling He and Neo Hou are always like this.
He’s signed on to one of iQiyi’s subsidiary company so they are pushing him. Same with Zhang Linghe and Chen Zheyuan. No idea about Neo
Ultimate note
Does Yu Zheng thinks past Cdramas dont hold a candle? Cause why does he wanna compare it to 2 K dramas? So much monkey business from him.
Hahhahhaha I find some of Yu Zheng’s comments be so absurd that they are funny af. Then obv he goes around shaming people and the funny disappears. Not sure I wanna see a GoblinxGlory baby. What’s it gonna be like? Black Knight? Worse? Worse.
Cdrama will NEVER produce a modern drama that can be compared with Goblin, they can only make on those “revenge gods” plots in wuxia/xia xia dramas
I laughed out loud to the galaxy reading this post! 🤣🤣🤣🤣
There is no shortage of C-dramas, and they do not care about international fandom. As long as the drama can be aired in China. This is always their motive. Bai Lu is sure a very hard worker, she can act, but approaching 30 soon and with weaker visuals than some emerging younger actresses, she must keep on working… even with younger ML’s.
Do women become worthless beings when they turn 30? Why isn’t it like that for men? Lol.
I read an article that the producer Yu Zheng said Bai Lu is his favorite. She must be very impressive. He probably likes her gutsy aggressive style too.