
Li Qin Edges Out Wang Chu Ran for the Female Lead of Period C-drama Wan Xin Ji with Male Lead Chen Zhe Yuan — 37 Comments

  1. So who will be 1st billed or is it equal?

    LQ is more senior but CZY is the one with liuliang.

    But then again, before the drama airs, it can still be changed…

    • Li Qin would a hundred percent be first billed. Equal billing shouldn’t even be questioned. Liuliang means nothing if his own fans haven’t supported his last two dramas whereas Li Qin dramas have been huge hits.

      • @ Rina , am glad am not the only one who thinks like this too, but I guess because she is also part of the leads, technically she has a hit shows, am guessing that how it work 😆.

      • Hits but do you really think Joy of Life is hers? Are Youth Memories hers? Come on now.

      • But she is not the one who made it big tho, like youth memories, if it wasn’t for xiao zhan, would it become that hit?

    • I don’t think CZY is at liuliang level yet. He doesn’t have the large, dedicated fan base. He is still rising but his billing fight lost him a lot of goodwill and possibly roles.

      It is best for him to lay low and earn some respect again with his upcoming dramas.

    • Very pretty but too self conscious and over smiles! She ruined RN for me tho I did like her in the wrap up season 2. I think she’s not a bad actor. Just needs to relax a bit and not over sell her pretty smile. She’s so beautiful- she does not need to ‘act’ cutesy. Makes me cringe and get annoyed with her.

  2. Love the misogyny of YangYang being casted as the lead in a huge upcoming project while WCR is still recovering from that disaster of a drama. It’s weird that he’s now associated with greasy acting, yet his career is not impacted at all.

    • I feel WCR would do better on the big screen. She doesn’t seem to have the relatability and likability factor that tv audience seems to prefer. I find her more interesting than YY. She was great in SOPJ especially her last scene when she started dancing in the rain.

      • Movie industry is not as forgiving as TV. But I think she’s a decent actress, she just needs a breakthrough role. She’s in a bunch of new dramas, so if one of those do well, she’ll be fine.

    • YY has been in the industry longer and has a strong established dedicated fan base. WCR is nowhere near there yet so she definitely was impacted more. I actually think she’s a decent actress. I remember seeing her in Royal Feast and thinking she was so much better than Wu Jinyan.

    • WCR needs to do serious palace / historical dramas ala a 甄嬛传. Her looks and vibe do not suit the contemporary, girl-next-door roles that her similarly-aged peers go for. She has the grand, classic beauty that is in the vein of the older generation of Chinese actresses. I think her career might flourish more when she’s a bit older, in her 30s, because she has a gravitas that doesn’t lend well to the roles that 20-something actresses get.

      • Agreed, she fits better with serious dramas. She gives off mature lady vibes and she can’t do the innocent and bubbly type of female lead that idol dramas usually have. I’ll be a bit more harsh and say upfront that she’ll do better in a supporting role in serious dramas.

      • @Lilith – I agree with supporting roles. (1) There aren’t that many FL-led serious dramas, and (2) she needs to build up her acting skills before she can even think of leading a serious drama. This comment isn’t a dig at her. Serious c-dramas require really strong acting skills that most younger actors lack. Also, supporting roles in serious dramas can have way more substance that lead roles in idol dramas. Just look at 甄嬛传 and 如懿传 – so many top actors in interesting supporting roles that made waves.

      • WCR was in a serious palace drama as WangKai’s paranoid concubine in Serenade of Peaceful Joy aka Held In The Lonely Castle. She was amazing and she was barely 20 during the filming.

        The drama was star-studded with seasoned and matured actors but I think it’s escape most iFans’ attention since there is no hip idol stars. It’s a great quality drama by Daylight Production.

      • @Lady Bird – Yep, that’s why I said she needs to do palace / historical dramas (not Republican-era). She broke out in 清平乐 and outshone the FL. She suits 贵妃 roles beautifully, much more so than modern roles.

    • It’s almost like he was a big star before the incident or something… all you weak people crying misogyny all the time do is steal attention away from real instances of misogyny.

    • Well yang yang has been famous for a long time since 2015 while wang churan just has stepped on the entertainment in recent years. The last drama didn’t really affect yy but it did affect wcr badly

  3. I prefer WCR. LQ is boring. Neither a hater nor fan of both actresses but as a casual viewer, i think WCR has more charisma on screen than LQ. But LQ has some hits drama under her belt (even tho she was just the part of those hits dramas).

    But the funny part is the ML. He wanted a equal billing with Dilraba but now 2nd billing to a B class actress. He has learned something now. What a stupid move back then.

      • As if he was the one calling the shots in that matter *rolleyes*…his agency is the main culprit here, they were way too greedy, that’s all. I’m not even a fan but you have to be quite naive to think he has a say in whatever decision is made for his career. He has no choice but play along.

    • I think it is because his team finally got the message after the last couple failures in getting him top billing.

  4. To be fair his company and manager wanted to bill fight not. These artists are controlled by their companies and have no freedom. Doubt he even has the money or power to even say no to his bosses.

    • I do agree, he must have horrible company who have mismanaged his career so far. Maybe he will pull another Jeremy Tsui and leave his management when he has a chance. Some of these artists are gagged and suffer in silence until their contract renewals when they can speak up for themselves.

      To be honest, I don’t see why there is so much negativity in trying to negotiate for a better pay or role. It’s done all the time in the west without tarnishing the individual’s reputation. Someone on the other side took the negotiation and made it into a smear campaign which is really unfortunate. Either that or perhaps the party that tried to negotiate the deal were just too aggressive. C-ent is such a cess-pool of ill will. smh.

  5. hahahaha… CZY is taking second billing to LQ who is not worth anything over Dilraba???… LOL… cannot stop laughing!! Good luck.

  6. Meh. I like Li Qin, but I think she looks much more mature than Chen Zhe Yuan, I don’t feel them as a romantic couple. The same goes for Wang Chu Ran, actually, who despite being younger has thud mature vibe about her. I have no idea what the drama is about, but if romance is involved I am not betting on significant chemistry between the leads…

  7. What’s the plot about? He’s cute, but the billing stuff left a sour taste. Hope that can be left behind. I haven’t found a character of hers that I like yet.

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