
Lost You Forever Part 1 Delivers Near Perfect Adaptation of Novel Last Summer and Now Part 2 is Scheduled for Release July 10, 2024 — 16 Comments

  1. Hmmm Which is water, which is dirt and which is air? I want Xiang Liu to be air! Jing can sleep in the dirt. 😆

    BTW, I discovered you a long long time ago from your work of this novel. Thank you for your labor of love.

    • My humble opinion is that Xiang Liu is water, Jing is air and Zhuan Xu is dirt….

      Me too, I learnt to love this novel from Koala’s Playground too. Eternally grateful to Koala for all your hardwork in translating this epic novel. Really hope Season 2 will stay close to the novel story line as much as possible. Cannot wait for July 10 to arrive…

  2. I know there is no chance for Cang Xuang but he is my favourite of the 3 main leads. What if they were alternate endings with all the male leads? Too much wishful thinking?

  3. We can only blame china regulations for making those stupid rules😭😭😭
    I plan on rewatching S1 to get myself pumped up (although I am already pumped a bit) and refresh my memory

  4. I still like BBJX more. I dropped LYF because I was so drained out with how she went back and forth with the two guys.

  5. Discovered this novel from this site and never once i dislike Xiang Liu. Still one of my fave novel male characters. Tan Jianci has given justice to this character. And no matter what, i still dislike Jing. It’s easy to tell that the endong wont change much, still love the story, and understand the ending but… still longing for Xiang Liu’s happy ending.

    Joy of Life season 2 was amazing. Eventho the last 2 episodes were done too hurriedly but still love it. Hope the 2nd season of LYF will have the same energy and vibe as the 1st.

    • Yes, Jing should just keep sleeping :). Or let Xiang Liu become him, like with Bei. Then Xiao Yao can have both men at the same time, haha.

      • I hope Jing Sleep throughout season 2! I prefer CX and XL, I hope to see them on screen more together next season too!

    • It would have been a one part drama but bcs of china regulations that dramas can’t exceed 40 eps they had to split it into 2 parts

  6. Funny I feel the same about the long wait for LYF. Be nice if they didn’t have the long break.
    Love Cang Xuan. On screen very good pair.
    Can’t stand the fox both novel and onscreen.
    Xiang Liu-I felt the drama did him injustice as in it kinda shows Xiao Yao rejected him -esp at the beach drowning scene, and the reactions from Xiang Liu. I felt that scene took something off him. The drama shows full on Xiao Yao n fox relationship n no chance for Xiang Liu. Am not happy with that.
    Love Cang xuan

  7. They better not butcher Cang Xuan’s arc in this season because he’s supposed to be the most important character in the sceond half…

  8. Since I saw the drama before reading anything of the book, Tan Jian Ci’s Xiang Liu is THE Xiang Liu for me. The book never lets us see his POV until the end, which doesn’t work as well for me. I also prefer Yang Zi’s version of Xiao Yao than the book. Jing, either book or drama, I can’t scrape off me fast enough. I’m also hoping they don’t mess up Cang Xuan in season 2.

    And yes, THANK YOU, for translating LYF into English and sharing it with us.

  9. I just wished they aired it in one go & I love that the drama follows the novel exactly. The casting is spot on too. Superb drama.

  10. Xiang Liu’s fans seem to have forgotten how he abused her in the beginning.He is a scary red flag.Jing is the only one who loves her selflessly.

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