
Pan Yue Ming and Dylan Wang Team Up to Crack Cold Cases in Procedural Modern C-drama Light to the Night — 13 Comments

  1. Ah yes, the good old veteran actor carrying the young one who can’t cut it in anything serious and then the young one grabs all the success attempt. Classic cent.

  2. I like what I see in the trailer so far. Pan Yueming hasn’t disappoint me so far in his dramas which I’ve seen.

      • Wang Hedi now has two dramas which I’m looking forward to. Guardians of the Dafeng and this.

      • Me too…I am aware he has some limitations but I like his soul…and of course his looks. He has positive and sunny energy around him, he give such energy to many who works with him. He is also humble enough to improve o his weakness… I hope he is taking voice training lessons.

        Dylan, keep going and keep smiling. 🥳🥳

  3. Pingback:Pan Yue Ming and Dylan Wang Team Up to Crack Cold Cases in Procedural Modern C-drama Light to the Night | Parlour News Korea

  4. I find Dylan to be such an adorkable young man, and I do think he has potential, even though I get what you mean about cosplaying, at least in Only for Love. Still, I think he can do comedy pretty well, so I am looking forward to this show. Also for Ren Min, who I think has so much potential too (that was completely unexploited in The Longest Promise).

  5. I’ll be interested in Dylan’s dramas, but not the ones costarring with any veteran actors. Is it necessary? Time again and again dramas like this with a veteran actor pairing with a liuliang proved to be failures. I only see some successful Kdramas with similar casting, not any in Cdrama though.

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